Mind Control

Conscious Control

ELF Waves: A Path to War or Peace?

Source: New Frontiers Center Newsletter
Fall-Winter 1983, Nos. 7 & 8, pages 10 - 11.

Excerpts from a talk by Dr. Andrija Puharich at the Understanding Convention of ASTARA, Upland, CA, November 6, 1982.

From: "The Journal of Borderland Research,"
Riley Crabb, March-April 1983.

Dr. Puharich was born in the slums of Chicago. There, growing up among many ethnic groups -- boys who had to fight their way -- he learned about "war." As a teenager he delivered milk for Borden's Dairy and discovered that he could protect himself from a vicious dog by sending out feelings of calmness and peace which would stop the attack.

He was fascinated by the results of using his mental energy and resolved to identify the force behind it. He entered medical school, still looking for this man-dog relationship. He also completed a Ph.D. in physiology, and after reading Alice Bailey's book on "telepathy," decided to build two copper- shielded Faraday cages for telepathy experiments with the well known medium, Eileen Garrett.

Dr. Puharich demonstrated that information could be exchanged in this way with no electrical linkage between the rooms, both with telepathy and clairvoyance. He showed that a good clairvoyant could look out into space and predict a cosmic pulse before it hit one of his recording instruments. That research was carried out between 1950 and 1955. He still wanted to know what was happening inside the brain.

Then came the opportunity to work with the Dutch psychic, Peter Hurkos. It was a fall from a ladder while painting a house that suddenly opened up Hurkos' psychic abilities. -- a violent blow to the head.

Puharich found that Hurkos, hooked to electronic equipment, was most successful -- for instance, in locating missing people -- when his brain produced an extremely low frequency wave of 8 Hertz (cycles per second).


Continuing his experiments Dr. Puharich had the opportunity to work with a Yogi in 1956. Here he found a subject who could consciously control his brain waves, deliberately shifting himself from one level of consciousness to another. From this Andrija came to realize that people could be trained, with bio-feedback, to produce the 8 Hertz and other ELF waves consciously.

In 1962 his research shifted to psycho-kinesis when heard of Arigo in Brazil. There he saw this psychic surgeon shove a knife into the eye of a patient, with no pre-preparation of any kind, and operate -- with no pain to the patient! -- removing cataracts. Puharich made several visits to Brazil to research Arigo. While doing his healing work Arigo's brain, too, produced that tell-tale 8 Hertz wave.

It was in the early 1960s also that Puharich met with his friend, Aldous Huxley, in Tecate, Mexico. There Huxley's wife, Laura, was doing psychic healing. She would make magnetic passes over a woman and heal her of heart trouble. These passes produced huge waves or vibrations of eight cycles per second in the patient, and Andrija found that Laura's brain rate was also 8 Hertz.

One brain could entrain another! At last Dr. Puharich had found the answer to his long quest. He now knew that if his brain sent out a certain energy the dog would receive it and be entrained by his signal. This is what had happened between the dog and him on his milk route as a young man.

On July 4, 1976 the Soviet Union unleashed a new weapon on the world. Nikola Tesla had shown in 1901 that a person could transmit power across the earth through the ground. The Russians were emitting an 11 Hertz signal (cycles per second) across the world. This powerful signal upset radio communications everywhere. Many nations protested.

The U.S. Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound harmonic the Russians were sending through the earth and the atmosphere. The intention was to affect a change of consciousness in mankind. The Extreme Low Frequency waves will penetrate anything and everything, the specially shielded Faraday cage, the ocean. Nothing stops or weakens these signals.

Dr. Puharich and Robert Beck designed receiving equipment which could measure these waves and their effect on the human brain. Their experiments proved that a signal of 6 Hertz easily penetrated the copper walls of a Faraday cage. So could a rate of 6.6 -- one of the rates being used by the Russians. This caused depression.

7.83 Hertz could make a person feel good. This is the so-called Schumann Resonance, the earth's pulse rate.

10.80 Hertz could cause riotous behavior. As far as he could determine, the Soviets never sent out a signal in the 8 Hertz range that would be beneficial to people.


When Dr. Puharich presented this information to certain U.S. Military leaders they would not believe him! He then made up a secret report and had it hand delivered to President Carter, to the head of the French Intelligence Service, to Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, and to certain dignitaries of other Western nations.

Heavy action was then taken by our government to shut him up. His home in Ossining, New York, containing the results of much of his research work, was burned to the ground. He fled for his life to Mexico. From there he continued to monitor the Russian ELF wave signals and the higher harmonics in the Megahertz range (5.340 MHz)

Through his Washington contacts a group meeting was arraigned with the CIA. A showdown ensued, an agreement reached, since then no trouble with the CIA -- except for the publication of his books! The government program is now called the ELF (for Extreme Low Frequency) and the Navy set up a research program on it, two years late!

Puharich's secret report was expanded into a book, under contract to Dell publishing company, but publication has been blocked for the past four years, meanwhile the Russian attack goes on, unknown to the general public.

Whole populations can be controlled by ELF waves. Intensive research on such "behavior modification" is now being conducted by the United States government, to find out just what such waves do to people. This electro-magnetic research is similar to the secret drug experiments conducted on the unsuspecting populace in the 1950s. Dr. Puharich did identify one ELF wave as a cancer-causing agent in mice.


The 8 Hertz wave is an aid to concentration and can be reproduced in others for beneficial results. To prove that this could be done Dr. Puharich took the young Israelite, Uri Geller, to 22 universities to demonstrate this power to the academic world.

As a result of Geller's demonstration of the metal-bending power of the mind on British TV in November 1974, hundreds of English men and women, and children too, were encouraged to demonstrate this power to themselves and friends.

Now (early 1980's) metal-bending parties are becoming popular in the United States, and some are finding that this 8 Hertz wave can also be used to heal. Army and Navy experiments proved that many could develop this power and demonstrate it convincingly with only two hours of training.

Now, how can this work for peace? The sun radiates the same spread of ELF waves as the Russians, and others besides. It takes three days for these energies to reach the earth, filtering through the atmosphere, which is a cavity resonator of 7.83 Hertz between the ionosphere and the earth's surface.

We are constantly bathed in these magnetic waves from the sun. Our bodies are 67% hydrogen, which oscillates at 8 Hertz as the plants wave in the sea. The source of the magnetic waves of the sun is hydrogen, too. When you get your brain oscillating at 8 Hertz, you are tuned in to and can communicate with the sun. 8 Hertz can be used in meditation.


One country, not ours, has learned that directed meditation can be used to bring down missiles from the sky. Increase the rate to 11 Hertz and one can bring on a storm.

The resonating rate of the core of the earth is 6 Hertz. Generate this signal properly and one can bring on an earthquake, as the Soviets proved with earthquakes they caused in Iran and China, according to the monitoring done by Dr. Puharich. But he assured his audience at Astara, "We can do with our minds what the Soviets are doing with mechanical equipment! One hundred people, WITH SYNCHRONIZED THINKING, can do incredible things. As do the Kahunas of Hawaii, or the Indian Rain Dancers, channeling this energy from their brains."

To generate 8 Hertz waves in the brain one must get rid of all body noise -- aches, itches, every disturbance. "Imagine that you are looking at a circle of light in your mind. This circle leads into a tunnel of light. Imagine you are traveling to the Sun and entering it. It is not hot and there are Beings there.

When you have entered the Sun you have locked onto great power. Using this energy in a group -- one can't do this alone -- with MUTUAL REINFORCEMENT, ALIGNED, one could dematerialize nuclear bombs. Things can be made to disappear. This is the way to peace.


"There must be absolute centeredness to oscillate our brains in tune with the Sun at 8 Hertz. These waves can be used for healing, to calm animals, to help the world. Other governments know about this and are going to use it for war.

The Kahunas knew how to use this with the negative vibration. The CIA is approaching psychics to use this to get rid of enemies, to get rid of people. We must develop this power in ourselves, connect with the Sun, and send out waves of peace."

"These waves cannot be jammed. The lower frequency Hertz waves are as long as 300,000 miles. The government has built huge transmitters in South Africa, Australia and other places to beam ELF waves back at Russia. There is no shield that will stop these signals. Only the brain stops it enough to cancel it. There is no chemical protection yet to stop the hydrogen atom from reacting with a magnetic field. These only interact with the brain, nothing else."

Dr. Puharich revealed that the Soviets used ELF waves to experiment with weather control in 1976 and 1977, using an 11 Hertz wave sent round the world; but even when they stopped their transmitters, they couldn't stop the waves!

It took a year for the 11 Hertz wave to diminish in strength, causing a terrible winter. Since the Russians turned on this signal, they have had three crop failures in a row, as well as great floods. America had great heat and drought.

About 1980 they began to realize more fully what they were doing; so they built more transmitters, in Siberia and Latvia, to send beams around the world. They created a great arc over Canada to Cape Cod, 42 miles in width. Soviet attaches', from the embassy in Ottawa, were going out to villages to determine the effects.


The following is taken from the "New Frontiers Center Newsletter," Spring-Summer 1984, Nos. 9 & 10. pages 5-6.

It is an excerpt from a paper by Dr. Puharich, entitled "Successful Treatment of Neoplasms in Mice with Gaseous Superoxide Anion (O 2) with a Rationale for the Effect." It was presented at the Sixth Ozone World Conference of the International Ozone Association, May 22 - 26, 1983 (Note: the newsletter gives 1933) in Washington D.C.


When the Soviets went on the air in July 4, 1976 with their 100 megawatt transmissions of extremely low frequency waves (ELF), the intelligence community of the U.S. was caught, unaware of this new technology.

The Soviet ELF pulses covered the frequency of the human brain. No one knew what the purpose of this new technology was. I had a hypothesis that this was a new mind control weapon that could entrain a human being's EEG.

Bob Beck and I designed an experiment and conclusively proved that the Soviet transmission could indeed entrain the human brain and thereby induce behavioral modification.

I reported this finding to the intelligence community in the U.S. [March 13, 1977 to Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau, President Carter, and Hon. Margaret Thatcher]. A CIA Commission of Inquiry reported to President Carter that there was no substance to our findings.

Today, five years later, all of our findings have been confirmed by various agencies of the U.S. Government. However, they went one step beyond our findings and proved that a certain ELF frequency (classified) will cause cancer. [A note adds, "U.S. Navy confirms that Soviet ELF signals are indeed psychoactive and can cause mental depression at 6.6 Hz and at 11 Hz can lead to manic and riotous behavior in humans.] I have repeated these experiments and found this to be true.

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