by Adam Gorightly

Phillip K. Dick, the late schizoid Sci-Fi author and Ira (The Unicorn) Einhorn, sixties radical activist turned seventies New Age networker cum fugitive axe murderer, began a correspondence in early February of '78 centered around Dick's firmly held (on shaky ground) belief that the Russians were beaming psychotronic transmissions via satellite into his already somewhat disturbed mind.

According to Dick--often known for his far-out flights of paranoiac fancy--these "micro-wave boosted telepathic transmissions," as he called them, commenced on March 20, 1974, showering Dick with endless reams and streams of visual and audio data. Initially, this overpowering onslaught of messages Phil reluctantly received were extremely unpleasant and, as he termed them, "die messages."

Within the following week he reported being kept awake by "violet phosphene activity, eight hours uninterrupted." A description of this event in a fictionalized version appears in Dick's brilliant though demented anti-drug novel _A Scanner, Darkly_. The content of this phosphene activity was in the form of modern abstract graphics followed by Soviet Music serenading his head, in addition to Russian names and words appearing there as well. The ever speculating Phil conjectured that a radical drop in GABA fluid--in his brilliant but balmy brain--might've accounted for these strange voices and images, though he was at a loss to further explain exactly what would have precipitated such a drop in his GABA fluid, which conveniently lent more credence to his original theory, as crazy as it sounded to even his own buzzing ears, tuned into--as they were--this foreign frequency that had invaded his mind.

In recent years various info on remote mind control technology has filtered into the conspiracy research community through various fringe publications such as "Full Disclosure", "Resonance" and countless others including a Finnish gentleman by the name of Martti Koski and his booklet My Life Depends On You. Over the years Mr. Koski has been sharing with our mind controlled world at large his horrifying tale, documenting as it does the discovery of rampant brain tampering committed upon himself and others, including documents concerning one Robert Naeslund, another victim of brain-research. The perpetrators of these evil doings included, allegedly, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police(RMCP), The CIA and Finnish Intelligence among countless other covert intelligence agencies. (In Secret and Suppressed, edited by Jim Keith, a remote mind control testimonial appears entitled "An Open Letter To The Swedish Prime Minister Regarding Electromagnetic Terror", authored by the aforementioned R. Naeslund.)

Another legendary figure in the arcane annals of conspiracy research--and ranter extraordinaire--Kerry Wendell Thornley claims that while serving in the Marines with his buddy Lee Oswald, he became subject to just this sort of mind control scenario; having had planted--unbeknownst to him at the time--into the base of his neck, some sort of high tech implant which enabled Thornley to receive malevolent transmissions from Military Intelligence or others of that ilk, who were tampering with Thornley's brain for reasons far too complex to even attempt to broach at this time, as it would swerve us away from the topic at hand into even weirder realms concerning a genetic breeding experiment which Thornley believes he fell prey to at the hands of Nazi Controllers. (Refer to the Kenn Thomas' audio interview of Thornley available through "SteamShovel Press".)

Along this same twisted line, I'm reminded of an incident related to me a few years ago when a close friend of mine suffered a nervous breakdown, and was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic as a result of malevolent voices he was hearing in his head. My friend believed that a group called "The Laser People" were trying to drive him bonkers (and perhaps succeeded) via lasers, which were perhaps, more accurately, psychotronic devices beaming these voices his way.

He's doing better these days, I'm glad to say, due to a medication that quiets these voices in his mind. But I often wonder if, in fact, my friend was the unfortunate recipient of a mind control experiment. And if this is the case, then did his malevolent Controllers meet their objective, in that they now have another narcotized subject under their control, who poses no threat to their power control structure? I'm not implying my friend was some great threat to this power structure, but he was indeed a rebellious character, and if they could do this to him on an experimental basis, then maybe it would work on others whom the Invisible Government deems dangerous.

Dick initiated his correspondence with Ira Einhorn due to a letter written by Einhorn that Phil read in "CoEvolution" in early '78, which examined the work of Nicola Tesla vis-a-vis the transmission of electric energy through the ethers without aid of electrical power lines. From the mid to late seventies, Einhorn--also known as 'The Unicorn'--had constructed a vast network of contacts in the intent of creating, as he described it, " international conspiracy to make the planet more livable." Among these contacts was Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, author of several books including Fer-De-Lance--A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons which contends that the Russians--through the use of this hidden technology that Tesla discovered around the turn of the century--had been not only modifying US weather patterns with electromagnetic waves but as well had developed a 'death ray' which they were using in the late seventies/early eighties in Afghanistan.

Ira Einhorn--a sixties radical--first emerged to major media prominence as master of ceremonies for the first 'Earth Day' in Philadelphia, in 1970. This instant recognition gave Einhorn immediate access to the best minds of his generation. Furthermore, his networking and consulting skills not only enamored him with those in The New Age Movement, but also captured the imaginations of such corporate giants as AT&T who hired Einhorn as a consultant to better tap them into the New Age information highway that was just then underway.

Shockingly--on April 28, 1979--the remains of Einhorn's long time girlfriend, Holly Maddux, were found in a steamer trunk in Einhorn's apartment, the victim of an axe murder. Einhorn was subsequently arrested, but denied murdering Maddux, saying--in essence--that The CIA had set him up because of certain information he'd become privy to through his vast network of Aquarian Conspirators. Einhorn hired former Warren Commission lawyer Arlen Spector to represent him, which takes this tale on another sordid twist, in that Specter was the infamous creator of "The Magic Bullet Theory" which convicted a defenseless Lee Oswald from the grave. While out on bond, Einhorn skipped the country, and has been seen in recent years in Ireland--among other foreign countries--assuming a false identity with a new girlfriend. When in Ireland someone discovered his identity, The Unicorn promptly left for parts unknown, and the last I heard is still at large to this day.

Did The Unicorn perhaps stumble upon certain dark secrets regarding psychotronics and mind control that led him into a frame job by Intelligence Agents? The evidence against Einhorn--according to Steven Levy in The Unicorn's Secret: Murder in the Age of Aquarius --seemed quite incriminating. Even some of Einhorn's staunchist supporters--who, when informed of the Maddux murder, stood unflinchingly by his side--afterwards came to doubt Einhorn when the evidence became apparent that in fact he was most likely guilty of the crime. The one person who seems to have stood by Ira Einhorn all the way down the line was Tom Beardon, who--as stated before--shared many of the Unicorn's conspiracy theories regarding the use of psychotronics to monitor and control human behavior and modify weather patterns. Unfortunately, we'll probably never know the full story of what happened to Holly Maddux, and if this whole sordid tale was spun around a tangled web of psychotronics, murder and mind control with Ira Einhorn made the ceremonial scapegoat to a tragic conspiracy.

In all my readings of Dick, I've never once seen mention of anything in regards to brain implants, which I find rather odd in that all the other cases where I've researched this sort of brain tampering, implants seem always to play a pivotal role. Personally, I believe Phil might've received a brain implant during dental surgery which occurred just prior to his fabled first visit from VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System) chronicled in his novel's Radio Free Albemuth, and, of course, VALIS, the fictionalized accounts of these bizarre, though real life occurrences which began in March, 1974. (Also see the autobiographical account of this documented in Dick's Exegesis.)

As the story goes, Phil went one day to have some major work done on his teeth, and later--when he arrived back home--a delivery was made from the local pharmacy of a pain killer to soothe Phil's aching mouth. The deliverer of this bottle of relief was none other than a hip, foxy chick, with a Christian Fish hanging from her neck. I'll not pursue now the deep significance of this Christian Fish Symbol, but suffice it to say it's impact upon Phil was enormous in respect to the events that transpired after this fish swam into his life over rolling waves of breast and cleavage. The young lady in question said a few cryptic words then mysteriously disappeared forever into the ocean of human life. Phil theorized that this young lady--who claimed to be a Christian--delivered unto him at this time some sort of veiled gnostic knowledge, which proceeded to unfold it's answers gradually to a whole host of hidden metaphysical secrets for several years afterwards.

Another scenario might have been that this young lady was on an intelligence mission, delivering some kind of drug to not only soothe Phil's pain ridden mouth, but that would also help activate the hidden devices that'd surreptiously been inserted into his head during the dental surgery. Another possible explanation is that the short cryptic sentence The Fish Lady uttered was in reality some sort of codeword which triggered this mind control apparatus into operation. Oddly enough, it was later, on this very same day, that Phil's "visions" first appeared.

To suggest that a dentist might have planted psychotronic receptors into the mouth and head of the greatest science fiction writer of all time might seem utterly preposterous, but nonetheless connections of certain dentists to mind control implants is not a new one, and the opportunity to insert said devices during dental surgery--while the patient's anesthetized mind is off dancing in the merry land of Nitrous Oxide--is most definately there, and one that wouldn't readily be suspected by his/her patient/victim.

According to master conspiratologist John Judge, Uri Geller's " was the person who first developed the patents on six different of the earliest mind-control devices for the CIA and military intelligence, which were actually radio transmitter implants into the jaw and teeth so that instructions could be heard through the teeth..." quoting Judge verbatim.

Coincidentally (or maybe not so coincidentally) Ira Einhorn had formed an intense relationship with not only Uri Geller but with his mentor, Dr. Andrija Puharich, whose respective characters in recent years have both been called into question in regards to suspicious Intelligence contacts and the spread of disinformation and hoax proliferation vis-a-vis UFO's and psychic phenomena.

What interest, one might ask, would intelligence agencies have had in Phil Dick? Well, one area might have been his anti-war stance, where--in the late sixties--Phil signed a petition which appeared in "Ramparts" opposing America's involvement in Vietnam. Shortly thereafter, his apartment was ransacked and a safe blown open, and various documents stolen. Phil at the time suspected the CIA and/or FBI to be responsible for the break-in.

Even though at the outset, Phil felt the emanations invading his mind were of a malevolent nature, in time he began to believe they were something entirely different. In a letter to Einhorn dated February 10, 1978, Phil went into more depth on these psychotronic transmissions, claiming that they "seemed sentient". Phil felt that an alien life form existing in some upper layer of the Earth's atmosphere had been attracted by the Soviet psychotronic transmissions. Apparently, this alien life form operated as a "station", tapping into some sort of interplanetary communication grid that, "...contained and transmitted vast amounts of information." Initially, what Phil received were the Soviet transmissions, but eventually this alien life form--whom Phil called Zebra(and later, VALIS)--became "...attracted or potentiated by the Soviet micro-wave psychotronic transmissions," which paralleled similair experiences Nicola Tesla had had with ETI's, where Tesla had been contacted by "...what he believed to be signals from another planet," quoting Einhorn from "CoEvolution_"
Over the years that followed, this alien entity--according to Dick--vastly improved his mental and physical well being in a number of ways. It (Zebra) gave Phil "...complex and accurate information about myself and also about our infant son, which, Zebra said, had a critical and undiagnosed birth defect which required emergency and immediate surgery. My wife rushed our baby to the doctor and told the doctor what I had said (more precisely what Zebra had said to me) and the doctor discovered that it was so. Surgery was scheduled for the following day--i.e. as soon as possible. Our son would have died otherwise." (Phil wasn't just blowing smoke about this incident. His wife Tessa, and others have since confirmed this story regarding the medical conditions of himself and son, Christopher.)

Phil felt Zebra was totally benign, and it held great contempt for the Soviets and their psychotronic experiments. Furthermore, Zebra informed Phil that the Earth was dying, and that spraycans were "...destroying the layer of atmosphere in which Zebra...existed."

Some have questioned whether in fact Phil had created an immense hoax re: Zebra/VALIS, or if he was, actually, "crazy as a soapdish", as Harlan Ellison recently stated in an interview with Larry King. Were his "visions" simply delusions--as many believe--which Phil tried to make some sense of throughout his many entries into The Exegesis? From a clinical standpoint, a condition known as Frontal Lobe Epilepsy might explain these "visions" which appeared to Phil. Or could it all have been exactly as Phil first assumed: Psychotronic mind control transmissions beamed at him from Russia, or God knows where else?

Or was ol' Phil just pulling our gullible legs? The same could be asked of Kerry Thornley, and his many tall tales of sinister spiders spinning conspiratorial webs.

My response is, well, yes, they both probably have pulled our legs a bit, but so what? It's sure made the world a helluva lot more interesting place to live in--has it not--what with the twisted tales they've shared of alien and foreign influences beaming micro-wave missives into their abstruse minds?


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