Judith ABR

All materials here are copyrighted by Judith ABR, 1998

E-mail for Judith ABR  - jbr3333@yahoo.com


The Story
Litigation History
The Story

It was a strange Friday evening, October 29, 1993, and I was driving home from work, I picked up groceries and was unpacking things in the kitchen. Suddenly I felt, for no obvious reasons, ill, as if I was going to collapse. I was looking forward to watching some TV program and making dinner. But, feeling as if I needed immediate help and attention, I rushed out of the house, over to Joan's apartment. On the way I felt sicker and sicker - muscle spasms, nauseous, dizzy, confused, increased blood pressure and rapid heart beat - by the time I got there, I was panicked and wanted to go to a hospital. Joan convinced me otherwise.

Two months earlier, a Canadian man with an Irish surname from London, Ontario admitted to having knowledge of and/or arranging the implantation of a non-consenual uterine devices during surgery done on me by a young German female surgeon. The surgery, done in a Manhattan hospital, was termed the removal of a "fetal demise," two fetuses had died in uterus at 14 weeks. After surgery I experienced many complications, including constant pain, infection and bleeding. I also saw the implant left behind from this surgery in ultrasounds done at doctor's offices later, but despite even legal subpoenas in a medical malpractice case, doctors stalled and refused to give me this proof in x-rays. Other surgical records were reported "missing or lost" by hospital affidavits, this included the EKG from the surgery and the list of instruments used in the operation (required by law to be in the surgical records), see description of my litigation later below.

From this time on, highly unusual situations unfolded around me as I attempted to work and live a normal life which increasingly became more impossible. Because so many tasks quickly went wrong and became nightmares, I slowly realized that my phones and home were tapped and bugged. Even the commonest everyday task was becoming a nightmare, I was in the middle of a sort of guerilla war in the local community, with apparently the syndicate cell spotters doing the tracking. What became phenomenal to me was the comprehensive nature of the stalking of my movements. I experienced continual damage to my belongings and property, termed by one local friend of mine to be "gumming down" assaults by local crime cells. I was also subjected to a violent and vicious high tech war which included poisons in gas and liquid forms, EMFs, as well as violent economic sabotage by businesses throughout my local community. The more I attempted to obtain safety or public attention, the greater the violence in the assault appeared to become. The Canadian had arranged all of this, expensive as it was, he admitted to doing it but he taunted me with questions such as had I figured out yet WHO was funding it? This man was a paid criminal who had evidently obtained a contract on me for staging a full-fledged psycho-war.

I met him at an antique car event in Vermont a year before the war began. He had in tow a large group of paramilitary men, unbeknownst to me at the time. During this year, he and his group had befriended me, come to know all aspects of my life -- friends, family, work colleagues, businesses I frequented. He took advantage of all of it, threatening my life both physically and emotionally. Much later I learned of at least one other pretty blonde woman whom the Canadian had also assaulted in my local area, and about possibly two male victims who also wound up with unexplained abdominal implants, violent criminal assaults for unknown reasons as well as possibly another four people he picked up contracts on this particular year at my place of work who experienced unusual situations and the loss of their jobs. He apparently made work of hunting down people to take advantage of in the new war battlefield -- the political work arena as well as pretty people. As a detective from this Ontario town in Canada put it, this Canadian guy "is into assaulting women." This area is particularly actively known as supporting illicit child and sex abusers. The head of their police force successfully investigated and busted a ring of 130 child porn abusers in this town of only about 80,000 in the early 1990s. The city is between Detroit and Toronto, and the Canadian used to brag that he and his band stalks the Ontario "corridor," about an eight hour drive, between these three cities nightly. This group feeds into some violent crime areas and it appears to include now men from the U.K., Belgium, and other European areas whom I witnessed this Canadian being with. Evidently this guy takes contracts on people outside of Canada, because it is probably nearly impossible to prosecute him in court. These groups methods of crime activity make it nearly impossible for victims to prosecute them because their crimes, however blatant and obvious to the victim, are staged to look like "accidents" in their designs. They never break and enter, which would be cause for investigation, they steal victim's keys (out of purses) and make copies of them. They use other clandestine methods to gain access to victims. And they pointedly locate and assault single people with private apartments who can be easily used in these games of implantations, medical experimentations, and torture assaults for pay. Victims often don't know what hit them...nor can they figure out for a long while who was behind the scenes. They simply wind up plummeted with chemical assaults, implants and constant harassment in their apartments by curmudgeons and their assistants, for the gain of a great many individuals connected to the network. This is a stranger- than-life bondage system which does not fit the mold, because the victims are not really held down physically by any real parameters as slaves first of all are controlled within physical boundaries. These victims are not, at least initially, controlled within an environment.

When I first met the Canadian, I had no idea who he was or what he did and he seemed to become fixated on me. I certainly am not paranoid enough to think that someone would want to put in this time, energy or money on me. And in ways I am still confused about this point, but the fact is I was thrown into a really fierce situation.

Two months after this intense war began, in January 1994, the Canadian plus a black man and a white man were seen stalking my apartment outside by neighbors, and during the next month this guy and his men continuously assaulted me in the house, surprising me from behind by walking down from upstairs and jumping me. They use drugs, poisons and electro-magnetic force frequencies. Some of the chemicals and their methods of delivery were unusual and would probably interest some. But, these details I will not go into here. The Canadian was what local syndicate informants told me was a "freelancer" and by his own admission he said he did "government jobs." The Canadian appears to be a hired gun for the government's or medical interests' intelligence operations, especially out of Canada, and is also probably a trained Manchurian Candidate. Indications of this are his electric, magnetic eyes which may indicate his having brain implants. The Canadian is guarded not only by his group but by It is far harder to prosecute him or prove his deeds and his access to high tech, mind control and Tesla weaponry is sophisticated. He also has in his group a number of east coast policemen and Customs officials from Washington D.C. to Manhattan. The Canadian's physical description is about 5'10", small stature, olive-skinned, thin pencil legs, knobby knees, on a rounded torso. He has the unusual facility of changing his countenance frequently. From one photograph to the next he can look quite different. It is almost as if he is undergoing a physical transformation.

During the apartment break-ins, these men assaulted me, set up poisons in foods, and my apartment belongings which damaged them. I was physically assaulted, repeatedly and had unaccounted for bruising which I believe was forced drug bruisings. Often, I saw the men or at least glimpsed them before I was put into a trances and some of these men were Blacks. I obtained audio-tape recordings of some of these assaults, "detectives" according to banking officials, removed the audio tapes from safety deposit boxes. Parts of the tapes were erased. The attic to my apartment was ransacked badly, the nicely-laid insulation was suddenly and overnight torn up, and all new electrical wiring was strewn throughout the attic, as I noticed an increase in electro-magnetic force frequencies off transmitters in the house (measured at 450 RF's and more) and extraordinarily high utility bills. Local police refused to help or investigate. The Canadian kept appearing in the house, stalking me and assaulting me further. I heard very unusual roaring machine like noises from the bathrooms in the house and then felt the presence of someone in the house with me, most often I was then either drugged or electronically put into trances. I witnessed a great many break-ins to the house when I was home both by the Canadian and by some dark-skinned thin men, I believed were Blacks. When I left the house, I left voice-activated tape recorders going and I nearly always caught some evidence on tape of someone in the apartment. But these thugs use keys. I re-keyed the apartment four times in one year to no avail. The druggings of me and the break-is continued.

The chemical assaults included food tampering, water system tampering, all cleaning fluids in the house were set-up with poisons repeatedly, as were all toiletries, and all of my belongings, including furniture and clothing which were so badly harmed with unaccounted for stains on fabrics (also pulls and tears) that hundreds of dollars worth of clothes were ruined overnight. The "fumes" in the house were horrible and friends acknowledged the problems, yet the police did nothing. I tried filing four reports in 1994, yet I still could not obtain a proper investigation. I was so drugged continuously, that it was hard for me to both gather evidence and continue to attempt to tell the story. My letters to media organizations went unanswered. Doctors refused to get involved, blood and urine samples came back with "contaminated" results, yet I could not obtain the original tests. Again, I believe my phones were tapped. The Canadian reveled in the chase or "games" as he called these assaults. He taunted me with questions about what evidence did I have now, he threatened me with my becoming ill in three years and wanting to know who paid him. My attorney said that men like this Canadian don't come cheap. Later I heard from private detectives that as little as $40,000/annum and up to far more could be spent on victims being used in these implant wars.

I lost my lucrative career as a non-profit supervisor/administrator in Manhattan because I was being badly harmed with chemical assaults at my residence, in my vehicles and at work. I was highly successful, a published author and my salary had doubled a year or two before. I had two graduate degrees. In the middle of these assaults, my father died and my pets were poisoned to death. I lost four pregnancies due to poisonings from 1991 - 1993 as well, the last one with twins.

I believe that the Canadian's group has connections to European cults, men from the U.K., Belgium, and France. The Canadian group may prey on women whom they can make money using as attractive women for ovum harvesting and reproductive genetic engineering. This type of activity can command high prices in fertility clinics worldwide, as my own experience bore out in clinics, one "snatch" of four ova can command upwards of $5,000 - $50,000 for a successful pregnancy according to fertility clinics pricing in 1992 that I used. This is far more lucrative then the narcotics drug trade. For one night's work, one or two men could get this sort of payoff using needles and drugs. The Canadian told me his group spends a lot of time in Central America and Mexico. I learned he took some 5-6 trips outside of Canada each winter for six day stints, probably illegal scenarios paid for by the man, and he always came back jilted, worn, frazzled according to phone calls I received. I never knew any of the details though of where, who he was involved with. The Canadian also claimed to know or be involved with crime elements responsible for JFK's death.

What are my solutions? The implants need to be removed. What do they do? They draws illicit activity, prevent me from obtaining a job, becomes tags for me within the local community and for Intel games, and chemical and high tech weapons experimentation and assaults. I witnessed two men and one other woman attempt to do removals with the same implants in the last 90s, all with drastic results. None of them got the device removed and all of them wound up with severely consequences from the surgery. Doctors often refuse to admit that the implants exist, even when victims have been able to obtain x-rays of them. A recent U.K. victim reported that even after obtaining two x-rays of an obviously not organic device in the uterus, doctors still would not admit the thing existed or remove it and this victim was pregnant. My efforts have focused upon telling this tale and litigating it. Most of my court cases focus upon the chemical toxins found in my work offices for which I have obtained lab results on.



1. Discrimination Complaint. July, 1993. JBR begins in-house Office of Equal Opportunity and Minority Affairs complaint against a major federal agency with attorney. June, 1994, JBR obtained toxic chemical evidence with two lab reports, her attorney begins notifying federal officials. July, 1994, complaint still dismissed, toxic evidence by in-house authorities JBR is forced to resign under coercive poison assaults, October, 1994.

2. Whistle Blower Complaint. December 14, 1994. US Agency, Washington, D. C., Office of Inspector General Report investigates JBR's criminal allegations, SI OIG Case #94-90. Final report is four months late, concludes that no wrong-doing exists, in its report it contradicts local law enforcement records and eyewitness reports, finds that employees' support JBR's allegations of unexplained and repeated toxic poisons found in her offices.

3. Discrimination Complaint. April 23, 1995. JBR v. U.S. Government. Southern District Court of New York, complaint 95 Civ. 2689 (WK), submitted with attorney. January, 1996, dismissed for lack of summary judgement, lack of jurisdiction.

4. Discrimination Complaint. February 17, 1996. JBR v. US Agency, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, New York Field Office, NY-0752-96-0194-I-1, submitted with attorney. August, 1996, dismissed for lack of timeliness, not allowed to go into discovery phase, appealed to the M.S.P.B., dismissed. Appealed further to the Federal Circuit in D.C., dismissed for lack of timeliness. June 1997.

5.Whistle Blower Complaint. April, 1996. JBR v. US Agency, U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Attorney General's Office, Washington, D.C., NY-1221-97-0016-B-1, submitted with attorney. Ignored. September, 1996, same whistle blower complaint submitted to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, New York Field Office, dismissed for lack of jurisdiction March, 1997, appealed twice, judge ruled against case twice (same judge as previous complaint in #3 above) but on second appeal, the Board overturned the judge's ruling, which forced the judge into a trial hearing. The judge still refused to allow discovery for the case, refused to allow secondary evidence, refused to allow about 17 of the requested witnesses for the plaintiff, including top level management staff. Judge did allow hard evidence of lab results of toxic substances but he said he did not receive actual lab results in court papers, which were provided and he did allow six of plaintiff's witnesses to testify. September 1997, finally the trial began, all witnesses were supportive of plaintiff's allegations in the closed hearings. However, more unusual situations occurred during the trial, as the court clerk despite using two separate tape recorders lost 45 minutes of testimony to equipment malfunctions, the judge then attempted to recreate this testimony. In mid-March, 1998, the judge, three months overdue for a ruling, called a unexpected conference to inform the parties that another hour or more of testimony on audiotape was missing and lost for unexplained reasons. The two parties then attempted to recreate this testimony in written form. The judge's ruling as of April, 1998 was to dismiss the case. In his ruling he stated that he was dismissing the entire testimony of one supportive witness upon the assumption that this witness did not work for the federal agency at the time in question, which this witness, fully did or he never would have been called to testify. The judge refused to acknowledge the most important lab results, for an unusual chemical toxin plaintiff did not have access to acquiring. Other witness testimony the judge refused to take seriously which supported the plaintiff. Judge also refused to take seriously plaintiff's charge that despite two written correspondences to the contrary, she had not received any official settlements from the federal agency. And she was precluded from approaching federal agencies on her own by "attorney-client privilege" rules which would have removed her attorney from her case.

6. Medical Malpractice Civil Complaint. July, 1996. JBR v. NYC Hospital& Physician. U.S. Southern District Court, New York, New York, 96 Civ. 1920 (DB). JBR represented pro se. Plaintiff's allegations included the implantation of a non-organic device in utero, violations of state regulations including the reported disappearance of the fetal specimen from the hospital labs, allegations which were verified in state complaint reports prior to the trial. Other allegations included odd treatment of JBR while in the hospital itself by staff and JBR's loss of a "tremendous amount of blood" as reported by the doctor after surgery as well as a group of unexplained and unapproved young people who entered the surgical area, and even questions about why JBR was operated on in the basement of a building separate from her room and why she was placed in the birthing area, a sort of cruel and unusual setting. The pre-trial hearing in September, 1996, went well. Discovery commenced. JBR could not obtain the full surgical records, especially the EKG and the list of instruments which are mandated by state regulations to be a part of the record. A small diagram of the EKG showed that JBR had been subjected to the complete stoppage of her heart during surgery for no apparent reason, as this was considered routine "abortion" surgery. Plus with the implant in place, the list of instruments, if accurate, might indicate the presence of this device. Fourteen pages of the surgical records kept by the out-of-state hospital record keeping service were shown to be missing after plaintiff first requested the documents. This included plaintiff's surgical EKG, the list of medical instruments brought into the surgery, a list of those in surgery as professionals or observers, and other records, many of which were mandated by law to be in the records. Despite plaintiff's repeated requests for these and admonitions from the judge to hospital defendants, these hospital records could not be obtained and were surmised by the court to have disappeared. The hospital even received an account of state violations during this surgery after JBR filed a state complaint asking numerous highly unusual questions about the surgery, JBR could not even obtain the information about these violations from state agencies upon court subpoena regarding her surgery. When discovery ended, the case was dismissed for missing and lack of evidence, June 1997.



By Judith ABR

(First published on the CTRL List, Internet, December 1997; secondly re-edited and re-published in the national ACPAC newsletter in March, 2002. Reader: Please note that proper names of federal agencies are removed from this article.)

A survey about unusual circumstances surrounding the resignations of some 40 plus staff at the [federal institution] in Manhattan, governed by W.R. West, director, and D. Evelyn, deputy director, raises unusual questions about the running of this [facility] and the unique allegations of staff about health and safety violations in the workplace. Some claimed toxic poisons suddenly and without explanation were appearing in their offices.

By way of introduction, the [federal institution] underwent a merger in 1990 with the private [XXXXX foundation trust] in Manhattan. Most old guard staff were guaranteed continuing positions by a congressional decree which established the new [federal institution]. The professional [XXXXX] positions are lucrative, with complex benefits packages, where people stay for life. But this survey also includes a great many who were some of the newly appointed staff by the new administration.

This survey group is divided equally with half being men, half being women, their ages averaging between 35 - 50. Of the group, nearly two-thirds held administrative supervisory positions, some at the mid-range, others at the top. All of them have college degrees, many have M.A.'s and some have Ph.D's. The remaining third are positions from the lower GS salary ranges or are in clerical or technician positions usually requiring HS diplomas. The sample represents evenly about ½ [minority] and ½ [Caucasian and others]. The total number of staff has varied and the problems discussed here refer only to the Manhattan staff, numbering about 80.

The survey was undertaken to examine corroborated data showing consistent problems with resignations. The facts remain: 1) disaffected staff are becoming ill at what was perceived as an alarming rate, 2) discrimination appeared to be rampant at the institution and few, if any, staff have received [financial] settlements from more than a dozen official disputes [minority and non-minority], 3) all these qualified staff, [minority and non-minority], have felt forced to resign under hushed circumstances with NO positions to got to, and 4) all left their jobs quickly and overnight, with none of the usual fanfare.

At least 11 complaints were lodged against the administration by these staff, some filed more than one complaint with the [institution's] Office of Equal Employment and Minority Affairs (OEEMA) and the Human Resources Department of Labor Relations. An additional 11 staff from this survey threatened to file a complaint, but did not or if they did it is not public knowledge. According to reports from two OEEMA employees, many more complaints have been filed by they are not public. None of those who filed complaints are known to have had a verdict from the OEEMA office in their favor and the same outside contractor-interviewer from Chicago was used for these [Manhattan] investigations. Some of the final reports from OEEMA were voluminous, 500 pages and more, often containing irrelevant documentation, and the final judgements were utterly useless for job negotiations. Upon leaving, the attitudes towards these resignations was severe – six were neutral overall, the remaining 31 were strongly disaffected from the institution and bitter and confused about the way in which they felt they had been treated.

About the illnesses – 15 of the staff reported illnesses upon leaving and as a significant factor in their separation, quite a number were hospitalized for an extended period. From 1990 - 1994, miscarriages were common and two women reported having had four miscarriages each in two years. Cancers developed amongst the staff, as well as lung problems, mental illnesses in those with no history of such, some of those disaffected had surgery and have wound up on disability.

Other complaints concerned powdered asbestos falling on desks (for up to four years), unusual fumes or chemical substances in offices, and a lawsuit alleging poisonous substances being placed on an employee's work station and vehicle. A 1995 [institution] Inspector General investigation declared, despite lab results, that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

The 1995 Inspector General investigation about the allegations contained erroneous information, claiming local police authorities had tested substances provided by federal officials to them when in fact the police refused to test anything and there are no results. The report clearly showed complicity with the claimant's allegations with testimony of other employees, yet the IG's report declared, despite lab results, nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

More than a dozen dissatisfied staff who are not a part of this survey, are still working for the [institution], and these people have also voiced their concerns about ongoing, unusual working conditions at the [facility] with complaints to the administration or have had unusual illnesses for which there has been little explanation. Additionally, in 1996-97, a group of separated [minority] staff in Manhattan were concerned enough about these issues to form a support network called "The Survivors of XXXX". It attests to the fact that the concerns of those in this survey may signal the tip of a much larger governmental iceberg, somehow existing among the smoldering [institutional] fires of chemical abuse.
