Dr. Bertell Preliminary Study Has Begun

Sponsored by Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA)

See information on the Dr. Bertell Project at: http://www.calweb.com/~welsh/bertell.htm Please distribute this information to anyone interested.

A preliminary study is now underway.  Cahra is gathering information so that Dr. Bertell, (using her doctorate degree in Biometry, the design of epidemiological research and the mathematical analysis of bio-medical problems), can design the final study of the reported cases of electomagnetic technology harassment.  Dr. Bertell is now working with a medical doctor.  This doctor has worked on biological warfare issues for years and has testified before congress about scientific evaluations she has conducted. 

Please send in any evidence of targeting by electromagnetic technology. This doctor is looking for 'hard' evidence' to be convincing.  She stated: "The signs and fields are necessary.  Then the claims have a solid context and become fully credible. ...I am surprisingly conservative and should be good at sorting out symptoms and signs.  ...Govt commissions reports from committees [that] are set up to give the wrong answers.  People like you and I need to control the entire process to prevent corruption."

Dr. Bertell will review the findings of this preliminary study and a summary will be sent by September 1st, 2000 to all people who have submitted information, barring unforeseen delays.


- Any electromagnetic fields people have detected or measured.
- Any illnesses that people think may have resulted from the targeting to
which they have been exposed.
- Any related symptoms, especially if documented by medical records. 

Send COPIES of medical records only.  Or you may send typed summaries.  Originals cannot be returned. -Any contact information of professionals who know or may contribute information on this issue for documentation purposes. -Any scientific articles or information on this subject relevant to what you think is going on and that will help in the documentation process. This is an opportunity to influence an open minded professional and to be included in a study on a problem directly affecting your life. -No information is irrelevant if it happened to you.  Please send it so that the study is realistic and reflects your experience, NO MATTER HOW STRANGE IT MAY SOUND.


Currently this doctor is working an 80 hour work week.   She is not able to see individual cases at this time or to answer any requests. This medical doctor has recently experienced undeniable intimidation tactics as a result of her work and regrets her need to remain anonymous at this time.   Her extensive professional experience and expertise and especially her willingness to scientifically evaluate this  issue are rare as most who are familiar with this issue understand.
Any information sent to the Dr. Bertell Project will be used for the Dr. Bertell Project only. Submissions must be typed unless it will prevent you from sending in your information. Submissions can NOT be returned.  Any submissions will remain anonymous unless a statement giving permission to use your name is submitted along with your information. 

Send submissions postmarked no later than May 1, 2000 to CAHRA, Dr. Bertell Project, 915 Zaragoza St. Davis, CA  95616.  

Even though I have made arrangements with the post office, PLEASE INCLUDE IN THE ADDRESS, "CAHRA" , SO THAT THERE ARE NO MIX UPS IN THE POSTAL DELIVERY.  For any questions or further information, please contact Cheryl Welsh, email: welsh@calweb.com or phone: 530 758-1626 or address: 915 Zaragoza St. Davis, CA  95616.


 To all who have made donations to the Dr. Bertell Project.  Without your
help, this project would not have been possible.