Michael Persinger

Michael Persinger


"When he was still with the Navy, Dr. Byrd was the contract manager for some of the research Michael Persinger did, on "neuro-impacts" of various EMFs and ELFs. Something about wave-propagation and influences on submariners if somebody 'beeped' them with mind-influencing EMF signals, etc."
"He was previously funded by Navy, and is/was a big buddy of C. B. Jones (Jones says) and other gov't signal propagation experts...for whom Persinger does/did work on "receptivity" and neuro-effects of external signals."
(Farley, Dick, "False Memory Spindrome")
"..did research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain for a Pentagon weapons project".
Former boss - Jack Vorona
(Brandt, Daniel, Mind Control and the Secret State)
"My research has not been 'funded by U.S. interests'. All of the money for our human research for the last 30 years has been from my personal income as a professor. The only funding ($10,000) we ever obtained from the U.S. was from the U.S. Navy, thanks to Eldon Byrd, to evaluate the effects of 0.5 Hz rotating magnetic fields upon the degranulation of mast cells in the rat brain. The effect was small but statistically significant." (Letter to Wes Thomas, 1/6/99)
Persinger feels that he is able to replicate alien abduction and other supernatural phenomena through the use of three solenoids (attached to a modified motorcycle helmet) passing a magnetic pulse through the frontal lobes of the brain.

Solenoids are called "magnetic coils" by psychiatrists, who use them as a non-intrusive alternative to implantable electrodes for stimulating the brain. (see Hallett, Mark and Cohen, Leonardo, "Magnetism: a New Method for Stimulation of Nerve and Brain", JAMA, 7/28/89, pg 530)

By controlling the nature of the magnetic fields, causing them to simulate brain patterns, Persinger is able to stimulate strong emotions and hallucinations, including the illusion of touch and movement. (Blackmore, Susan, "Alien Abduction: The Inside Story", New Scientist, 11/19/94, pg 29-31. Persinger is shown demonstrating this device on the British TV show Horizon entitled "Close Encounters", written and narrated by Susan Blackmore. For their efforts, both Persinger and Blackmore have been accused of being in the Aviary.)

In his studies of the paranormal and false memory, Persinger has used the Monroe Institute's hemisync tapes. There are several problems I have with this and other studies:
On the Board of Advisors for the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Informal advisor to SRI's remote viewing program.

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