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Conferences and Workshops

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If you have or know of any Conferences or Workshop you can submit them here.
Anything not suited for this site will not be added to the list.

Mind Control Fourm will list events as we find them or are notified about them. They are here for your information. We can't endorse the meeting as we don't personally know of all of them. We also cannot guarantee that individuals, groups, conferences, or books are pro-survivor. If you are familiar with these please let us know. If you are not please check out all meetings in advance for details before you plan to attend. As a safety measure please try and take a support person with you if you plan to attend.

June 25 – 27, 2004

PTSD Clinic at Vancouver General Hospital: Vancouver’s 3rd Annual Trauma Conference Vancouver, Canada. Information: Anne Dietrich, PhD; Greg Passey, MD, FRCPC, PTSD Clinic, 805 West Broadway, Suite #1702, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K1,,

July 10, 2004

Utah Committee Against Ritual Abuse Survivor Workshop: Overcoming the Effects of Early TraumaSalt Lake City, UT. Information: Jeanne Adams at 801-737-0178, or

September 16 – 24, 2004

The Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute: 9th Annual Conference San Diego, CA. Information:, 858-623-2777 x 442

October 9, 2004

Utah Committee Against Ritual Abuse Survivor Workshop: Survival Skills for the Holiday Season Salt Lake City, UT. Information: Jeanne Adams at 801-737-0178, or