Carol Price:
Lawyer's Letter About Her Case

Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D.

Hannig Row Building
200 East Sixth Street, Suite 301
Austin, Texas  78701
(512) 478-2072
(512) 495-9226 (FAX)

May 15, 1996

Carol Price
Austin, Texas  78759

Re:  Your Potential Claim

Dear Ms. Price:

   I reviewed the materials you provided and interviewed an ex-CIA agent about this matter. Based on these preliminary investigative measures, I have decided not to take your case. I am informing you of my decision as promptly as I can beause I bilieve you should have the opportunity to pursue this matter with another law firm at the earliest possibli juncture.

   My primary reason for not taking your case is that I believe any case agaist the CIA, NSA or other such governmental agency cloaked in secrecy will require an enormous amount of time and resources. Quite candidly, I am not prepared to commit the time and resources that I believe your case will require and you deserve.

   I am not saying that you do net have a case. On the contrary, my information is that the technology you describe exists and is being used.

   There are deadlines for initiating such a claim. Missing a deadline may result in loss of your right to bring a lawsuit. Rather than go into the specifics of that deadline, my best advice is that you cantact another attorney immediately if you want to pursue this matter further.

   I do appreciate your contacting me as well as your confidence in me. If I can help you in this or another matter, please contact me.


   Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D.