The Eichmann Case as Seen by Ben-Gurion

(Six Million Jews Perished in 1945, 1938, 1921, 1919...  [Source #2])

(Debunking the "Lampshade" Myth)

"The authenticity was only checked after the general revision of the collection and exhibition holdings, which was carried out after the end of the GDR. The report prepared by the Institute for Forensic Medicine of the Medical Academy Erfurt (Prof. Dr. sc. Med. Leopold) on July 6, 1992 states: “Preparation IV (lampshade), on the other hand, cannot be identified serologically as human. It may be a plastic that was produced for lampshades in a similar period."

by David Ben-Gurion

New York Times on December 18, 1960.

(PDF Version)

Adolf Eichmann has been exonerated.  David Ben-Gurion writes about "soap factories" in the New York Times in 1960.  Those soap factory rumors have since been proven false.


Several reports of only 6 million total Jews, not Holocausted Jews.

Jewish activists, not the American army, viewing documents, or evidence, make up an estimate months before the death of Hitler and before the end of World War 2 - which is never revised or made more specific, printed in the Jewish owned New York Times.  This one estimates 1 million killed, not by the areas controlled by Germans (by who then?), 5 million by Germans.

Oops!  They claimed 6 million Holocausted in Russia in 1921.

The "6 million" lie has been used, by the Jews, as far back as 1919.

They don't mention Jews and in fact claim to be "Non Sectarian" (yeah, right), but clearly Jews is what they're about.  There are no dates and it's not clear when they were printed.  They were printed by the "Joint Distribution Committee", whose full title was "American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee," which was established in 1914.  Their chairman at the time these were printed was Felix M. Warburg, who was kvetching about the 6 million in 1919, and he died in 1937.  So these are from some time between 1914 and 1937, but most likely 1919 or shortly after.  One of them has a quote from Bainbridge Colby who was Secretary of State from 1920 - 1921, so it was probably printed during that time or shortly after.