Thomas A. Dorman, M.D.

Articles Related to Mind Control


Toxic Psychiatry
Frontal Lobes
Pharmacology "to the Rescue"
Corruption of Science
Psychiatry and the Law
Influence in Education
Encouraging News
Dr. Dorman, MD
Thomas A. Dorman, M.D.
Web site:


Excerpts of an Article
by Thomas A. Dorman, M.D.

In the latter part of the 19th Century, in Leipzig, Germany, the notion of  "the mind as a machine" acquired official acceptance. According to Professor Wilhelm Wundt (1832 - 1920), the founder of experimental psychology, life is but an accident in the physical world. His notion of the mind as a machine was in conflict with the religious belief of God-given life. Over the decades since, the political harvest of Wundt's psychological ideas has been extraordinarily wicked.

The allocation by Nazis of non-Aryans into the inferior category of Untermensch, and the gassing of Jews and others with cyanide are historical examples. The slightly sillier philosophy of a Communist "worker's paradise" under Lenin and his heirs led to the longest tyranny, and is an embarrassment to the human story. These political horrors are the natural children of Wundt. Here in America we need to be careful. We believe that the human soul is unique in each person. Religious people speak of a spark of God. This Republic was created on the basis of individual responsibility and freedom, respect of property rights and freedom of the mind.

Mistaken psychological ideas have permeated our civilization, have been dressed with "scientism," and have served devilish purposes to the detriment of humankind. We need to preserve the freedoms of the spirit and the soul.


Toxic Psychiatry

The Role of Psychiatry in Mind Control
by Thomas A. Dorman, M.D.

The evolution of Psychology as a discipline is touched on briefly in the side panel of this newsletter. We trace its origins to the Physiologist Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, during the last quarter of the past Century. Subsequently, Ivan Pavlov in Imperial Russia interpreted the conditioned reflex in animals. Later it was espoused by the Communist Soviet Union, and disseminated through Pavoly's intellectual disciples; the principal supporter in America being B.F. Skinner.

It is important to follow the intellectual lineage of the main protagonists, because in science, even more than in animal husbandry, the leaders may represent the Judas goat. Whether these individuals are acting at their own behest, or whether they are beguiled into believing their own theories, is an interesting but moot point.

It remains an observation that once a trend begins in the mind of a scientist, his funding and the bureaucratic establishment around his university department perpetuate existing ideas tenaciously. The Providers of Funds determine the direction of research, and thereby the direction of science and medicine. Indirectly, in medicine, they therefore determine everyone's treatment. It is hard for me to judge which is more sinister: the control of science, or the control of medicine. In the discussion which follows, they go hand in hand.

This article will demonstrate how the branch of medicine called Psychiatry has been perverted, and how it has inflicted untold harm on our society in the name of science. Psychiatry, incidentally, is still being used in this pseudo-scientific cloak to bring humanity, as a herd, under the umbrella of The New World Order. It is the primal blueprint for mind control.



In 1933 American Psychiatrists organized the first standard manual for the categorizing of "mental illnesses." It was entitled the Standard Classified Nomenclature of Disease (DSM). This group of psychiatrists evolved into the American Psychiatric Association. In 1952 they published their own manual, defining 112 mental disorders, including such things as psychotic disorders, neurosis and sexual deviation (including homosexuality). Schizophrenia was then labeled as psychogenic (this has since changed).

In 1968 the manual of the American Psychiatric Association was revised, the number of disorders increased to 163. Interestingly, eight new sexual deviance categories were defined, and thirteen new categories of alcoholic disorders were defined. Additionally, seven behavior disorders of childhood were invented.

Real "growth" occurred in 1980 when DSM (Standard Classified Nomenclature of Disease) was published by American Psychiatrists. Now there were a total of 224 psychiatric disorders! The category of sexual deviations was changed to Psychosexual Disorders, with an addition of fourteen new types. But most notably, homosexuality was removed as a deviation. This was the major flagrant example of political influence. The committee of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) determined these matters based on a vote from its membership. The result was 5,854 supporting, and 3,810 opposing change.

This is science? Are we not rather presented with a clear example of how lobbying, influenced peddling, and political action affects what is ostensibly science? Does this instill confidence in the value of psychiatry, especially when you hear a Psychiatrist testify in court on the scientific basis for his opinion?

In his masterful book Psychiatry - The Ultimate Betrayal, Bruce Wiseman quotes Psychiatrist Walter Afield: "I was just talking last weekend to somebody who was on the commission to do the DSM-IV (Standard Classified Nomenclature of Disease IV) that was to be published. I said "Well, now, tell me: Homosexuality used to be considered a disease, and then it was not considered a disease. What is it going to be in DSM-IV?" His answer: 'Oh, we've totally cured it now. It doesn't exist...'"

DSM-IV III added thirty-two new mental disorders in the Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence section, including the notorious Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and a host of other conditions, such as Separation Anxiety Disorder and Over-anxious Disorder. Illnesses stemming from the use of chemical substances (marijuana) went from 21 to 57. These included "organic" mental disorders.

The political negotiation swaying the introduction of new "disorders" was also illustrated by Psychiatry's attempt to explain away crimes with pseudo- scientific labels. The term paraphilik rapism, later euphemistically changed to paraphilik coercive disorder, was such an attempt to excuse rape. Masochistic Personality Disorder was proposed for women who are deliberate victims in abusive marriages. The failure of the women's lobby to eliminate that preposterous label contrasts with the success, mentioned earlier, of the homosexual lobby.

In short, the whole business of creating psychiatric categories of "disease," formalizing them with consensus, and subsequently ascribing diagnostic codes to them, which in turn leads to their use for insurance billing, is nothing but an extended racket furnishing Psychiatry a pseudo- scientific aura. The perpetrators are, of course, feeding at the public trough.

This scandal has spread to a host of bureaucrats, insurance scams, and a bevy of "hangers on." Mad, sad and crazy people have existed since the dawn of Civilization. Unfortunately. There is no evidence that the modern classification helps these people, neither, unfortunately, is there any evidence that modern treatment is of any use - at least not the "official" psychiatric treatment. The classification has, however, afforded society a way to dispose of these people at times and, until the legislation in the 1950's (which abolished the asylums), schizophrenics were removed from society. The advent of chemical treatment has allowed the closure of most of these asylums so the patients returned to society at large, living more or less normally, and more or less like zombies.

To some extent this has been a mixed blessing. The stress of modern living has unquestionably led to a lot of sadness. The labels have changed from just sadness to melancholia, to depressive disorders and, laterally, into the whole panoply of the classificatory verbiage in DSM-IV. The disease of schizophrenia has remained obstinately hard to cure. Bringing it into the category of organic disease has so far not helped, although a number of attempts to look for a biochemical abnormality have repeatedly sparked interest. This interest, however, soon petered out.

The debate regarding "the mind as a machine" has persisted since Descartes proposed a separation of the mind from the body/machine in 1637.


Frontal Lobes

The destruction of the front part of the human brain, the prefrontal leucotomy (or lobotomy as it came to be called) was practiced extensively from 1936 through the late 1950's. It was advanced predominantly in America, mostly for profit and fame.

This abomination has mutilated an estimated 100,000 or more individuals world wide.(5) The horrendous aspect of this operation is that it made its victims (patients) more docile, more manageable.

Perhaps there is justification for this approach in the event a patient's condition is truly a horror. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm and profit associatedwith these operations resulted in what is now generally agreed to be grossly excessive use. Rightly this recognition has placed the operation into disrepute. Fortunately it is no longer available to anyone at all, at least not officially. However, there are rumors that in some countries the operation is still occasionally performed; without any publicity, of course.


Pharmacology "to the Rescue"

The early 1950's saw the advent in of chlorpromazine, called Largactil in Britain and Europe, and Thorazine in America. This drug signaled the transformation of Psychiatry. A multitude of pharmacological interventions have progressed since then. It is probably right to say that this widely used group of drugs are chemical lobotomies.

As the Patents of the early drugs ran out, seemingly spontaneously new modifications of the molecules appeared. Such modifications emerged from research funded, of course, by the Pharmaceutical Industry. Incidentally, all these chemical modifications are variations of the antihistamine type I molecules.

An interesting tripartite conspiratorial play came into being. The players are:

  1. The profession of psychiatry
  2. The pharmaceutical companies
  3. The regulatory authorities (FDA).

This "trinity" has the cunning of the devil.

The pharmaceutical companies have seduced the professional associations, such as the American Psychiatric Association, which in turn conducts extensive research on the effect of pharmaceuticals, filtering out unfavorable information.

Most University departments, funded by the large foundations(6), generate the "research." This "research" is weighed in at the FDA, and leads to the authorization of these new pharmaceuticals for the treatment of American psychiatric conditions.

The number of these "psychiatric conditions" is increasing exponentially side by side with the growing business of Psychiatry; the definition of the "diseases" being quite arbitrary and profitably feeding into this plot.


Corruption of Science

Said "trinity" has corrupted that branch of medicine called "Psychiatry" to such an extent that, at least in this writer's opinion, it justifies its complete closure.

Patients who trustingly see their doctor with a view to obtaining help, are in fact arbitrarily labeled with a diagnosis. Management of their problem usually is with a drug which is almost always harmful - at least in the long- run. Many of these drugs have apparent, yet transitory beneficial effects. They almost always block some biochemical moiety or other in the brain, leading to diminution in symptoms, but never to a cure of the underlying problem.

We have entered into an era of psycho-pharmacology. The number of drugs available for treatment of psychiatric disease has increased exponentially, as has the number of pharmacological categories ascribed to them. Perhaps the most dangerous are those which temporarily allay anxiety and phobias (benzodiazepines and their congeners.)

For instance, alprazolam (Xanax) is one of the most popular drugs, and coincidentally the greatest financial earner for the UpJohn Pharmaceutical Company. This drug clearly has an important addictive property. Incidentally, the same company, UpJohn, received notoriety by promoting Halcion, a sedative, later removed from the American market.

It is important to note that the phenomenon of the introduction of new miracle cures, which later prove addictive, and which are replaced by new miracle cures, has gone on since 1890 when morphine was touted by the proto- psychiatrists of the last Century as a cure for anxiety, and in fact as a cure for addictive problems.

This phenomenon, this con, has continued unchanged since then. In preparation of this article, I turned to Medline, the official bibliography of the National Institute of Health database. I selected articles which listed toxic effects or other disadvantageous effects of Xanax, and I found over 150 articles by these criteria alone! The most important side effect is difficulty of withdrawal.

As a concerned physician it is my opinion that prescribing medications in this category, except for very short periods and exceptional circumstances, is nothing short of malpractice. Yet, unquestionably, this drug will continue as a major financial 'engine' for UpJohn.


Psychiatry and the Law

So pervasive is the influence of the Wundtian heritage that in almost every jurisdiction in America we have laws arrogating certain decisions to psychiatrists alone… Courts have determined that issues of responsibility should be determined by the judgement of professionals. Psychiatrists are considered to be such professionals, frequently called on to judge and testify regarding criminal behavior.


Influence in Education

Even more alarming is the penetration of Wundtian Psychiatry into the realm of education. This is reflected in the multiplication of diagnoses applied to increasing numbers of youths ("learning disabilities") by government-regulated school authorities. Here the (golden) triangle of corruption has slightly different variations.

These children, who often genuinely have a problem (about which more later) attract more money to the school from the centrally-controlled budgets. It is not surprising that the corruption leads to more of these "diagnoses." As noted earlier, this is part of the burgeoning categorization in DSM-IV.

At present, only one-half of our children do not have a "psychiatric label." This fits in well with Goals 2000, which has been a long-term project of the insiders since the work of John Dewey in the 1930's. It is Dewey who established the first teacher training college at Columbia.

The consensus of the educators has now shifted. Education is no longer to be the awakening of the intelligent mind to explore for himself. Rather, it has become a tool for adjusting attitudes which encourage socialist control - The New World Order. This social engineering, which has gone in America for over a Century, is of gargantuan proportions, of gradual progress, and of insidious infiltration.

It is destroying our civilization on such a broad front that it includes the destruction of professionalism and the destruction of the true scientific method. It is destroying logical thinking as well as the ethics of the civil servants. The ethics of the pharmaceutical business has long gone.

What is left is the principle of individualism in America; the reliance on oneself. These characteristics were the hallmark of the "proto-American" after the establishment of this great Republic. Gradually this unique society has been converted to that of sheep heading for the "engine," an engine of destruction.

How has this all come about? Is it conceivable that this is a continuous plot? Who would wish such a disaster on a once wonderful civilization? The authors of the protocols are unknown. However, theobvious use of the control of funds and bribes has led inexorably to the gradual erosion of standards.

We are living at a time which could appropriately be called the 11th hour. Only a small proportion of free-thinking individuals remain in this Republic, and very few, indeed, are those who will look at the whole spectrum of events in our society and recognize a trend in them all - the phenomenon of specialization.



In attempting to deal with complex issues of great and general concern, as for instance the role of psychiatry in shaping the modern world, it is necessary to look at the broad spectrum of human affairs. The problem is self evident. Who will take responsibility for unpleasant conclusions? The Specialist, of course.

By definition a specialist is an individual with a narrow perspective. It is only the profession of psychiatry (and its little brother psychology) which have arrogated to themselves the role of deciding matters of general concern as specialists or professionals. In our naïve way the Judiciary, as well as the rest of society, has let them get away with it.

Ostensibly our politicians are our guardians. Unfortunately the rot of corruption has infected that group the most. ("Protocols" referred to above refers to their "cupidity," their avarice, or greed.")


Encouraging News

A logical question for any rational person who himself, or whose loved ones are faced with what appears to be a psychiatric illness is: what can be done?

To understand the answer, please remember that the majority of people suffer from organic disease. Clinicians should first of all remember that emotional stress associated with a chronic illness or a painful condition can alter the patient's temperament. In my practice I have run across countless people with chronic back pain who were labeled neurotic. A typical statement from these poor patients is "I thought I really was going crazy."

Many of these poor sufferers were sent from one practitioner to another, via the intervention of social workers, insurance case workers, case managers, rehabilitation experts and a host of psychologists and even psychiatrists. Yet, the only real problem may have been simply an undiagnosed ligament problem in the back.

It is even more salutary that for chronic illnesses the patient may well have a biochemical disturbance which does not register on the usual basic tests. It must be remembered that each person is different biochemically. What is normal for one may be abnormal for another. Additionally, not every individual develops the same illness from a particular form of poisoning or intoxication, e.g., from heavy metals such as mercury.

The patient's response to internal chemical imbalances may depend on their own individual chemical and genetic make-up. Today it is possible to analyze much of this internal constitution. For instance, plasma amino acid analysis yields information which allows a savvy clinician to customize a replacement mixture of these amino acids, which usually corrects most emotional disorders.

The Naturopathic profession has amassed a bank of knowledge pertaining to the use of herbs and natural remedies which are salutary in their power over disease. These remedies cannot be patented, of course; they are natural products. Consequently, they have been marked for neglect by the Pharmaceutical Industry, and as a result of their considerable financial influence, these remedies are neglected by the medical profession.

You do not hear of research projects on the benefit of Kava kava (an excellent agent in anxiety). This author has conducted a double-blind controlled cross-over study (the modern methodological standard for evaluating drugs) on a natural product called Garum Armoricum (Stabilium). The study showed, with excellent statistical analysis, the marked benefit of this fish extract in cases of free-floating anxiety. (See Dec. 1996 issue of this newsletter.)

This product contains a combination of select amino acids and a few essential fatty acids, presumably the sources of its benefit. There are no addictive properties; it is entirely safe. It goes without saying that publication of the research in an "Establishment" journal was refused. The research was published in The Journal of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM).

The "alternative" Physician, i.e, the Hippocratic Physician, who is not a lackey of the pharmaceutical/ administrative/ bureaucratic complex - takes the time to evaluate the patient thoroughly. His assessment might include the evaluation of the absorption of nutrients from the intestines, a metabolic and hormonal perspective. After optimally assisting the balancing of the body, if residual symptoms are still present, natural products are likely to be used. The list of such products is quite large. Treatment may include such common vitamins as niacinamide in doses greatly above the RDAs, or plant extracts like hypericin, ginseng, skull cap, gingko, avena, crataegus, and others. All of these are available at low cost from health food stores. The vast majority of "psychiatric illnesses" are best managed through this rational holistic approach. The whole panoply of the interaction between Psychiatry, "officialdom," and the Pharmaceutical Industry is nothing but an expensive hoax perpetrated on an unsuspecting public leading to the destruction of true science, medicine and health.



It is a paradoxical observation that the resources available on the subject are multiple and yet poorly distributed. Unfortunately, it is not practical, in this article, the length of which is governed by the size of this newsletter, to reproduce whole books. Readers are strongly encouraged to obtain the texts for themselves. The important ones are listed in the references.



  1. Braggin Peter: Toxic Psychiatry - A psychiatrist speaks out. 1991, Martin's Press, New York.
  2. Martin J. Walker, Dirty Medicine. Slingshot Pub. BPM, Box 8314, London WC1N 3XX, England. 1993.
  3. Psychiatrists - The Men Behind Hitler. Thos. Röder, Volkar Kubillus and Anthony Burwell. Freedom Pub. Los Angeles, CA 98028 (Ph:800-307-1211).
  4. Wiseman, Bruce. Psychiatry - The Ultimate Betrayal. Freedom Pub. Los Angeles, 6331 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028. Pub 1995. p352.
  5. Wiseman, Bruce. Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal. Pg 160. Freedom. Los Angeles, 6331 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028. 1995.
  6. Wormser, Rene. Foundations: Their Power and Influence. The Devin- Adair Co. New York, 1958.
  7. Abraham Hoffer. Molecular Medicine for Physicians. Keith Pub., New Canaan, Con.1989.


received 1-29-2002