Detecting Psychotronics
With Tin Foil

by Joan Siegemund and Kathy Kasten


Letter from Joan Siegemund
Letter from Kathy Kasten
Large Graphic of the Tin Foil       

From:  Joan Siegemund   c/o husband Ralf

Subject: Evidence for benefits


Just reread your resume on your MCF site and my eye caught what it did not catch before: that the govt does not believe you are the victim of microwaves. The evidence, as my tin foil-covered window has told me in clear tones, is but a roll of tin foil away.

We covered our windows completely with tinfoil and after initially getting only tiny holes, we then found much better evidence of strange things from the sky--and from much closer. Patterns in various shapes, some in vertical pulse lines and others with angular whale-bone type with one series of parallel lines (in this case 3) going off at angle to another set that is more radiating, not parallel.

The tinfoil must completely cover an access window so that the waves must pass through them, and it is easier for them to pass through window than walls.

This, together with fax paper or other paper with ink of any pen preferably a wide-tip felt marker should, I imagine, constitute some sort of indication that strange things have been coming through that cannot be explained otherwise.

I have sheets of paper on which I jotted down various notes, and while they lay beside the computer which is often getting interference, I watched in amazement as the ink blurred before my eyes. I showed this to Kathy, together with the tin foil and NY Times story which I will send you.

I will also include a piece of the black closed-cell foam rubber "skin" which may have to be worn in more than one layer, but which, because it is thin, is easily added to without being too bulky.


From:   Kathy Kasten

2/20/97: Last night I saw proof of microwave radiation. Yes, there are ways to capture the fact of microwave radiation. The proof consisted of two items: a piece of aluminum foil and a piece of fax paper.

Aluminum Foil: The piece of foil was about 24 inches by 12 inches (approximately). Besides the usual crinkling of the foil there were additional lines - very distinctive lines - very straight lines. These etched lines showed obvious pulsing and they were very straight. Depending on how long a single piece of foil is utilized - in attempts to block the pulsing microwave energy - will determine how many lines are etched in the foil. For each pass, a new line appears. This shows that the microwave beam is traveling across the targeted field.

So, if you think you are targeted by satellite platform microwave radiation, be sure to hang some foil in the window. You will need to decide which window, because the satellites continue in the same orbit, but the Earth turns. Experiment. Put the foil up in all windows. Collect proof that you are on the receiving end of microwave radiation.

Fax Paper: First, push the "copy" button on the fax machine - this will only work with fax paper which is thermal coated. Retrieve "blank" sheet of paper. Place the paper - coated side up - next to your computer. Log onto the computer. If the ground scanner in your neighborhood is alert and is being paid to block and/or retrieve files, sit and watch the paper as it develops the spectral lines. Sometimes it helps to write on the paper with fine line felt tips pens - then you can watch the ink as it spreads.

Simple techniques to gather evidence that you are being radiated are brought to you care of Joan, a target individual in Los Angeles. I know these techniques work, I saw these pieces of evidence with my own eyes.

