Activism Against Mind Control Abuses

These are some items related to activism against mind control abuses.  Many U.S. citizens (and citizens of other countries) state that they have been harassed, tortured, and experimented on with high-tech devices.  They describe symptoms which in many cases match the effects of technologies described on these pages.  Nonetheless, these people's claims are often met with ridicule and disbelief.  In the United States, the actual  history of such experimentation is not well publicized, and knowledge of the current state of mind control technology is almost nonexistent (or else it is politically expedient to pretend no knowledge of it).  Remember that there are documented and acknowledged victims of MKULTRA and other mind control programs who are still ignored, ridiculed, and left to be considered mentally ill.

  • This link is to the home page of the mcactivism mailing list.  The list is for discussions and organization of activism methods against mind control, such as letter-writing campaigns.

  • The nonprofit group Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA)  works to expose and stop abuses perpetrated using mind control techniques and technologies.

  • Here is a paper dated Oct. 2002, by Dr Steve Wright, director of the Omega Foundation.  This foundation has worked with groups like Amnesty International on issues of torture technologies.  The paper is online at the Statewatch web site and is titled "Future Sub-lethal, Incapacitating and Paralysing Technologies -- Their Coming Role in the Mass Production of Torture, Cruel, Inhumane & Degrading Treatment."  (The link here is to a page containing some excerpts, as well as links to the actual paper.)

  • The Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, Vol 2 (2), No 3, 2003, has an article by Carole Smith titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology." [*]

  • Here is a local news story from the TV station KOVR13, in Sacramento, describing a protest against electromagnetic harassment [*] at the California State Capitol.

  • The World Organization Against Torture, USA issued a report in 1998 on Torture in the United States.  Among other abuses it includes a section on involuntary human scientific experimentation.

  • The commentary page on this web site has an essay, "Resisting the Mind Control State," which discusses possibilities for activism against mind control abuses.

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