Frankie Sab


I know how to help people who are being targeted with this "EMP Program" that the Air Force is conducting. I have done so much research on this and accomplish tremendous tests and I know almost everthing about this system. It is being Pulsed from a satellite above and one can notice its presence if you'll look up there. You will see a Star looking light but the color is Yellowish, while the rest of the Stars are whiteish color. The Pulses are radiant and is round, cannot be seen by naked eye. The center is a very highly reflective (almost like Plasma) and this what reflects your image back to them. You can use a Digital Camera with a Flash capability, the ones that can be downloaded to a PC Computer and also has the option to view your pictures on a television. Take pictures all over Sky above your residence, making small increments for each shot going around 360 deg, and then view them on a television.. I have also used a Variable Strobe Light (Radio Shack Item) and seen Green Decaying Waves falling off as the pulses are being replaced at the tremendous speed.

If you are being zapped, being talked to, being mind manipulated, contact me at ( and I will show you pictures of what this Pulse looks like. I will also help you with the right people to catch these perpetrators. The Military (Air Force)are the only entity that can do this type of Harassment. It is cruel, because it contains very high doses of Radiation. As it was published, in the 1970s, the Russians were using "EMP" in the US Embassy in Russia, and eventually 30 percent of its Personnel died of Cancer.

Received 12-04-2003