Information Sought re
Design for Living, Inc.
Dr. Freund

From Lynne Moss-Sharman, E-mail , of  ACHES-MC

Does anyone remember being taken to a location that had a sign inside, "Design for Living Incorporated"? I wonder if this is connected to the "Human Ecology Foundation" as a front for research grant monies. The reason I ask is last week I did a series of drawings further to the grid breakthrough ... what I drew was a series of interlocking room size cages (not bars, but like square steel 'mesh' like a frost fence but square not diamond shaped). The rooms led sequentially into each other. I had to do or say certain things (with the usual 'encouragements') before I went into the next grid "room". What I remember them saying is that they were (paraphrasing) re-visiting prenatal development ... that I, and the others, had to be re-programmed to wipe out whatever my brain had 'constructed' pre-natally the first time round. There is more, but I just wondered if this was familiar to anyone here. It was pretty bad. To put it mildly. This is the next stage in the uncovering of the H non-human, machine self of me ... the grid is becoming clearer. Also: I had To wear goggles during some of the 'passages' through these Grid 'cage rooms'.

It was so clear and so creepy. I have been working up to seeing this stuff in its entirety for a long time. A name that came with this memory was a Dr. Susan(?) Freund. Damned if I wasn't watching a Saturday Night Live rerun from last fall last night ... and "Norm McDonald" has a news item up about a Dr. Kurt Freund "who studied deviant sexual arousal ... dies at 82" ... This Freund would fit into the 50's, 60's team of CIA doctors ... it never stops does it?
