
This information is Copyright of the author
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Author's Request

I am the victim of psychological and subliminal mind abuse by electronic means and have been for approximately 2 years.

I have some clues which have pointed to my local sheriffs office or possibly the police dept, FBI or DEA as perps. Unfortunately, I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and this is part of the reason I was chosen.

My daughter, 4 yrs old, has hummed the music that they use to infiltrate my mind, and their technology is that which allows me to hear my thoughts as soon as and just before I think them, they claim to have the ability to control my subconscious mind and have made me believe and do things I would never in my right mind believe or do.

Since I am now aware of this I am not allowing them to do this but I am amazed at what I've been through. They tell me to commit suicide but I am fighting them and have told them that they chose the wrong M***** F***** to mess with! It is my sense of humor that has been key to my survival as they are with me EVERYWHERE...I am NOT schizophrenic or crazy, am educated and a good person who is continually told contradictory stories and phrases & then told these phrases were from my mind.

They made me tear up and destroy my apartment, get arrested and when I was signing my release papers I noticed my e-mail name and different other names under the section for "aliases" and I DON'T HAVE ANY ALIASES! Also, my last name on the arrest report and court records was misspelled.

Very early on, I received a tourist brochure from Virginia. I never ordered this, don't know anyone from there. My ex-husband was informed by a sheriff supervisor that his drivers license was numbered in such a way that denied access to them or anyone pulling up his number and when the supervisor tried to access it again he received a phone call from FBI headquarters, in Quantico, VA, to quit trying to access that number that it was denied access.

My ex thinks that an undercover spy could be using his name but doesn't believe I'm being targeted by this abuse, even after I told him about all the websites. My mother and him both think it's all in my head and that no one would have a reason to do this because I'm a nobody. I have told other people but no one believes me and I have quit trying for fear of looking like I'm a paranoid schizophrenic.

Received 12-12-20004