From: (Gary Stollman)
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 92 20:05:01 GMT
Summary: How this government destroyed my life...

I am Gary Stollman, the person who pulled the toy gun on Tv Consumer Advocate David Horowitz on live television at the set of KNBC in 1987, forcing him to read a statement on the air about how the CIA and aliens had replaced my family and friends with clones. I gained access to the studios because my father, Max Stollman, had been a reporter for the station as a spokesman for pharmacy. My father is a pharmacist, and owner of our pharmacy, Family Pharmacy, in Beverly Hills, California. He is a past president of the California Pharmacists Association and the winner of a nationwide prize for being the best pharmacist in the country.

In 1981, while attending school in Tallahassee, Florida, it became apparent to me that I had people in my classes who were placed there for the sole purpose of spying on me and driving me insane. These facts were beared out by several sources, including a friend whose father worked for the CIA who had obtained my file and had urged me repeatedly to get off of computers, telling me that they didn't trust people on computers and would ruin my life. I didn't believe at the time that this could be possible, and so ignored his warnings. It soon became evident that he was correct.

In December of 1981, I was forced to sign myself into a small mental facility in town by a counselor at Tallahassee Community College, who had refused to allow me to continue my studies unless I did so, after I had brought the things happening in my classes to her attention. In the hospital, my father called me on a pay phone, and asked me if I knew if the conversation was being monitored. This was a total shock, as my dad has no knowledge of such things, and could have only meant that he was being forced to ask it by someone over him, and that he was probably confined in some kind of government prison camp. He then said other things which indicated to me that this was indeed the case. Then my sister called me and told me that my brother-in-law had gone insane from the EXACT same kind of things which had been happening to me for the past six or seven months. I was totally shocked, as he was one of the strongest guys I had ever met, when I had flown to New York for her wedding to him that year. She said he had lost his job because of it, and when she put him on the phone I asked him desperately exactly what kinds of things had happened, but he was so upset and nervous that he couldn't even speak about it. I immediately went to one of the doctors there and demanded to be released. She told me that I had the right to sign myself out, and I asked for the form to sign. She reluctantly gave it to me, telling me that she didn't think I was READY to be released. I filled out the form, and she asked me if I would sign another form to sign myself back in again. I adamantly refused, and she went into a closed room with some other people who "worked" there. After I had gotten off the phone with my sister, I had demanded to see these other workers IDs, and they told me they didn't have to show me their IDs.

After a few minutes, the door to the room opened and this woman psychiatrist came out and told me I was being put on an emergency hold, and was being transferred to the main mental hospital in town. I immediately jumped on the phone and called up a friend of mine who worked at Florida State University and told him to get me an attorney. After a few minutes, some Sheriff's Deputies came into the facility and took me forcibly to the other hospital. At the other facility, I was told that I had the right to sign myself in voluntarily, but that if I didn't they would seek a court order to keep me there, a law known in Florida as the Baker Act. I felt it was in my best interest and so signed myself in. A few days later, an attorney from the Public Defenders Office, whom my friend had called, came by and told me to just sit tight and go along with it, and in a few days I would be released. My mother called me, and said things which indicated to me that somehow she was possibly in the same boat as I believed my father was. However, I kept my cool, and a few days later, I was transferred back to the smaller facility and shortly afterwards released.

Since that first unlawful and wrongful first admission, I have over the past ten years been forced ILEGALLY by forces beyond any normal human being's control into many mental hospitals. In some cases, my signature was actually forged on the admission forms to confine me. Most of the cases, however, involved either my "parents" or the police or other officials throwing me by physical force into locked wards, where I was told that if I wouldn't sign myself in VOLUNTARILY, they would go to court and have a judge put me into the facility involuntarily! I was coerced by these means to sign myself into long periods of confinement, far away from friends or family in some cases.

During the time previous to these things happening, I lived happily in Tallahassee, content on simply going to school, and becoming a computer programmer. However, I began to get strange phone calls from my parents, which indicated that something was wrong, although I couldn't put my finger on it at the time. When these calls went to the point of incredulity, I began to suspect that there were other, very powerful forces at work. I had been followed around the country for many years by people from California, who I believe were rich enemies I had accidently made in the course of living there and going to school. I began to have people bothering me while attending Grossmont Community College in San Diego during the period of 1971-1973. When I left there early, and used an inheritance from my grandmother to travel around the country looking for a 4-year school to go to, I began to notice cars from California with the same license numbers everywhere I went. I began to have people bother me at museums, national parks, etc., wherever I would go. I believe this may have all started from a bus trip I took when I was sixteen with a bunch of rich kids from Los Angeles. I got into a fight with a few of them over some girls on the bus, and they swore they would get even with me the rest of my life. If you don't think people are this crazy, you need to move to LA!

This story is much more involved that what I am putting on here in these few paragraphs, but suffice it to say that this involves the entire past government of Florida, and the past two administrations. After I was released from the first hospitalization, my mom came to see me, and I KNEW that it was NOT my real mother. The voice was different, and I have perfect pitch, and she almost ripped the door to my bedroom off with her bare hands. I went running off into the night in terror, and wound up driving to Cincinnati, where I was picked up by some police in events too involved and strange to get into in this note. For more information, I would suggest that you read past notes from the news groups alt.alien.visitors or alt.conspiracy, where I have been writing for some time.

The gist of this note is this. The things which have happened to me have been extremely severe and extremely serious. They indicate that the government has knowledge of alien beings and techniques involving the cloning of human beings and forces we can barely comprehend. It is also quite apparent that the government is bypassing the Constitution, to a degree which is scarcely believable. The entire telephone system of LA and Tallahassee has been subverted, and everyone I have contact with has reported having problems with their phones, and believe they are being tapped. From what I have read here on Usenet and the way I was placed into these hospitals with such ease, it is possible that the entire US medical profession has been overthrown, and replaced by clones. Now, I realize what I am saying, but you would need to review the kinds of things that I have gone through to understand the full implications of what I am saying.

In November of last year, my mom had a stroke, and had bypass surgery. Although she survived the operation, she was left paralzyed on the left side. I was in Tallahassee at the time, with my girlfriend, who was living with me. I gradually had a nervous breakdown, because of the situation regarding my mom, and wound up having things happen to me similar to the ones which have been going on for ten years. I ran out into the street and lay down on the ground, screaming for help of ANY kind. People began rushing up to me, asking how they could help. After a few minutes, other people came up and these people ran off. To try to describe actual events would make you hop the nearest plane to the most remote area in South America in terror. Suffice it to say that an ambulance came, and I was placed onto a stretcher and put in the back. I offered no resistance, and was taken to the Emergency Room at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. There I was unloaded and placed into a small room. Some people who were in the room began strapping me down to the stretcher with heavy tie-downs, all the time saying things about how "That's how we do it in Texas!", and similar bullshit. After running people in and out of the room for almost fifteen minutes, to see who they could trust, a "doctor" came in and pulled down my shorts and taking a scapel, cut my dick on each side. I bled profusely and screamed in agony but the nice man told me it would be over soon. Then without anyone stopping to help in any way or do anything, I was placed back in the ambulance and taken to Tallahassee Memorial Psychiatric Hospital, and throw into a locked room to lay and bleed. If I were to tell you what happened there, you would hop that plane, or call up NASA to see if there were any flights going to Mars. Suffice it to say that I, once again, had to check myself IN to get OUT. After two weeks of nightmarish events, I was discharged, and my girlfriend took me home.

The point of this note is THIS! WHY is the government of George Bush and Ronald Reagan still in power?! I know they sure wouldn't be if I had had the intelligence to simply walk out of the Burbank Police Station five years ago like I could have! Only my utter stupidity and fear of the unknown made me let myself be arrested, for the police did NOT want to arrest me. They wanted me to go into another mental hospital, and although I should have, I kept my mouth shut tight, and so they arrested me on trumped-up charges, and I have had to suffer a living hell for four years to avoid having a felony record. FSU has turned me down for re-admission, unless I go to another shrink, so I have decided on an alternate course for my life. I am going to be filing a lawsuit in a little time against the government that has done this to me. And I can only tell you this...If George Bush gets re-elected, you all had better find a flight to somewhere, preferably Tombago!

Gary Stollman Internet: GEnie: G.STOLLMAN


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