
Many individuals involved with the remote viewing program had an interest in ufology, which is not surprising considering the overall paranormal mood of the project. While there were variations, most of these individuals shared a specific view of ufology: that there are alien built structures on Mars and under the earth's surface, and that the aliens were victims of an environmental cataclysm, one that the earth may share in the future.

While it's probable that these ideas were shared due to verbal transmission, other possibilities including cueing during ufo-related remote viewing sessions or a shared experience of objective reality. I tend to shy away from the last possibility: most of the information is unverifiable, and the few details that are even open to verfication (primarily predicitions) didn't check out.

During some of the slower periods of the operational remote viewing history, the viewers and monitors would sometimes keep busy by viewing paranormal phenomena, including aliens. There were also reportedly some official ufo-related targets, but these were of a much less dramatic nature.

Some of the individuals involved in the military remote-viewing project that held these beliefs include:

There has also been an expressed interest in aliens and UFOs by John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Dale Graff, Christopher Green, and Hal Puthoff, though not necessarily the same scenario described above.

[Note: Yes, I'm leaving out a lot of references to pages contained in the Web relating to ufology - here are just the individuals directly involved with the military RV program.]


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