Remedies for Radioactivity

Chapter 9 from Are You Radioactive by Linda Clark, M.A.
1974, Devin-Adair -- out of print

Link to Chapter 8, Anti-Radiation Foods

Important Note - Don't Use Bone Meal

Since the book was written, Mad Cow Disease has arisen. It is spread by feeding "meat and bone meal" to cattle and sheep. This meal is made from dead cows, some of whom could have the disease.

Therefor, disregard the part about using bone marrow or bone meal. In fact, it's not even ok to use bone meal on garden plants anymore. Farmers who use it on crops could be infecting even vegetarians.

How to Use the Endnotes

The endnotes (superscript in most browsers) are clickable. A [text] link at the endnote will take you back to the corresponding point in the text (you won't lose your place).

One of the hardest searches of my life has been finding remedies for reversing radioactive contamination. Radioactivity is so new, comparatively speaking, that few laboratory tests have been conducted on protective or remedial measures. Consequently, there is only a trickle of printed information available and I was forced to contact various specialists personally in order to learn the remedies I am about to share with you.

First, you must realize that there are differences in the doses of individual exposure to radioactivity. For example, results are more sudden and far more devastating from close proximity to a bomb's detonation, like Hiroshima, or to an accidental leakage from a nuclear power plant, both considered forms of high-level radiation. Therefore, many people are inclined to scoff at the danger of exposure to low-level radiation, such as x-rays, TV or even the slow release of radioactivity from a nuclear plant. These scoffers do not realize that the results are delayed and cumulative, and may eventually be [equally?] serious. It merely takes longer. Even distant exposure to a nuclear atmosphere test is classified by Dr. Sternglass, professor of radiation physics at the University of Pittsburgh, as lower-level radiation, yet its effect can be disastrous.

For example, Dr. Sternglass tells of the incident witnessed by Professor Herbert Clark's radio-chemistry class at Rensseleor Polytechnic Institute, near Troy, New York. 1  After an atmospheric bomb test conducted by the AEC in Nevada, where the bomb, code-named Simon, had been detonated only 300 feet above the desert, the debris of the mushroom cloud soon reached 30,000 to 40,000 feet in altitude, and then was blown by winds 2,300 miles across the United States where it encountered a severe thunderstorm in the New England area. This storm brought the fallout to earth, and Dr. Clark's students, armed with portable radiation detectors began measuring the radioactive fallout on paved streets, roofs, pieces of cloth and even leaves of plants. Samples were also taken of water in reservoirs and from home taps. Within a few hours reports came from students in many nearby towns that the average radiation readings were twenty to a hundred times higher than normal, and hot spots were ten times higher than that! The professor and his students learned that using an extreme method, hot concentrated hydrochloric acid, was only partly effective in removing the radioactivity from the surfaces where it had been deposited.

California offers another example of delayed contamination from bomb tests. A monthly report by a state radiation laboratory shows that in tests of radioactive fallout in water, milk and vegetation, contamination varies according to the amount of rainfall. It is less in drier areas, greater in rainier areas. This is because the fallout from bombs may hover in the high altitudes but may not descend until rain, snow (sometimes fog) bring it down to earth. Even in the rainy areas, California still has a rainy season and a dry season. The dry season usually begins in April and ends in November; the rainy season lasts from November to March. A doctor recently told me, "I don't know why it is, but after the first rain, following the dry season, I suddenly have more sick patients." He may not realize that symptoms may increase with any precipitation, though it may be more noticeable, by contrast, after a dry spell.

Doctors are baffled by these symptoms, as we have previously mentioned, so it is up to us to protect ourselves, whether it is from a more acute attack following precipitation, other more serious exposure, or contamination acquired gradually from exposure to low-level radiation devices. Atmospheric fallout (from bombs or precipitation) invades the body through the lungs from breathing or through the skin. In the latter case, it can be removed by immediate bathing (like washing vegetables) and even washing clothes worn during exposure. In serious high-level radiation exposure, clothes are the first things to be discarded, since radioactivity clings to them, as Dr. Clark's study indicates.

Protection from breathing fallout is difficult and probably accounts for most of our troubles. A remedy which follows can help here. Protection from exposure to man-made devices that invade tissues and bones calls for avoiding these devices or limiting their use to an absolute minimum, as well as using both preventive and remedial measures.

Any remedies employed afterexposure, may not be permanent. You can use them to help rid yourself or radioactivity but when you are re-exposed, you will have to decontaminate yourself again.

Also remember that if you have had a long and chronic illness, possibly caused by radiation exposure, the removal of the radioactivity does not guarantee immediate healing. It takes the body time to adjust. When the radioactivity has been removed, and if your nutrition supplies the correct repair materials, you can regain health more easily. The body is always trying to work toward health. It needs all the help it can get.

Those who get more exercise and do more deep breathing in fresh, outdoor air, seem to resist radioactive contamination better than those who don't. Even yoga students seem to be more immune, because they exercise every part of the body through yoga exercises done in conjunction with deep breathing.

The following remedies can be used safely even if your trouble has not been caused by radioactivity. However, sudden falling of hair, sudden dimming of vision as well as overwhelming fatigue which no amount of rest seems to help, even sudden eczema, should all be considered clues to possible radioactivity contamination.

The following radical remedy can be used for contamination from any source of radioactivity, including serious exposure. It was contributed by a scientist of a radiation laboratory and has been used successfully by at least one thousand people. The before-and-after effects have been measured by radioactive detecting equipment which proves that it works.

Formula for Fallout

If the symptoms seem to be in the head, the glands in the neck and throat, the chest congested, or the sinus involved, add to each glass of the solution 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar.

This program should be followed as long as the symptoms last. As they regress (or get better), lengthen the time between doses.

If the attack is very severe, a hot bath may be taken using 1 pound each of Salt and Soda to the tub of water. Following the salt and soda bath--take a Clorox bath to alleviate metallics. Use 1 cup of Clorox to tub of hot water.

Alternate baths by taking Salt and Soda Bath in the morning and Clorox Bath at night.

In addition to using the oral solution, or the bath, this formula may be used in another way: Put equal parts by weight, approximately 1/4 cup of whole natural Sea Salt (from health stores) and slightly more Soda, in a small plastic bag. Close tightly with a "twistem." Rub this bag all over your eyes, face, neck (front and back), the top of your head, the palms of your hands, top of your feet, chest, tips of fingers and toes and any other part of your body you wish. (You may do this with your clothes on.) Then, because the mixture becomes contaminated, throw it away! Using a second bag, repeat these same movements. This seems to set up an electrolytic action, decontaminating with the first bag; stimulating the body fluids to flow more normally with the second bag. (Discard it too afterwards.)

I have been told that the oral formula for fallout has been used for leukemia cases by taking six oz. of the Salt-plus-Soda plus Cream of Tartar mixed in water, every two hours for 4 times; then 6 oz. night and morning until symptoms are alleviated.

Another reported natural treatment for both Hodgkin's disease and leukemia is the use of a species of a plant belonging to the Periwinkle family, a woody shrub called Vinca rosea. 2  The suggested remedy is 20 leaves to 1 cup of water, blended and strained, drinking three cups daily.

This plant is said to lose its effectiveness if dried or processed, so you may have to grow your own. It is a tropical plant which can grow out of doors in the Deep South or indoors in colder climates. A commercial extract from the plant called Vincristine has shown dramatic results.

Red Beets

Irradiation may effect the blood production and may also upset the stomach, intestinal and liver function. Europeans have discovered that beet juice, either raw or fermented (the latter is imported and available in American health stores) has been reported helpful, especially if a blood condition such as anemia exists. It has also been found beneficial for hearth muscle diseases, and inflammation of nerve cells as well as for degenerative diseases. It is said to have a rejuvenating effect. The therapeutical effect seems to be associated with the red coloring pigment, also found in red wine, red berries and other naturally red foods, 3  all said to help build hemoglobin of the blood. 4 

Recipe for Beet Tonic

1 lb. of raw beets, cut up with peel on; add:

Cover the beets with honey and sugar in a covered dish and let stand for two full days.

Drain through a colander. Add about 1/16 of a pint bottle of Guinness Stout. Refrigerate.

Take one teaspoon daily, or if you feel un down, three times daily.

Many people prefer to drink the imported, fermented beet juice, which is delicious.


One doctor has used the following beverage for radiation in his patients, with good results, he claims:

Take one teaspoon every hour on the first day; tape off the second day.

From old China comes the suggestion that tannin in tea is said to be an antagonist to radioactivity. Honey (natural, unrefined) is considered another help. Those who drink sweetened tea can combine the two.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another plant you can grow at home. It has been used for serious radiation burns and also is used in cosmetics to smooth the skin. A liquid form is available commercially, and a suggested dose for radiation is one teaspoon daily. Aloe Vera is a succulent and close to the cactus family, and each leaf or projection contains a thick, fleshy gel. This gel is a marvelous remedy for any kind of burn. I keep a plant growing at all times. (A nursery can probably help you locate one.) For an ordinary burn I cut off a short length, and squeeze out the gel onto the burn. The pain stops instantly, and leaves no scar. For radiation purposes you may find that eating the gel is easier than typing to convert it into liquid.

Fluorescent Protection

People who must work under fluorescents have several recourses. If the English are correct, taking more vitamin A would be helpful to offset the vitamin A deficiency they believe follows exposure to fluorescents. Another solution is to replace fluorescents in your home or to ask your employer to replace them in your office with the type of full spectrum fluorescents (Vita-Lite) mentioned earlier by Dr. John Ott. [Along with his shields for the ends.]

Many who work all day under fluorescents complain of aching legs. One investigator has observed that taking a bath to which a handful of real, whole sea salt (which contains all minerals and is found in health stores) has relieved the leg aches within two or three days.

Brewers Yeast--Again!

I have already mentioned the fact that Brewers yeast is extremely helpful for radiation, not only as a prevention but for reversing radioactivity in the body. Nearly ten years ago Russian researchers reported that radiation damages could be influenced favorably by yeast, which they found could help build and regenerate cells damaged by radiation. 5 

The two yeasts previously mentioned are of a certain strain known as "saccharomyces cerevisiae." In this country this strain is found in Red Star powdered or flake yeast, as well as in the liquid yeast imported from Germany; all are available from health stores. As a result of therapy by this type of yeast, a German researcher, Dr. Holger Metz, Ph.D, states that the following improvement is possible, as compared to the usual symptoms resulting from radiation damage:

This coincides with the findings by other German researchers who learned that vitamin B6 protected rats against whole body irradiation, and Hungarian investigators found that pantothetic acid (another B vitamin) prevented rats' fur from falling out after exposure to radiation. Since loss of hair in humans is one of the common symptoms of radiation contamination, it is noteworthy that pantothenic acid and B6 both are abundantly supplied in the yeast. 6 

These two yeasts can be made quite palatable by adding them to tomato juice, or better, to fermented beet juice, since the latter simultaneously provides two remedies in one. Both yeasts can be procured at health stores.

For chronic symptoms of low-level radiation, instead of trying to take all the remedies mentioned here, on a daily basis, perhaps alternating them might be easier. Also, by taking sunflower seeds or eating an "apple a day to keep radiation away," you would receive extra protection. Kelp in some form, preferably sodium alginate, should be taken daily. If there is exposure to a sudden high dose of radioactivity or an acute attack occurs, the Formula For Fallout is apparently a must providing the salt used is whole salt such as Chico-San (at health stores). Other types may cause side effects.

Lung Diseases; Emphysema, Bronchitis

Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass has traced the correlation of the rising rate of emphysema, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases directly to the increase of nuclear fallout in the air. Previously, it was assumed that regular air pollution (smog) was the cause of these serious lung disturbances, responsible for so many deaths all regular air pollution and fallout. Dr. Sternglass says, "Instead, all the evidence pointed to radioactive air pollution, both from fallout and from nuclear power plants, as the greatest single contributor to the rise in all types of chronic lung disease around the world." He adds that smoking does not help these conditions. 7 

At first, people complain of shortness of breath, severe catarrh and mucus. They eventually begin gasping for breath upon slight exertion. Oxygen is reduced, the heart is required to beat harder and faster to supply more oxygen, and degenerative changes begin. As one doctor told me, when a patient walks into his office gasping for breath after only walking down a short hall, the doctor realizes it may be too late. The lung membranes may be permanently damaged so that they can no longer expel the plugs of mucus resulting from the catarrhal condition. Eventually, if swift measures are not taken, the cells may die also. So the first signs of mucus or catarrh as well as shortness of breath require immediate action. The first step should be aimed at the mucus problem.

Mucus Remedies

Please note in the Formula for Fallout the addition of cream of tartar which seems to help dissolve mucus.

Emphysema and related diseases may be complicated by smog. Vitamins A, E, and D are advised by many physicians. Vitamin D, usually available from natural sunshine, is obscured by smog. Vitamin E encourages oxygen to the lung tissues and vitamin A heals the lung surfaces. An M.I.T. scientist found that vitamins A and E protect lungs against air pollution. In tests at M.I.T., animals which had been found deficient in vitamin A for a long time, exhibited hard, scaly, thick lung cells. These animals showed lung improvement within 18 hours after administration of vitamin A. 8 

Vitamin E has been found to be a protection against air pollution from smog, the two most disturbing pollutants being ozone and nitrous oxide. Drs. Daniel B. Menzel of Duke University, Jeffrey N. Roehm of Battelle-Northwest in Washington, and Si Duk Lee, of the Environmental Protection Agency in Cincinnati, found that rats given extra vitamin E when exposed to these pollutants lived twice as long as those without it.

Smog seems to create an alkalinity condition, too. A horse, subjected to smog, began to lose its hair by the handfuls. When given apple cider vinegar in its drinking water, the hair stopped falling and grew in.

Carl J. Reich, M.D., of Canada, has successfully treated approximately 5,000 cases of chronic asthmatics with natural A and D vitamins plus bone-meal tablets [don't use bone meal -- see top of page] to provide minerals. He believes that emphysema and bronchitis may be similar to asthma since the lungs and bronchi may be involved in all three disturbances. His method brings quick results for asthmatics, at least. He uses natural vitamin A and vitamin D (both in the same product) plus some drops of concentrated natural A and D mixture derived from tuna fish oil. In many cases, mucus is raised and eliminated. 9 

A surprising remedy for lung congestion was given me by a well-known nutritionist and lecturer:

Take 5 drops of anise oil (from drug stores) on honey or brown sugar, 30 minutes before meals. Gradually increase to ten drops.

The nutritionist told me that a man who was unable to walk further than 10 steps at a time, wrote her to say that as a result of this remedy he was climbing a walking at a 7,000 foot altitude with no difficulty while on his trout fishing vacation.

There is another pungent oil available both in the United States and Europe made of combined oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, cajeput, juniper, wintergreen, menthol and oil of cloves. It is said that inhaling it will help clear up mucus, clear catarrhal and bronchial congestion, as well as clearing the head. 10 

Outdoor exercise in fresh air is a great help for lung sufferers as is deep breathing. Both help to clear the lungs and bronchial tubes and expel the waste products. Here is a breathing exercise originally intended for those who wish to give up smoking. William P. Knowles, an English expert on breathing, says that of students from 100 countries, eight out of 10 have stopped smoking entirely or greatly reduced their intake. A secretary who smoked 25 cigarettes daily suffered from bronchitis and a cough, stopped smoking in two months, after taking the course two years ago. Recently she tried a cigarette to test herself; the taste, she said, was awful. "My desire to smoke is gone, along with the bronchitis and the cough."

Here are the steps of the Knowles system. It is done three times daily, for three minutes each.

  1. Sit upright in a chair. Don't touch the back of the chair with you spine.
  2. Stretch you arms forward, then draw them back slowly; let your elbows rest against the sides of your body; put hands--palms down--on your thighs.
  3. Breathe in and out quickly through your nose about a dozen times. A smoker may cough and sputter, but this is good for expelling phlegm and stale air.
  4. Once the lungs are cleansed, exhale slowly and completely until there is no air in your lungs. Then inhale to the count of seven. Pause for one second, exhale. Do this breathing fourteen times, seven in and seven out. Keep your chest out and shoulders back to allow freedom of breathing. That's it!

Carlson Wade, a nutrition and health writer, suggests another breathing exercise for bronchitis and emphysema. He says that in these disturbances spasms occur in the tiny tubes or air sacs, and prolonged oxygen imbalance may cause the lungs to lose some of their elastic quality. His solution is to get the air out of, rather than into the lungs. The emphasis should be on exhaling, rather than on inhaling, he says:

  1. Exhale slowly on the sound of S-S-S-S, prolonging it as long as possible before inhaling. Breath normally, then repeat. Do the whole exercise ten times. Always try to empty the upper lung area (chest) before emptying the lower lung area (rib cage).
  2. Lying on your back, inhale as you raise one leg to a 45 degree angle. Exhale as you lower your leg. Repeat with other leg.
  3. While still on your back, raise your head and shoulders as you exhale. inhale as you return to the original prone position.
  4. Put a book on your diaphragm just below your first ribs. Breath against this resistance. This is good for shallow breathers, Mr. Wade believes.


Probably the greatest help of all for radioactivity is found in homeopathy. Homeopathy has been maligned by orthodox doctors, as well as purveyors of drugs, probably because it is easy, cheap, and successful. It has been in use for centuries and serious side effects are unknown. If you hear a doctor or a drug manufacturer claim that homeopathy is a quack treatment, just remember that this is the same argument they use against health foods and vitamins and minerals. Actually, in order to practice homeopathy, one must first be a physician, graduated from a medical school. The course in homeopathy is then given as a post-graduate course to any doctor who wishes to take it after he has received his M.D. degree. [A bit dated.]

The average doctors who use regular drugs, and who are known as allopaths, usually treat a disease with drugs which mask the symptoms. Homeopaths remove the cause, quickly, easily, painlessly and inexpensively. Instead of regular drugs, homeopaths use tiny sweet pellets which contain herbal or mineral substances, or sometimes microscopic amounts of a certain drug. The homeopaths do not take X-rays, or write a prescription for a regular drug, or dismiss you after a quick interview. They take infinite time to learn about you, your symptoms and your problems before choosing the right remedy. Homeopathy can bring amazing results quickly, without extensive, expensive laboratory tests or surgery. I have written more about homeopathy in one of my books, 11  and you can learn still more from another book which gives a more complete description. 12 

Today there are few homeopaths in the United States. The Queen of England always maintains a homeopathic doctor on her staff. India respects homeopathy, as do most other countries, but in America it is brushed off as a fad, because of ignorance or for fear of competition. Believe me it is not a fad, but a very real help. In order to find a homeopathic doctor in your area, write to the American Foundation for Homeopathy, 910 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.

Like other busy doctors, not all homeopaths are yet aware of the far-reaching and serious effects of radioactivity, or of the great potential they have for treating it. But these doctors are open-minded and ready to learn what their specialty can offer. One radioactivity researcher in England believes that healing in connection with radioactivity can be approached only homeopathically. An American homeopathic physician believes that other therapies, in which energy confronts energy; electrotherapy, acupuncture, chromotherapy, heliotherapy, etc., may be of some help, but because of its greater specificity and application, he considers homeopathy far superior.

Homeopathy is based on the premise that "like cures like." This means that a remedy containing the same substance which produces the illness is given in minute amounts. A homeopath who has been treating radiation symptoms ever since the beginning of the Nevada tests, states in terms homeopathic physicians would understand (which I hope you will show to your homeopathic physician): "While almost any remedy of the Materia Medica Homeopathica may be indicated in radiation cases, some remedies are needed much more frequently than others. I am using very frequently, Arsenicum alb., Ferrum met., Phosphorus, Sulphur, Carbo veg., Silica, Natrum mur., and Nux vom. I am using them exclusively in ultra high potencies which can be repeated often and always work amazingly well if the similimum (the right substance) is found." Your homeopathic doctor can translate this for his own use.

Other homeopaths are using the homeopathic remedies, Sulphurous acid, 36x, to counteract the same element in smog; and Dipherinum 200 to aid diphtheria-like mucus problems.

Some English homeopaths are studying the effect of homeopathy on radioactivity at the present time.

Schuessler Cell Salts

In addition to seeking the services of a homeopathic physician, there is another form of homeopathy for which you need no doctor at all. These may be the crux of healing or preventing over the long run the whole problem of radioactive contamination. This form of homeopathy is called the Schuessler Cell Salts--also available as tiny sweet tablets or pellets. These, however, contain minerals which, on analysis, have been found already to exist in the human body. They are considered necessary for proper growth and maintenance of healthy cells. They are not new, merely ignored or forgotten, in favor of drugs. They have been used as early as 1873 by W. H. Schuessler, M.D., who learned that if any of the body cells became deficient in these minerals, an abnormal or "diseased" condition resulted. These cell salts are not used to "cure" anything; they merely supply to the body a missing substance which, when corrected, helps the body to repair itself. When I asked a professional expert who has worked with them for fifty years if there were any danger in taking these cell salts, he said, "Absolutely not! If the cell is already full of the mineral, it will merely reject it and the excess will be excreted from the body." They are slower than regular homeopathy, but they can be a marvelous protection.

It is these very same cell salts that Mira Louise, mentioned in Chapter Three, found missing from her patients after nuclear testing. When she supplied them, the symptoms were ameliorated. The cell salts have strange names:

The Twelve Cell Salts

  1. Calcarea Phosphorica (Phosphate of Lime), abbreviated as Calc. Phos.
  2. Kali Phosphoricum (Phosphate of Potash or Potassium) or Kali. Phos.
  3. Magnesia Phosphorica (Magnesium Phosphate) or Mag. Phos.
  4. Natrum Phosphoricum (Phosphate of Soda) or Nat. Phos.
  5. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Phosphate of Iron) or Fer. Phos.
  6. Natrum Sulphuricum (Sulphate of Soda) or Nat. Sulph.
  7. Kali Sulphuricum (Sulphate of Potash) or Kali. Sulph.
  8. Calcarea Sulphurica (Sulphate of Lime) or Calc. Sulph.
  9. Kali Muriaticum (Chloride of Potash) or Kali. Mur.
  10. Natrum Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride) or Nat. Mur.
  11. Calcium Fluorica (Fluoride of Lime) or Calc. Fluor.
  12. Silicea (Silica)

These cell salts can be procured without a prescription at a homeopathic pharmacy in your area. 13  [Or health food store.]

The experts tell us they should be purchased in the 3x potency, except for Calc. Fluor., Nat. Mur., and Silica, which should be in the 6x potency. There is another product which includes them all. [Hyland's Bioplasma.] You can follow the directions on the bottle of this all-in-one mixture or do as one expert does. He and his family merely take a teaspoonful each morning. The tablets are not to be washed down with water but dissolved dry on the tongue. They may take from six months [weeks?] to three months to produce results, depending upon the severity of need. [Might feel better right away.] Another expert I know takes the all-in-one product every day for prevention purposes, but adds, from time to time, the separate cell salts as needed. You should study the cell salts for yourself to find out what each cell salt does for health. It is an intriguing study. 14 

Cell salts help health in many ways by correcting mineral deficiencies of the cells, but to be used for radioactivity, the late Mira Louise gave these special hints:

Kali. Phos., Nat. Sulph., Mag. Phos., Calc. Fluor., Silicea, Calc. Phos., Kali. Sulph. and Ferrum Phos. are always short in the blood of those who have flu or any form of radiation sickness.

For the strange restlessness and the morbid, frightening dreams that follow radiation sickness: Calc. Phos., Calc. Fluor., Mag. Phos and Kali. Mur., if taken in a little hot water and sipped on retiring will invariably act as a charm: The patient, falling into a restful sleep will awaken to a new world in the morning.

For the husky voice which indicates that the thyroid gland has been affected, Kali. Phos., Calc. Phos., Calc. Fluor. could be taken before meals and Mag. Phos. and Ferrum Phos. afterwards. Calc. Iodine and Stunnum (tin), two newer, extra cell salts, could be taken on alternate days.

Silicea is designated for falling hair.

Perhaps the sold [sole?] purpose of the biochemic or Schuessler remedy is to assist the body to detoxicate itself. The tendency of the body is to recover lost equilibrium, if given the chance. Everyone must be given that chance. 15 

I order a full set of these 12 cell salts (compared to drugs they are very inexpensive), as well as the all-in-one product. Remember they are not drugs, but may take more time. The improvement is subtle but rewarding. Homeopathy and these simple substances may turn out to be the most effective preventative, as well as remedy, against radioactivity.

There are three unusual methods of reversing radiation even after it has become a serious health problem in the body. One method is supplied by Frances Nixon, author of the book, Born to be Magnetic. Mrs. Nixon has discovered that radiation can produce conflicting fields of energy in the body, and by the unique method described in her book, the body can be made to vibrate once more in resonance with one's neighboring cells, to repel the radiation and to re-establish harmony. Frances Nixon works with a Stanford University scientist who confirms her findings. Close to a thousand enthusiastic members of the Magnetic Society which has developed in response to her teachings, agree. 16 

Even if cancer has set in, it may not be too late. By the use of a simple amazing thought control, a method taught by a psychiatrist, Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi of Japan, has reversed cancer in thousands of patients as proved by before-and-after X-ray photographs. 17  To further prove the incredible healing power of thought, you should find my own book helpful. 18 

Finally, I have witnessed the complete rehabilitation of a man exposed to a huge dose of radioactive fallout which traveled from a bomb test detonated above ground in Nevada to California. This man was jogging in the California mountains when the radiation surrounded him. Not long after he began to show extreme nervous symptoms. Next he developed burning in all of his extremities and these symptoms became progressively worse, until they gave him no relief or peace. His fingers, his feet, his arms not only burned, but became excruciatingly painful. He was unable to sleep, sometimes for weeks at a time. He was tested in hospital after hospital and exposed to many doctors. The verdict was always the same: "Nervous system degeneration; cause unknown."

Finally, when it looked as if he were not going to survive, he went into the chapel of the church with which he was associated, got down on his knees and prayed for the warmth of God to enter his body and help make him a perfectly healed channel for helping others. The turning point immediately became apparent. His pain left, his burning subsided, his insomnia disappeared, and he is today a healthy, happy man, completely free of his old symptoms.

I know this man personally, as do hundreds of others. We can all vouch for the transformation. It has beet one of the greatest inspirations any of us have witnessed, namely, that a higher Divine Power can help us when all else fails.


  1. [Text] Sternglass, Low-Level Radiation
  2. [Text] Not to be confused with Vinca minor, a common ground cover with shiny leaves and blue flowers.
  3. [Text] E. L. David, F.I.S.PH., Biological Researcher, London
  4. [Text] Reported an the Eighth International Congress of Prophylactic Medicine, September 6, 1961. (See Clark, Get Well Naturally)
  5. [Text] Dokl. Akad., Nauk S.S.D.R., Bd. 126, p. 417
  6. [Text] Personal communication
  7. [Text] Sternglass, Ibid
  8. [Text] Chemical and Engineering News, June 29, 1972
  9. [Text] Carl J. Reich, M.D., "The Vitamin Therapy of Chronic Asthma," The Journal of Asthma Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, December 1971
  10. [Text] For information write to: Heidi E. Ritter, Importer, 8300 South 20 St., Oak Creek, Wis. 53154
  11. [Text] Clark, Get Well Naturally
  12. [Text] Coulter, Homeopathic Medicine
  13. [Text] If there is no homeopathic pharmacy in your area to supply the individual cell salts or combination, write: Standard Homeopathic Co., P.O. Box 61067, Los Angeles, CA 90061
  14. [Text] Chapman and Cogswell, Dr. Schuessler's Biochemistry
  15. [Text] Louise, More About Biochemistry
  16. [Text] Nixon, Born to be Magnetic
  17. [Text] Taniguchi, The Human Mind and Cancer
  18. [Text] Clark, Help Yourself to Health