Beginnings of Mind Control Forum

Ed Light, born 1947, was the founder of this site and he is informed of new items also that is put here. The Mind Control Forum, former headquarters in California, is Ed's personal contribution to the resistance to the plutocracy's mind control conspiracies. It's aim is to provide plenty to read in the way of background, current events, and victims' and supporters' stories!

The MCF is blessed with visitors from 60 countries --

Work on the web pages and file collection is ongoing, so check back each month. The stories from victims of mind-control  include much about remote electro-magnetic experimentation, including graphics of brain implants and damage. I'm also getting ritual abuse and psychiatric experimentation stories. All supporting stories are welcome here.

There are more internet Mind Control resources. You can check the Resources page, listed near the top of this home page, for some excellent ones. As far as I know, this was the first mind control website! (Or maybe Tom Porter's was.)

As they come up, I'll add current items of interest. People, are being damaged by spy planes (unless there are some atomic satellites up there). Others, including children, are being shaped to be dirty tricks agents for the covert services. Some ex-servicemen can't get over experiments that were done to them.

I hope you will find this site helpful and informative. One caveat: I have no way to check the veracity of everything that's here, and some of it could be from provocateurs. However, I know that there is more than enough solid evidence on these pages to bring the imminent threat of the mind control conspiracies to everyone's privacy and peace of mind out where it can receive critical attention.

1998 Update

Since it's inception in the winter of 1995, the Mind Control Forum has had the blessing of many contributors. It now has over 60 victims' personal stories, and exceeds 10 megabytes. Although it has been grueling keeping up with the many contributions coming in, due to my continual electro-shocking, it's awesome to realize that the site has become a major player in the abolition of covert human rights abuses of the human mind.

Many thanks to all the contributors and supporters whose work makes up the body of this site.

In a time in which American elites are taking over the world under the guise of economic progress, may "Big Brother" lose and pay all human rights abuse victims and non-consensual experimentees back for their time and suffering.

If not, the book 1984 will become a reality.

Read more about ED on his Account Pages Here

Also read about his dog Angel Here