About The Site

This site is intended to provide quality references and links related to mind control technology and its abuses.  Much of the technology is truly amazing and has great potential for positive uses.  But unfortunately, in practice, it has been tested on nonconsensual subjects and applied to violate fundamental human rights in almost unthinkable ways.  Many of the links on these pages are meant to illustrate the state of current open technology in the area and do not necessarily imply that a person or company is committing human rights abuses.

Although there are many ongoing governmental and non-governmental abuses in this corrupt age, I have attempted to keep these pages focused on mind control abuses and closely related matters.  Corruption breeds corruption, though, and there are many interrelated factors involved.

This is a completely not-for-profit educational site (all files in www.datafilter.com/mc/*).

These pages are created, maintained, and edited by Allen Barker.

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