Operational Mind Control Systems

The other pages on this site tend to deal with individual technologies or techniques of mind control.  This page deals with complete systems, whereby several techniques are combined to influence selected people and groups and where coverups and lies are employed to maintain secrecy.  The main goal of this page is to get people thinking about the larger technological and sociological picture.

  • These excerpts describe the proposed UCLA violence project, which was to have been housed in an old Nike missle base.  Prisoners were to be monitored after their release by remote tracking and EEG telemetry from a central monitoring station.  They would be given aversive jolts if their behavior or thoughts were outside what was prescribed and allowed by their controllers.  If not for public outcry this project would have been funded and implemented in 1971.  This is perhaps the closest open-literature example of an operational mind control system of the "underground base" variety.  (A final article concerns research into brain implants that was stopped at the University of Albany.)

  • This article by Peter R. Breggin, M.D., describes a second "violence initiative" in 1992, which had budget plans for 1994.  It is titled, "Campaigns Against Racist Federal Programs by the Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology," [*] and appeared in the Journal of African American Men 1:No. 3, 3-22. Winter 1995/96.
  • With more limited political aims, perhaps, another surgeon was operating on numerous black children.  When I began researching the return of psychosurgery in the early 1970s, I quickly came upon the work of O.J. Andy, director of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi-Ole Miss-in Jackson. He was publishing reports on multiple surgical interventions into the brains of small children, ages five to twelve, who were diagnosed as aggressive and hyperactive. Of his 30-40 patients, he wrote me in 1971, most were children.
  • To get a concrete, documented picture of how a group of people might go about covertly influencing individuals and entire societies it is instructive to study the techniques employed by the CIA in other countries.  It does not take much imagination to get an idea of how the techniques and technologies of mind control would be employed in similar programs.  A good example is provided by the CIA's covert action in Chile, 1963-1973, described in this report formerly at Ralph McGehee's CIABASE site (now down, due to harassment of McGehee [*]).  The Derechos site has online the section of the 1975 Church Committee report dealing with operations in Chile (including a Spanish translation).  Some government reports and recently declassified documents are available at the National Security Archive and at the Federation of American Scientists sites.

  • The following item is included because it discusses the use of combined techniques in a large-scale mind control operation, and because parts of it mirror the stated experiences of some mind control victims.  It is therefore "food for thought," though it is not an official document; the claims of NSA involvement and some of the technological claims are unsubstantiated.  The page is NSA Mind Control and Psyops. [*]  The original version at Wes Thomas' site has been taken down; this version is at the Kimsoft site.

  • This CIA training manual for the Nicaraguan contras is online at the Pinknoiz site.  It is titled Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare. [*]  It suggests ways to intimidate and control a population through selective violence, assassination, infiltration, terror, and blackmail.



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