Time To Wake Up about Cults!

from Newsgroups: alt.true-crime
Jennifer_Ryan Email
Date: 1997/04/02

Part I

My focus is Children's Rights, so this post is written from that perspective. I have experience with everything I am speaking of, having worked inside many Government Systems. I do have a fake e-mail address because the people trying to cover up their crimes have been trying to censor me. If you have a legitimate question, feel free to ask, if not I will most likely ignore you:

As recent events this past week have illustrated, secretive groups do exist under our very noses along with their unique ideologies, however poorly understood by those outside their particular belief system. Observe mainstream media scrambling now, trying to explain "Heaven's Gate" within 3-minute sound-bites. Leaders of these self-styled groups exert tremendous control over their followers by the use of subtle mind-control techniques. Some of these general techniques have been described in the literature but the more sophisticated techniques are only now being understood. (Stay tuned for new books on this subject.) Perhaps people might be able to understand destructive cults by using the Heaven's Gate group as an example.

What people choose to do to themselves is their own business. As long as they're not hurting others I believe they are free to make the choice to follow any path they want - to its ultimate conclusion. That includes any occult group on this planet. However, there are groups that exist whose ideologies known to the inner circles *do* center around hurting others and these underground groups continue to flourish amid societal denial, media spin, disinformation strategies and Lesser Black Magic Techniques which are acknowledged by black magic cults in their description of how to fool others. I quote an excerpt by Michael Aquino, a high priest who led the Satanic group Temple of Set - a black magic organization - in San Francisco in his post to alt.satanism many months ago.

"Setian Ethics"
"As you become adept in LBM (Lesser Black Magic), you will be tempted to use it for all manner of personal gratification. The more skilled you are, the more you will be inclined to think that you can get away with almost anything. The governing factor is not whether you can or can't, but rather whether your consciously-determined ethics allow you to. As you begin to direct your life independently of morals, codes and customs imposed upon you by the politics and propaganda of society, you will have to assume the responsibility for your own ethics. *Only if you are known to be a strictly ethical individual will your rejection of social norms be tolerated.*"

If you understand that Mr. Aquino was also a Lt. Colonel in the Army, a military intelligence operative, and has been accused of the ritual abuse of children over many, many years (although neither charged or convicted but processed out of the Army) you will understand that some of the "Lesser Black Magic Techniques" he is referring to are propaganda, disinformation, misinformation and other strategies employed by our Intelligence Communty. This is how some cults flourish within our communities while they mask their true agendas. It's easier to understand when one notes the links between the military, the occult, and black government operations.


When one is involved in profitable criminal activities such as child porn, prostitution, etc.. it's possible to continue masking those activities by wealth and the privacy that wealth brings. Private doctors can be "bought" and used to perform tasks (as in the Heaven's Gate castrations - some Doctor performed an unusual procedure) or these doctors can be part of the cult membership. When children are involved these Doctors then won't report abuse of a child for instance. Well-funded groups can afford to send their kids to private schools, taught by other cult members, or home-school their kids. This is why there are few referrals reported to any Children's Services Bureau having to do with politicans or people with money - unless you actually believe wealthy, powerful people don't abuse children. If a case such as this does come into this System they are handled like "hot-potatoes" and political decisions are then made which may or may not have anything to do with child protection because of concern about political consequences to the organization, who's involved, their money, and media coverage. (Example: Concerns with JonBenet Ramsey killing and what will be demonstrated concerning politics in San Diego). Because of similar concerns, child victims of cults do not receive adequate attention.

I'm from San Diego and I can tell you that many of us have known the Rancho Santa Fe area houses a number of different groups. I have a book on my shelf written many years ago (won't mention the title) by the leader of a similar group as Heaven's Gate with their own particular "Inner Growth" spin. I've known some members located in Rancho Sante Fe (RSF) for years. Why RSF? For one reason, the location provides a great deal of privacy as has been mentioned. No street lights, huge parcels of land, no mail delivery, etc. For that same reason, destructive groups are based in that area as well. There have been many reports of this. However, you have to know the right detective to ask.


The internet is a perfect place for manipulation and deceit. And *Of course* cults recruit here, they also have their goon-squads who have multiple internet accounts to harass anyone who attempt to expose them. Also read-up on the internet about Scientology and their harassing lawsuits.

Open, dark-side occult organizations, euthanasia groups and others recruit as well. Their web pages are very easy to find. Along with the recruiting and the mind-control "spin" (pretending to be innocent organizations when some are not) there are those organizations which are attempting to cover up these crimes. I would include the FMSF (False Memory Syndrome Foundation) which I consider to be a harmful political group designed to provide a bogus psychological "syndrome" defense to sexual predators and victims of cult activity. This will become clear to you after you read the "witch-hunt" web pages and study what they are saying, what their "defense" is, their extreme over-the-top political denial agenda of occult crime or mass child molest and then compare it to the facts. However, that takes work.


In the 1980's, victims of cults came forward and attempted to tell their story amid some highly publicized trials of mass child molest with occult overtones. These adults were told from childhood that nobody would believe them. In the 1980's due to the publicity which provided a momentary open-window, some of them came forward. Many of them are badly psychologically damaged and had been misdiagnosed for years because nobody *believed* what they were saying and so were pathologized, but many of them are highly functioning. They have written books, their therapists have attempted to publicize the crimes they were reporting and information has been furnished to the FBI. Ken Lanning, one FBI agent, wrote an opinion for law enforcment about ritual crime describing, in his opinion, how to investigate these crimes, and stated to date he found no criminal conspiracy among destructive occult groups. What he didn't tell you is that he has not investigated many cases, he's not interested in investigating occult cases and people who have tried to provide information have gone unheard. Apparently, he thought that juries had a difficult time believing these crimes exist and believed in down-playing the activity. Unfortunately, by taking that position - quite publicly - his brief overview was used and misused by some of the organizations trying to make a case that occult crimes don't exist. Lanning also says his published work is misused. The FBI had to publicly state they had conducted no type of research study and they don't keep statistics. So what does this mean? It means this type of criminal activity falls through the cracks in the system and what occured over this past week highlights some of the reasons why. The FBI knows very well about crimes by occult groups.


The media apparently can't get itself together to discuss destructive cult activity and all I keep hearing is "suicide" cults like Jonestown, etc..when people were also murdered there as well as other groups outside the country they keep calling "suicide cults" despite evidence to the contrary.


Destructive cults do exist; they are actively hurting people, they're busy setting up therapists for lawsuits by sending in one of their members for "therapy" and then turning on the therapist. ( You can investigate this by speaking with any high-profile therapist who works in this area.) One therapist, David Calof from Washington, has been harassed, his patients have been followed, photographed, and he had to file a restraining order to keep the FMSF members away from him. He's also an expert in treating cult victims.


The information the general public receives are all media sound-bites. You cannot understand the inner workings of a cult by superficial examination or edited documentaries. In this last week how have some programs been attempting to provide a more indepth perspective? They've BEEN INTERIVEWING FORMER MEMBERS! This is how much of the information gained about secretive groups are gathered. Where do you think "Cult experts" get their information? From former victims and followers. For whatever reason, the media is now helping to perpetuate societal denial of the activities of more destructive cults. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the FMSF has their hand in the media machine and so do some powerful groups trying to cover up their crimes - such as the military who are slowly being exposed due to mindcontrol experiments and child abuse which was the sub-subject of the 1995 congressional hearings on radiation.


The San Diego police and sherriff's Dept. don't know what to do in general when cult crime occurs. They *react* instead of approaching the subject in a *pro-active* manner. By this, I mean what is the possible purpose of not having someone in their organizations with expertise on cults and their activities? I have several copies of manuals distributed by the San Diego Sherriff's and police written in the late 1980's and early 1990's. I know several police who now have to work quietly in this area since the media in San Diego and Carol Hopkin's and a Grand Jury report publicly stated there are no destructive cults in San Diego. I refer you to articles by Jim Okerblom and Mark Sauer from the San Diego Union over the past 5 years. Well, Jim and Mark - I guess the only cults in San Diego are the benign ones who commit mass suicide.

To understand how this grossly stupid position came to be, one need to follow the disinformation trail.

Due to the backlash from some failed or ambiguous outcomes on a few child molestation cases with occult overtones, a few controversial occult cases which Jim and Mark reported on, and a Grand Jury report written in part by Carol Hopkins - you may know her by the "Justice Committee" based in San Diego, (her organization recently held a 'Day of Contrition" in Salem, Massachusets for all the poor people who have been "falsely" convicted of mass child molest apparently due to a "witch-hunt".) What these people apparently don't "get" is that criminals who prey on children use all types of methods including drugs, hypnosis and terror to cover up their crimes. Adult victims have been saying this for years and child victims are alluding to this as well.

Due to the "work" of that Grand Jury report in 1992 (which the next years Grand Jury stated was filled with "misrepresentations" regarding their descriptions of cases), policy among Children's Services in San Diego, and the internal police Dept was changed. Mentioning Ritual crime became politically incorrect despite the fact that children are still being hurt by these people, organizations still receive referrals etc and cults of all types still reside in San Diego County. Nobody is tracking the crime, nobody is providing training to government workers on how to deal with this particular type of crime and so ends the sad commentary of how the FMSF and a few incredibly biased reporters were able to dictate policy in San Diego County. Jim, The Reporter received some award for his "investigations." Congratulations.

The McMartin Tunnels were found corroborating children's claims, (Report to be published in a few months) in that botched LA investigation despite journalistic spins to the contrary. I spoke with Dr. Roland Summit - a world renown psychiatrist and expert on child abuse - and he told me some journalists were lying about the Mcmartin Tunnels and about the case itself. He didn't know why. I concur, except I know why. Many people are in jail for ritual abuse of children. They need to stay there. The FMSF and others are attempting to over-throw their convictions.

A child abuse expert mentioned on Larry King Tuesday night that the criminal justice system did not protect children. I concur with this as well. Perpetrators have been having a field day with kids due to the politics and propaganda of our time. Information is flowing too fast for the public to grasp, organizations are vastly understaffed, and the media is helping to hurt kids by leaving the "investigative" journalism to those trying to cover up enormous crimes against children.

Part II

The Media:

The San Diego Union-Tribune has helped to perpetuate the existence of destructive cults by denying their existence. They've been denying the existence of destructive cults for the past four years. Now that an awkward suicide took place by a cult in San Diego (however you believe this group should be categorized) they are now attempting to pretend to be concerned about cults. Their articles all week have been about "Christian cults" "Ufo cults" etc.. etc... and not one *word* about Satanic cults.

Carol Hopkins and the Grand jury in San Diego made an authoritative claim that there were no Satanic Cults abusing kids in San Diego. Several months later there was a large scale alleged ritual abuse case. The alleged perps were not convicted. The media continued trying to claim there was no such thing as RA in the middle of this trial and they have not stopped. They kept repeating the Grand Jury report. I quote:

Child Sexual Abuse, Assault, and Molest
Issues Report No. 8
A report by the 1991-92
San Diego County Grand Jury
June 29, 1992

"Witnesses were asked to provide any factual information or evidence they had available which would substantiate the existence of satanic ritual abuse in San Diego County or elsewhere. No such information or evidence was provided. The Jury found that there is no physical evidence of satanic ritual child abuse in San Diego County. There is evidence and considerable professional testimony that the existence of satanic ritual abuse is a contemporary myth perpetuated by a small number of social workers, therapists, and law enforcement members who have effected an influence which far belies their numbers."

"The Grand Jury is aware that the Department of Social Services has reevaluated the investigative protocols on ritual and satanic abuse. The social worker who investigated in this area has been reassigned and the Ritual Abuse report is no longer being distributed by the Commisssion on Children and Youth. This is as it should be."

What they didn't know was that *several* people were working on these cases and of course this information flew in the face of dozens of therapists surveyed saying they had people claiming to be satanic cult victims, a Juvenile court judge authorized that survey and the subsequent Ritual abuse protocol. Appareantly they didn't know about a girl who was sodomized by a relative who was a satanist, was bled, and scared out of her wits and the entire family system covered for the perpetrator. This is also despite many hospitals in San Diego County who treat kids claiming they've been hurt by satanic families, and at least a DOZEN convictions around the country of entire families convicted of sexual molest of children who've used satanic rituals on those kids and of course, the leader of the Temple of Set, the second largest Satanic organization in America, was himself processed out of the military in 1990 after being titled under an investigatory report for ritual child molest!

Go figure. As previously stated, the next Grand jury denounced the 1992 jury report but it was too late. Hopkins did a mass mailing on the fraudulent jury report to groups around the country in an attempt to use this as "evidence."

Hopkins quotes the FMSF, says there's no such thing as Satanic ritual abuse in San Diego County, and then says everyone should be opposed to Senator Newton Russells Ritual Abuse Enhancement legislation (which nonetheless did get passed into law in 1995 despite what she said) one of the purposes being to formulate a task force to study the problem. She says "The purpose of this state task force is ostensibly to determine the extent of this problem of ritualistic abuse. It would appear that the selection process makes this task force less than objective. The Jury strongly urges the Board of Supervisors and San Diego's Department of Social Services to oppose this legislation."

Ms. Hopkins also quoted the False Memory Syndrome Foundation , at that time, only 4 months old along with their bogus claims, when the FMSF had never published any scientific evidence that there was such a thing as False Memory Syndrome- which there is not- but is a defense used to discredit sexual molest victims.

Now if this doesn't stink to high heaven, I don't know what does.

The San Diego Union then began writing a series of articles debunking ritual abuse crime and covering various stories of a few over-turned convictions regarding SRA/RA and child molest. They did not report on the convictions that did not get over-turned and the dozens of people still in prison.

Many people inside the police department, social services, family court etc.. just shook their heads because they were still handling cases of ritual child abuse and they acknowledged it...but nobody apparently wanted to buck the newspaper and possibly receive "bad" coverage. The newspaper itself was in control of what to print despite peoples' efforts to object.

And the San Diego Union-Tribune now has the *nerve* to print last week that they are deeply commited to exploring cults and reporting it to the public. This newspaper should be run out of town.

Hopkins is now involved in a group called the "Justice Committee" apparently trying to help Debbie Nathan, the FMSF, and their ilk to over-throw ritual abuse court cases of mass child molest perpetuated by who? Satanic families.

In every case I'm familiar with, the families that are doing this, parents, grandparents etc.. are using satanic imagery, defiling children, kids unanimously speak of being defecated and urinated on, and told to worship Satan and they can actually repeat the chants back verbatim and can tell you about ceremonies. In other words, their perpetrators were Satanists, people.

But appparently this is "not evidence. " Do you want to know why? Because the Satanists have said the *therapists* who treated these massively traumatized children are conspiratorially making it all up! All around the country and the world, too!

Now you might think this is something which most of American should be concerned about, right?

Well, yes, except the FMSF and Satanic cults have their hand in the media disinformation machine (and the internet big time) and are attempting to not only say these crimes never occured- despite massive convictions-- but that there is *no such thing as generational satanism.*

Obviously this incredibly ridiculous statement would mean that all Satanists have dropped off the earth, unlike any and every religious group since the Beginning of the Great tracking of Religions, they're the *only* social group who have no genealogy, don't have mothers, father, grandfathers, uncles, or aunts, but instead came into being in the 1970's when Anton LeVey wrote his Satanic Bible which then plotted the "course of modern satanism in this country." And since the SB says to keep away from children, then, of course, that's what *all* satanists are doing. What people forget to mention is that the Satanic Bible speaks of why someone would want to perform a satanic murder and torture somebody and gives quite a rationalization system for doing so.

Again, it's not what you or I believe, but what Traditional satanic cults/families believe that is at issue. And believe me folks, they aren't going to tell you what they're really up to and they aren't on the census rolls. That's how they've managed to hide for so long until recently. The secret is out, their children are talking and now the only strategy left is to try to undermine what their children are saying.

Children on present day cases have spoken of being tied to pentagrams, staked out, tortured and used as "bait" as part of the summoning ceremonies. So have the grown adults who are now talking. I'll leave it up to your imagination to figure out what they are being used for. And you don't need to leave much evidence behind for that.

I know several people from these groups. They all have pretty much the same story to tell. The children's stories from these day care cases are much the same. Why these Satanic families chose to branch out into mass molest is an interesting question. It might be explained by ordering Jon Rappoports *US Government Mind Control Experiments On Children* -which is testimony introduced in 1995. You can order by calling (213) 243-9005. The victims name the same psychiatrists. It also explains the massive media disinformation machine trying to cover up these crimes.

I know several people in the destructive cult underground (mostly satanists) and I've also spoken with some child victims and their parents.They were told something was being planned at the end of the decade by the groups that hurt them. I haven't mentioned it before. There are groups that center around the antichrist. Again, it's not important what you believe, it's important what they believe.

Some very good books to read about destructive cults are *Painted Black* by Carl Raschke, *Cult and Ritual Abuse-It's History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America* by James Randall Noblitt and Pamela Sue Perskin and do a key word search on satanism, cults, Michael Aquino and ritual crime.