Author: girex Homepage: Date: 17/04/2009 CMS: flatnux-2009-03-27 site: Bugs: Multiple remote vulnerabilities Flatnux suffers of multiple local file inclusions: (output of my scanner) Line: 10 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/00_News/admin.php require_once("sections/".sectionlocation($_FN['vmod'])."/functions.php"); Line: 6 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/02_Flatforum/search.php include ("sections/$module/config.php"); Line: 8 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/06_Download/section.php include ("sections/$_FNVMOD/config.php"); Line: 3 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/08_Files/search.php include ("sections/$module/config.php"); Line: 30 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/10_Login/section.php include ("sections/{$_FN['vmod']}/config.php"); Line: 14 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/none_Control_Center/section.php require_once ("sections/{$_FN['vmod']}/cc_functions.php"); Line: 2 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_alpha/theme.php include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php"); Line: 2 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_dhtml2/theme.php include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php"); Line: 2 File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_green/theme.php include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php"); Now see... File: /include/xmldb.php - Lines: 433-447 if (isset ($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'] != "") { if (eregi('.php', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php3', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php4', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php5', $_FILES["$key"]['name'])) <== { touch("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key/" . $_FILES["$key"]['name']); } else { if (!file_exists("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid")) mkdir("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid"); if (!file_exists("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key")) mkdir("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key"); move_uploaded_file(realpath($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']), "$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key/" . $_FILES["$key"]['name']); <== As you can see the script checks for .php .php3/4/5 extensions but what about .phtml extension? Depending of web server configuration .phtml can be interpreted as php code. To upload a file you need a valid login. You can get the upload module at the URLs: - /path/index.php?mod=08_Files where 08 is the default number but it can be different (max 20 i think) or - /path/index.php?mod=none_Files Remember that you need aĆ¹to be authenticated. Now upload your shell with .phtml extension and retrieve its link. If the web server does not interprets .phtml files as php files you can upload a .txt file with malicious code (ex ) And include it with one of local file inclusions reported before. So you can obtain a Remote Command Execution depending of php.ini configuration becouse lfi's works with: register_globals = On magic_quotes_gpc = Off Too see the php.ini configuration you can use this phpinfo() disclosure: - /path/sections/none_Control_Center/phpinfo.php or - /path/sections/10_Control_Center/phpinfo.php where 10 can be different number (max 20 i think) # [2009-04-20]