
That's Just How White Folks Will Do You."

Barack Hussein Obama







Note: Items posted to this page are in the order of discovery.

In Obama's Own Words


What Obama really thinks of white folks  (09:53)

Don't Sully
Me Bro
Anna Dunham's parents weren't happy with her marriage to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., but Hussein Onyango Obama, Barack Sr.'s father was furious.

He wrote the Dunhams "this long, nasty letter saying that he didn't approve of the marriage," Obama recounted his mother telling him in "Dreams."  "He didn't want the Obama blood sullied by a white woman."
Not White Obama would write in "Dreams...," -- "I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."

Abandoned by his father and shipped off by his mother to his white grandparents, Barry Soetoro is enrolled in the
Punahou School, begins the search for his "blackness," and becomes Barack Hussein Obama.
But Black Obama wanted a race to belong to, a team whose accomplishments would reflect well upon him.  Of course, it was unthinkable in his liberal white family to take pride in the achievements of his mother’s race, so Obama gloried in being part of his absent father’s race.

From his early teens onward, Obama desperately wants to be black.  In "Dreams," he writes, "I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant."  Honolulu’s paucity of African-Americans means he has to learn to be black from the media: "TV, movies, the radio; those were places to start.  Pop culture was color-coded, after all, an arcade of images from which you could cop a walk, a talk, a step, a style."

"...never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own.  It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself..."

Obama even describes his grandparents, the people who would raise and nourish him, as "white folk."
Typical When his grandmother wants a ride to work because the day before, while awaiting the bus, she was threatened by a black panhandler, he is outraged -- at his grandmother.

Obama consulted his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, about this incident for advice.  Davis responded to Obama, "What I'm trying to tell you is, your grandmother has every right to be scared. ... She understands that black people have a reason to hate.  That's just how it is.  For your sake, I wish it were otherwise.  But it's not.  So you might as well get used to it."

Later, when he moves to the South Side of Chicago in 1984, he eventually discovers that, like his grandmother, he’s sometimes scared of black males on the street, too.
In To Darkness
Even through high school, he continued to vacillate between the twin strands of his racial identity.  As a teenager, Obama sought out gatherings on military bases or at the University of Hawaii that were mostly attended by blacks.

"I learned to slip back and forth between my black and white worlds," he wrote in "Dreams."  "One of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.  They were more than satisfied; they were relieved -- such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Obama wrote that in high school, he and a black friend would sometimes speak disparagingly "about white folks this or white folks that, and I would suddenly remember my mother's smile, and the words that I spoke would seem awkward and false."

As a result, he concluded that "certain whites could be excluded from the general category of our distrust."


Obama enters Occidental College in California, and was the period when Obama stopped using the nickname "Barry" in favor of his full name.

n his college days, it was the autobiography of militant Malcolm X that grabbed his attention more than any other black writer.  "Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different," Obama wrote.  "His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me; the blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will."

He added: "Malcolm’s discovery toward the end of his life, that some whites might live beside him as brothers in Islam, seemed to offer some hope of eventual reconciliation."

Some whites? -- if they are Muslims? -- all whites have to do is to submit to Islam? -- this guy still thinks like a Muslim.

Occidental In his first memoir, "Dreams," Obama included a description of black student life at Occidental College in Los Angeles.

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote.  "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

He added: "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.  The more politically active black students.  The foreign students.  The Chicanos.  The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

Obama said he and other blacks were careful not to second-guess their own racial identity in front of whites.

"To admit our doubt and confusion to whites, to open up our psyches to general examination by those who had caused so much of the damage in the first place, seemed ludicrous, itself an expression of self-hatred," he wrote.

He ridiculed his Occidental black classmate for having a Caucasian girlfriend, writing:

Tim was not a conscious brother.  Tim wore argyle sweaters and pressed jeans and talked like Beaver Cleaver.  He planned to major in business.  His white girlfriend was probably waiting for him up in his room, listening to country music. ..."Tim's a trip, ain't he," I said, shaking my head. "Should change his name from Tim to Tom [presumably a reference to Uncle Tom]."

"Dreams From My Father," pages 101-102 (paperback edition)
In To Darkness
Occidental College in Los Angeles, which then had a black mayor, Tom Bradley, wasn’t black enough, so in search of a community to belong to, he transfers to Harlem … well, to be precise, to that prestigious university on the edge of Harlem, Columbia. (A recurrent theme in Obama’s career is Power to the People gestures and Ivy League results).

He majors in political science with a specialization in international relations.  No one -- absolutely no one -- remembers Obama at Columbia.


At Columbia, Obama disapproved of what he called "half-breeds" who gravitated toward whites instead of blacks.  And yet after college, he once fell in love with a white woman, only to push her away when he concluded he would have to assimilate into her world, not the other way around.

New York

Obama graduates from Columbia College, and after spending a year working in New York, moves to Chicago where he finally finding a home where at least some whites reciprocated his antagonism.

Didn't See
That Comin'
When he’s working on Wall Street, he’s creeped-out by his visiting mother’s insistence on seeing her favorite film, the 1959 Brazilian art-house classic "Black Orpheus."  He belatedly realizes that his very fair-skinned mother is sexually attracted to dark men.  He pompously intones, "The emotions between the races could never be pure; even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves.  Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart."

In the period from high school in Hawaii, to Columbia University and then to the streets of Chicago as a community organizer, Obama is the classic angry young black man, describing his world thusly:

"We were always playing on the white man's court -- by the white man's rules.  If the principal, or the coach, or a teacher wanted to spit in your face, he could, because he had the power and you didn't.  The only thing you could choose was withdrawal into a smaller and smaller coil of rage."

Obama once described the white race as "that ghostly figure that haunted black dreams."

"That hate hadn't gone away," he wrote, blaming "white people -- some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."

After graduating from college, Obama eventually went to Chicago to interview for a job as a community organizer.  His racial attitudes came into play as he sized up the man who would become his boss.

"There was something about him that made me wary," Obama wrote. "A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."

Louis "I would occasionally pick up the paper [Louis Farrakhan’s 'The Final Call'] from these unfailingly polite men, in part out of sympathy to their heavy suits in the summer, their thin coats in winter; or sometimes because my attention was caught by the sensational, tabloid-style headlines (CAUCASIAN WOMAN ADMITS: WHITES ARE THE DEVIL).  Inside the front cover, one found reprints of the minister’s [Farrakhan’s] speeches, as well as stories that could have been picked straight off the AP news wire were it not for certain editorial embellishments (”Jewish Senator Metzenbaum announced today…”).

Dreams From My Father, p. 201
When he was a community organizer (age 22 prior to going to law school) he happily cooperated with Rafiq, a former gangster turned Nation of Islam.  He even believed that Black Nationalism was a "good therapy" for Blacks.  That was also the reason he supported Wright ("Dreams...," p. 190-200).  For he shares Michelle's sentiments of alienation, came to believe that race should trump everything and it should be anti-white:

"all the black people who, it turned out, shared with me a voice that whispered inside them -- You don't really belong here."

"In a sense, then, Rafiq was right when he insisted that, deep down, all blacks were potential Nationalists.  The anger was there, bottled up and often turned inward.  And . . . I wondered whether, for now at least, Rafiq wasn't also right in preferring that that anger be redirected; whether a black politics that suppressed rage towards white generally, or one that failed to elevate race loyally above all else, was a politics inadequate to the task."

"It was a painful thought to consider, as painful now as it has been years ago.  It contradicted the morality my mother had taught me, a morality of subtle distinctions -- between individuals of goodwill and those who wished me ill, between active malice and ignorance of indifference.  I have a personal stake in that moral framework; I'd discovered that I couldn't escape it if I tried.  And yet perhaps it was a framework that blacks in this country could no longer afford; perhaps it weakened black resolve, encouraged confusion within the ranks.  Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many blacks, times were chronically desperate.  If (black) nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, of the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence."

"If nationalism could deliver.  As it turned out, questions of effectiveness, and not sentiment, cause most of my quarrels with Rafiq."

In other words, Barack was willing to sacrifice his mother and his typical white grandparents on the alter of black nationalism.  His sentiments were in line with those of Rafiq, the Nation of Islam activist.  That is the reason he chose a black nationalist church run by Reverend Wright, who explained to him during their very first meeting ("Dreams...," p.284):

"Life's not safe for a black man in this country, Barack.  Never has been.  Probably never will be."

At age 33, Obama publishes a 442 page book about his pursuit of a racial identity.

There's not a word about him pursuing a non-racial, specifically American identity in "Dreams from My Father,
A Story of Race and Inheritance."

Obama’s book is primarily about his rejection of his supportive white maternal extended family in favor of his unknown black paternal extended family.

In "Dreams...," Obama meditates, "If [black] nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self-respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, or the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence."

Also in his memoir, Obama writes of one of the watershed moments of his racial awareness -- time and again in remarkable detail.  It is a story about a Life magazine article  that influenced him.  The report was about a black man who tried to bleach his skin white.  When Obama was told no such article could be found in Life, he says "it might have been Ebony.

He is 9 years old, living in Indonesia, where he and his mother moved with her new husband, Lolo Soetoro, a few years earlier.  One day while visiting his mother, who was working at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Obama passed time by looking through several issues of Life magazine.  He came across an article that he later would describe as feeling like an "ambush attack."

The article included photos of a black man who had destroyed his skin with powerful chemical lighteners that promised to make him white.  Instead, the chemicals had peeled off much of his skin, leaving him sad and scarred, Obama recalled.

"I imagine other black children, then and now, undergoing similar moments of revelation," Obama wrote of the magazine photos in "Dreams."

Yet no such photo exists, according to historians at the magazine.  No such photos, no such article.  When asked about the discrepancy, Obama said in a recent interview, "It might have been an Ebony or it might have been ... who knows what it was?"  (At the request of the Tribune, archivists at Ebony searched their catalogue of past articles, none of which matched what Obama recalled.)

In fact, it is surprising, based on interviews with more than two dozen people who knew Obama during his nearly four years in Indonesia, that it would take a photograph in a magazine to make him conscious of the fact that some people might treat him differently in part because of the color of his skin.
Audacity In October, Obama publishes "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream," which details his views of politics and his vision for the future of the U.S. government and its people.

“Malcolm X’s autobiography seemed to offer something different,” Obama wrote.  "His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me; the blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will."

He added: "Malcolm’s discovery toward the end of his life, that some whites might live beside him as brothers in Islam, seemed to offer some hope of eventual reconciliation."

This is the thinking of a Muslim.
Selma As another example, consider Obama's stirring tale for the Selma audience about how he had been conceived by his parents, Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, because they had been inspired by the fervor following the "Bloody Sunday" voting rights demonstration that was commemorated March 4.  "There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama," he said, "because some folks are willing to march across a bridge.  So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born.  So don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama.  Don't tell me I'm not coming home to Selma, Alabama"

Obama was born in 1961, and the Selma march occurred four years later, in 1965.  The New York Times reported that when the senator was asked about the discrepancy later that day, he clarified: "I meant the whole civil rights movement."
Cornel West was on fire.  Bobbing in his chair, his hands sweeping across the stage, the brilliant and bombastic scholar was lambasting Barack Obama's campaign.  Before a black audience, at an event outside Atlanta called the State of the Black Union, West was questioning why Obama was 600 miles away, announcing his bid for the White House in Springfield, Ill.  Did he really care about black voters?  What did that say about his willingness to stand up for what he believes?

"He's got large numbers of white brothers and sisters who have fears and anxieties and concerns, and he's got to speak to them in such a way that he holds us at arm's length," West said, pushing his hand out for emphasis.  "So he's walking this tightrope."  West challenged the candidate to answer a stark set of questions: "I want to know how deep is your love for the people, what kind of courage have you manifested in the stances that you have and what are you willing to sacrifice for.  That's the fundamental question.  I don't care what color you are.  You see, you can't take black people for granted just 'cause you're black."

A few days later, West was sitting in his Princeton office after class when the phone rang.  It was Barack Obama.  "I want to clarify some things," the candidate calmly told the professor of religion and African-American studies.  Over the next two hours, Obama explained his Illinois state Senate record on criminal justice and affordable health care.  West asked Obama how he understood the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and interrogated him about a single phrase in Obama's 2004 Democratic-convention speech: that America was "a magical place" for his Kenyan father.  "That's a Christopher Columbus experience," West said.  "It's hard for someone who came out of slavery and Jim Crow to call it a magical place.  You have to be true to yourself, but I have to be true to myself as well."  A few weeks later, the two men met in a downtown Washington, D.C., hotel to chat about Obama's campaign staff.

Just a month after ripping into him onstage, West endorsed Obama and signed up as an unpaid adviser.

If you don't know who and what Cornell West is, please see this video.

What did Obama promise the radical Cornell West to gain his support?

La Raza Sunday, 07/22, Obama was in South Florida to address the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's largest Hispanic so-called civil rights group.

La Raza is Spanish for "the race," although NCLR claims it means "community" on their website.  La Raza supports legislation such as the Civil Liberties Restoration Act, which would roll back policies adopted after Sept. 11 designed to protect national security.  It supports the "DREAM Act," which would mandate states to offer in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens -- thus providing them with benefits not available to U.S. citizens from other states.

The group opposes the "Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act of 2003" and the "Homeland Security Enhancement Act" would give state and local police officers the authority to enforce federal immigration laws.

"While the safety and security of our communities and our country are of the utmost importance, new policies that would allow local police departments to enforce federal civil immigration law will hinder terrorist and other criminal investigations, and have a serious negative impact on Latino communities," La Raza explains.

The group also supports legislation to ensure illegal immigrants' ability to obtain driver's licenses.

La Raza continues to lobby the Senate for virtual open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.

La Raza's motto is, "Por La Raza todo.  Fuera de La Raza nada," which translates to ""For The Race everything.  Outside The Race, nothing."

The La Raza movement teaches that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as "Aztlan" -- a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America.  As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA.  These are all areas America should surrender to "La Raza" once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles.  The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished.

This plan is what is referred to as the "Reconquista" or the re-conquest, of the western United States.

But it won't end with territorial occupation and secession.  The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent from  "Aztlan."

No surprise here -- a Marxist addressing Marxists.
Da Rev Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) sits with race-baiter, Rev. Al Sharpton, during a campaign stop at Sylvia's restaurant in New York, November 29, 2007.


Earlier, Obama raised $750,000 at the Apollo Theater, where he made the comment, "I'm not running because I'm trying to fulfill some long-held plan."

Comrade At the Apollo Theater fundraiser, Obama was introduced by the radical Marxist professor and self-styled rapper, Cornell West, as "my comrade."

What does this tell you about Obama, when he chooses to be introduced by one of the most radical Marxists in America as, "my comrade?"

Watch this video --  Cornell doesn't trust Obama -- Why the change in attitude?

What promises did Obama make to cause this 180?

Bamboozlin' Why isn't Barack Obama's speech, which he touts on his presidential website, being used as exhibit A, not only for using words that reach out to his community, but also as an example of how he's using race whenever he can and when it suits his needs and benefits his candidacy?

As the South Carolina primary campaign built to a climax, Obama addressed a largely African-American audience in Sumter.

In this video, Obama drops his eloquent Harvard accent, and says,  "They're trying to bamboozle you.  It's the same old okie-dokie. --  Y'all know about okie dokie, right? -- They try to bamboozle you. -- Hoodwink ya.  Try to hoodwink ya.  Alright. -- I'm having too much fun here. ... "

This speech had been borrowed from one of Obama's heroes, Malcolm X, who said, "You've been hoodwinked. You've been had. You've been took.  You've been led astray, led amok.  You’ve been bamboozled."

It is strange that a candidate, who belongs to an "Afrocentric" church, that bestows awards on Louis Farrakhan, would borrow from Malcolm X, who was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam,  right before complaining about e-mails claiming he is Muslim.
On March 6th, Bill O’Reilly asked Al Sharpton the $64,000 question -- what happens if Hillary Clinton gets the nomination even if Barack Obama comes into Denver leading in pledged delegates?  After the losses in Texas and Ohio, the new meme has the super-delegates wondering whether Obama can win a general election.  If Hillary can make it closer by the time the convention rolls around, say to within 70 or so pledged delegates, the super-delegates will throw their support to the most competitive candidate.

After hesitating a bit, Sharpton makes it clear that he and his supporters won’t accept a brokered outcome, saying:

"Superdelegates are not Supermen.  The party can’t say it represents the concept of one-man, one-vote democracy and then make backroom deals that ignore the popular vote and the will of the electorate.  They will march in the street to protest a Hillary nomination if she comes into Denver trailing Obama."

Sharpton’s threat gives Obama potent leverage to keep from accepting a convention demotion.  If his supporters start talking about third-party movements, the Democrats are finished up and down the ticket -- and they know it.
Wellllll? On March 12th, former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, who is stepping down from Hillary Clinton’s finance team after telling a California newspaper that Barack Obama has been aided politically by his race, said Wednesday evening that the remarks were nothing more than a "statement of fact."

"Somebody must have seen this (article) and said, 'Wow, this is really something -- we go after Ferraro, we go after Clinton,'" Ferraro said in an interview Wednesday night on FOX News' "Hannity & Colmes."  "They made this a divisive issue, not me."

Former Maryland Lieutenant Gov. Michael Steele, who is black, said that Ferraro’s comments are true, and the fact she can’t speak them "goes to the heart and ugliness of racism."  He said Obama's candidacy is not diminished by her words, but an oversensitivity is harming debate in America.

That Obama won 92% of the black vote in Mississippi adds credence to Ferraro's and Steele's allegations.
Fox just posted a big story about Obama's mentor, Jeremiah Wright, and the video is pretty gripping, and deeply racially confrontational.  He begins by describing the Romans, who crucified Jesus, as Italians, and thus white, and more or less goes from there.


"Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people," Wright says.

"Hillary ain't never been called a nigger," he says at the climax.

Obama and his wife Michelle have been sitting at this guy's feet and listening to this crap for 20 years -- is it any wonder they have the views that they do?

He Said
Presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday repudiated what he called "inflammatory and appalling remarks" made by his Chicago pastor.

Obama said he had not been present during the sermons in question.

Obama told MSNBC, "Had I heard them in church I would have expressed that concern directly to Rev. Wright."

Please note, he says that he would have expressed concern, not repudiate, the words

Yet, in this video, "the Rev" places Obama in the congregation, by saying, "There is a man here, who can take this country in a new direction" and he points at him.

In the next clip, during Wright's 2007 Christmas services, Wright rails, "Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a process that is controlled by rich white men, Hillary can never know that, Hillary ain't ever been called a nigger!"

While Wright rails, "Bill did us like he did Monica Lewinsky," Wright's successor, Otis Moss III, jumps into the picture frame, attempting to high-five "the Rev."

Barack was in Chicago for Christmas 2007 and Wright is addressing him from the pulpit.  Will Barack say me didn't attend Christmas services? 

When Obama said, "Had I heard them in church ..." Obama lied.  He listened to Wright's sermons for 20 years. 

These two men, Obama and Wright, are two peas in the same pod.

And, please notice the congregation in that video.  They are going nuts during Wright's preaching.  All of them believe this "evil white man" crap and eat it up.

The whole bunch of them are the worst kinds of hateful racists -- and remember, Wright's congregation is composed of successful, educated African-Americans.
Greed Obama's own first book suggests that some elements of Wright's style that are now controversial -- particularly on race -- aren't really new.

On Page 293 of my edition of "Dreams for My Father," Obama recounts Wright's "The Audacity of Hope" sermon.  (I linked a version of this earlier today.)

Obama quotes this passage:

"It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world!  On which hope sits!"
Help A
Obama doesn't talk much about his views on crime and punishment -- at least not in front of general audiences -- and for good reason.

While his Web site says he's "a strong proponent of tougher measures to fight crime," his record tells a different story.

As an Illinois state senator, for example, he acted more as a friend to criminals than to cops, legislating among other things:

• Curbs on what he called a "broken" death penalty system.

• A measure to expunge some criminal records and give job grants to ex-cons.

• Tougher handgun controls.

• A vote against making gang members eligible for the death penalty if they kill someone to help their gang.

• Opposition to a bill requiring juveniles to be prosecuted as adults for firing a gun at or near a school.

At the federal level, Obama would:

• Repeal "unfair" mandatory sentences for crack convictions.

• Provide drug counseling instead of jail time for some abusers.

• Rethink criminal penalties for pot.

• Ban profiling by federal law enforcement, even if it helps catch violent criminals including terrorists.

• Strengthen hate-crime laws and beef up civil rights enforcement against police chiefs who profile.

• Provide job training, drug rehab and counseling for ex-cons.

• "Re-enfranchise" felons denied the right to vote.

In addition, Obama, who once vowed to repeal the Patriot Act, still talks about reforming it.  He also once proposed banning executions of inmates, arguing he was against capital punishment.

It's not clear where Obama stands on the issue now, but he does think death row and the entire U.S. penal system are stacked against blacks.  While so far only alluding to racism as the culprit, his mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright minces no words in blaming "racist white America."

"The brothers are in prison" largely because of their skin color, he claims.

And a racist white majority put them there, he believes, by "structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons."

In Wright's conspiracy, personal responsibility plays no role.  This is the same adviser who told Obama that there are "more black men in prison than in college" -- a statement that Obama parroted until he was told that it was false.

Unfortunately, Obama listens to his preacher and buys into his conspiracy theories.  "In our criminal justice system, African-Americans and whites are arrested at very different rates," Obama recently complained.  "It has to do with how we pursue racial justice."

He vows to pursue it with gusto, unleashing civil rights cops on police chiefs and district attorneys who dare to arrest and prosecute criminals who happen to be of color.

In last Tuesday's speech explaining his ties to Wright, he reiterated his desire to do more to enforce civil rights laws.

He cites the Jena Six case as an example of racial injustice.  But one of the thugs he defends as a victim of Louisiana racism recently was arrested again for assault.  The 6-6 Bryant Purvis allegedly choked and slammed a classmate's head on a table after helping five other blacks beat a white student within an inch of his life.

Would Obama go soft on such brutal crime in the name of racial equality?  No justice, no peace?  Obama for now speaks only in code, saying he'll fix "a criminal justice system that's broken."  But how exactly is it broken?  And who would he appoint to help fix it?

Who will he pick as his attorney general?  His top civil rights cop?  Is his pal Rep. John Conyers on the short list?  Rep. Keith Ellison?

What about federal judges?  Will they be frustrated social workers who go easy on criminals to "reintegrate" them into society?

More important, what kind of justices does Obama have in mind to replace aging veterans on the high court, who decide the constitutionality of capital punishment cases?

We shudder to think.
Panthers Obama also has the endorsement of the New Black Panther Party.

"Barack Obama represents 'Positive Change' for all of America.  Obama will stir the 'Melting Pot' into a better "Molten America.'"
Read The New Black Panther Party 10 Point Platform from the anti-white and virulently anti-Semitic black supremacist party that has endorsed Obama on the presidential candidate's own website.

Following criticism earlier this month of an online endorsement from the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), Obama's campaign removed the controversial organization from the presidential candidate's official website.  The NBPP had been a registered team member and blogger on Obama's "MyObama" campaign site.

But the NBPP endorsement was reposted on Obama's official website today.

"Obama is capable of stirring the 'melting pot' into a better 'molten America,'" states the NBPP endorsement posted on Obama's site.

The NBPP is a controversial black extremist party whose leaders are notorious for their racist statements and for leading anti-white activism.

Malik Zulu Shabazz, NBPP national chairman, who has given scores of speeches condemning "white men" and Jews, confirmed his organization's endorsement of Obama in a recent interview with WND.

"I think the way Obama responded to the attack on him and the attempt to sabotage his campaign shows true leadership and character.  He had a chance to denounce his pastor and he didn't fall for the bait.  He stood up and addressed real issues of racial discord," stated Shabazz.

Shabazz boasted he met Obama last March when the politician attended the 42nd anniversary of the voting rights marches in Selma, Ala.

"I have nothing but respect for Obama and for his pastor," said Shabazz, referring to Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor of nearly 20 years.

It is Wright's racially charged and anti-Israel remarks that were widely circulated this month, landing the presidential candidate in hot water and prompting Obama to deliver a major race speech in which he condemned Wright's comments but not the pastor himself.

Speaking to WND, Shabazz referred to Obama as a man with a "Muslim background, a man of color."

Shabazz's NBPP's official platform states "white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind," refers to the "white racist government of America," demands black people be exempt from military service and uses the word "Jew" repeatedly in quotation marks.

Shabazz has led racially divisive protests and conferences, such as the 1998 Million Youth March in which a few thousand Harlem youths reportedly were called upon to scuffle with police officers and speakers demanded the extermination of whites in South Africa.

The NBPP chairman was quoted at a May 2007 protest against the 400-year celebration of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., stating, "When the white man came here, you should have left him to die."

He claimed Jews engaged in an "African holocaust," and he has promoted the anti-Semitic urban legend that 4,000 Israelis fled the World Trade Center just prior to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

When Shabazz was denied entry to Canada last May while trying to speak at a black action event, he blamed Jewish groups and claimed Canada "is run from Israel."

Canadian officials justified the action stating he has an "anti-Semitic" and "anti-police" record, but some reports blamed what was termed a minor criminal history for the decision to deny him entry.

He similarly blamed Jews for then-New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani's initial decision, later rescinded, against granting a permit for the Million Youth March.

The NBPP's deceased chairman, Khallid Abdul Muhammad, a former Nation of Islam leader who was once considered Louis Farrakhan's most trusted adviser, gave speeches referring to the "white man" as the "devil" and claiming that "there is a little bit of Hitler in all white people."

In a 1993 speech condemned by the U.S. Congress and Senate, Muhammad, lionized on the NBPP site, referred to Jews as "bloodsuckers," labeled the pope a "no-good cracker" and advocated the murder of white South Africans who would not leave the nation subsequent to a 24-hour warning.

All NBPP members must memorize the group's rules, such as that no party member "can have a weapon in his possession while drunk or loaded off narcotics or weed," and no member "will commit any crimes against other party members or black people at all."

The NBPP endorses Obama on its own page of the presidential candidate's official site that allows registered users to post their own blogs.

The group labels itself on Obama's site as representing "Freedom, Justice, and Peace for all of Mankind."  It links to the official NBPP website, which contains what can be arguably regarded as hate material.

The NBPP previously endorsed Obama on the presidential candidate's site, but following publicity of that endorsement, the Obama campaign removed the NBPP posting.

"It's our policy [to remove] any content generated by a group that advocates violence," explained Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor to FoxNews.com.

Before the campaign removed the party's page, Obama spokeswoman Tiffany Edwards told FoxNews.com the NBPP endorsement on Obama's website "has nothing to do with us."

"People can form their own groups," she said. "It's not something that the campaign -- it's not something that we've done."

While it appears anyone can initially sign up as a registered supporter on Obama's site, it isn't clear whether the campaign monitors the site or approves users.  There is a link on each blog page for users to report any abusers, such as those who post controversial entries, to the administrator.

Shabbazz chalked up the Obama campaign's initial removal of his NBPP endorsement from the website to "the game of politics."

"The Obama camp's move to remove our blog doesn't mean much because I understand politics.  We still completely support Obama as the best candidate."

Obama 'less biased' on Israel

Shabazz said that aside from promoting black rights, he also supports Obama because he may take what he called a "less biased" policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"I have hopes he will change the U.S. government's position toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because our position has been unwarranted bias.  Time and time again the U.S. vetoed resolutions in the U.N. Security Council condemning [Israeli] human rights violations. ... I hope he shifts policy," Shabazz said.

But he added he doesn't believe Obama could change America's policy regarding Israel very much since, he said, "other, powerful lobbies" control U.S. foreign policy.

On April 7th, 2008, only a week after her husband drew throngs to Soldiers and Sailors, Michelle Obama wooed a small crowd at Skibo Gymnasium on Wednesday.

Skibo’s risers were packed with community members and students from many of Pittsburgh’s universities. The rally was staffed by volunteers from a number of Carnegie Mellon student organizations, including Carnegie Mellon Students for Barack Obama, Student Senate, AB Political Speakers, and College Democrats.

While the crowd was indeed diverse, some students at the event questioned the practices of Mrs. Obama’s event coordinators, who handpicked the crowd sitting behind Mrs. Obama.  The Tartan’s correspondents observed one event coordinator say to another, "Get me more white people, we need more white people."  To an Asian girl sitting in the back row, one coordinator said, "We’re moving you, sorry.  It’s going to look so pretty, though."

"I didn’t know they would say, 'We need a white person here,'" said attendee and senior psychology major Shayna Watson, who sat in the crowd behind Mrs. Obama.  "I understood they would want a show of diversity, but to pick up people and to reseat them, I didn’t know it would be so outright."

Mrs. Obama was introduced by Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of former Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry (D–Mass.).
Go Figure? The Elector of Saxony said it best in an earlier post:

The more I learn about Obama, the more there is to dislike.  When you read the description of Barack's home life, it is hard to square his background with someone who views America as a racist, oppressive society.

Here is a half-black man, abandoned by his black father and placed in the care of his white salesman grandfather and bank VP grandmother. From these obviously humble, ordinary beginnings, America has provided him the opportunity to attend the finest universities in the land, become a multimillionaire, and made him one of the 102 most powerful people in the entire nation.

You would think that such a man would view America as Ronald Reagan did, or at least as JFK did.  After all of the riches, power, and accolades bestowed upon him, he and his family still see America through the eyes of Kruschev, Castro, and Ahmedinijad.

Isn't that the most alarming thing about the man?  He a walking, breathing exemplar of what is great about America, and yet he believes ( or pretends to) that it is a cruel, unfair, and racist nation and fosters this notion in the minds of others.  I might understand his attitude and that of those around him if because of his skin, his interracial family, the origin of his father, or his lack of privilege in childhood he had ended up bussing tables or working as a night janitor.  The truly awful thing is that here is a man who KNOWS for a fact the truth about America, knows it is THE land of opportunity, knows that it is the fairest society on earth, the most generous society to the outsider, the abandoned child, the mixed-race boy of meager means, and yet he misleads those who have not come as far as he has.  Surely he is smart enough to know the reason that some make it in America and some do not and that even those who do not are allowed to grow fat on the backs of the American People.

The putrid venom that he and his campaign are vending demoralizes those who would seek to follow in his own footsteps, widens the divisions between us, and pays back the kindness, equity, and generosity shown to him, with a billy-club to the head.

I ask you all what will happen if such a man becomes the most powerful man on Earth?  I cannot imagine any good will come of it.
That's Right!

More shocking Obama Audio/Video has surfaced.

You think the media will question Obama about this?  He says we need to discuss race.  I’d love to hear him discuss this.  Perhaps I’m just a "typical white person," but I think the takeaway quote here is:

"That’s Just How White Folks Will Do You." -- B. H. Obama


"Any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning.  We were always playing on the white man’s court…by the white man’s rules." -- B. H. Obama

Bitter Bunch "Barack Obama hangs around people who are bitter to the core.  His entire inner circle -- his wife -- his pastor -- is filled with almost insane rage.  Barack Obama has been attracted to extreme radical elements his entire life."
Juneteeth Senator Obama is one of key leaders in a campaign to make Juneteeth Day a National Holiday in the United States.  Juneteeth Day occurs on every June 19th, the anniversary of General Granger announcing the emancipation of slaves in the South West.  The Holiday would be celebrated on the third Friday in June.  Here's what the NYT wrote about it on 2004:

"Most gatherings are decidedly upbeat, but the sobering reason for the holiday has also been part of Juneteenth's growth.  Dr. Ronald Myers, the leader of a movement to make Juneteenth a national holiday, says June 19 should be an annual remembrance of the horrors of slavery"

We never got our apology, so we need this holiday to remind us that we must not forget," said Dr. Myers, who spoke yesterday at a Juneteenth event at the Capitol led by Representative Danny K. Davis, Democrat of Illinois." New York Times, 6/19/04

According to the latest press release below from the organization leading the campaign, a victory for Obama will likely lead to the introduction of this holiday.  Another example of the kind of "uniting" we can expect from the Senator who appears to be becoming a lightning rod for creating racial disharmony in the USA.

Senator Barack Obama has been a key sponsor of Juneteenth legislation in the Senate and keynote speaker at the annual Juneteenth congressional reception.

Advocates say, Juneteenth is as deserving of recognition as Independence Day.  "We may have gotten there in different ways and at different times," says Meyers of blacks and whites, "but you can't really celebrate freedom in America by just going with the Fourth of July."
At CNN, an article from Ruben Navarrette Jr. that explicitly spells it out: Not voting for Barack Obama is racism.
Probe It! A special U.N. human rights investigator will visit the United States this month to probe racism, an issue that has forced its way into the race to secure the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

The United Nations said Doudou Diene would meet federal and local officials, as well as lawmakers and judicial authorities during the May 19-June 6 visit.

"The special rapporteur will...gather first-hand information on issues related to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance," a U.N. statement said on Friday.

Doudou is a citizen of Senegal, an African republic spawned by France.  Muslims comprise 94% of the population.

Update -- 5/23/08:  "Islamophobia" will be "high on the agenda" of the UN’s visiting human rights investigator, said Kareem Shora, national executive director of the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee (ADC).

Doudou Diene, a UN special envoy, began his three-week investigation on Monday.  He will assess "racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance" in the United States during meetings with officials, lawmakers and campaigners.  The Senegalese lawyer, who has served in the independent position since 2002, routinely visits countries to assess racism and will report his findings to the UN Human Rights Council next year.

Diène, a Muslim, is from Senegal, a predominantly (94%) Muslim country, which is a source, transit, and destination country for children and women trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation.

Trafficking within the country is more prevalent than trans-border trafficking.  Boys who are students (talibe) at Koranic schools are trafficked within the country for forced begging by their religious teachers (marabouts), and women and girls are trafficked for domestic servitude.  Girls, and possibly adult women, are also trafficked internally for sexual exploitation.  Trans-nationally, boys are trafficked to Senegal from Gambia, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, and Guinea for forced begging by religious teachers.  Senegalese women and girls are trafficked to neighboring countries, the Middle East, and Europe for domestic servitude and possibly for sexual exploitation.  Reports over the last year of large numbers of Senegalese and neighboring country nationals being transported from Senegal to Spain appear to be cases of smuggling and illegal migration rather than trafficking. -- U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2007

Looks like an expert on racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to me.

What is the probability this guy finds examples of racism -- 101% -- 102% -- more?

And the odds that he will find "Islamophobia" are off the charts.

By Any

Holy Hate More hate at Obama's Trinity United Christian(?) Church.

Father Michael Pfleger, a fiery liberal social activist and a white reverend at the African-American, St. Sabina’s Catholic Church on the South Side of Chicago, is a longtime friend and associate of Obama.  Pfleger has known him since the presidential hopeful was a community activist.

This video shows the guest-bigot delivering an amazingly hateful anti-Hillary, anti-white tirade -- the sort of rhetoric for which he’s famous.

When the video became public, Pfleger feigned contrition -- "I regret the words I chose on Sunday.  These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message, and I am deeply sorry if they offended Senator Clinton or anyone else who saw them."

The real shocker here, as in all of these Trinity videos, is that the congregation goes wild -- they love this hateful rhetoric and eat it up.

Of course, the Obamessiah is shocked and surprised!

Doing his best Sgt. Schultz imitation, Obama feigned ignorance of Pfleger's views and said, "I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric."

Pfleger is a close friend of Louis Farrakhan, has donated to Obama's state senate and presidential campaigns, and sat on a "Catholics for Obama" committee until a few weeks ago.

Pfleger's history of hate never stopped Obama from landing $225,000 in grants for outreach programs run by Pfleger's church when he was in the state legislature.

David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist and MoveOn.org founder, said that Father Pfleger was "remaking the face" of Chicago's South Side and that all of Mr. Obama’s earmarks went to worthy programs like his.
Obama says, "Affirmative action is an appropriate response to the history of discrimination in this country."

What else would you expect an affirmative action candidate to say?
Not So
Can you smell it?  There's a faint whiff of anarchy in the air.  Nothing to get alarmed about.  Not yet, anyway.  Just a barely discernible unarticulated threat, a mere suggestion of a threat. But nonetheless it is there.

The voices are just whispers now, soft and faraway, but they are angry and determined: It is our time now, they are saying.  You have had your time and you have used it to oppress us, to keep us down.  But it is our time now.  And you had better not interfere.  For generations we have waited for this moment and we will not be deprived.  It is our time now, and if you know what's good for you, you'd better step aside.

Of course, no one has actually come right out and said it quite this way, but there have been hints, there is something in the air.  If Obama is not elected in November . . .

On his Fox News radio show, Tom Sullivan predicted that African-Americans would be rioting in the streets similar to what happened after the O.J. trial in the 1990s.

"Let me put it to you a different way.  What if Barack Obama is not -- does not win the Democratic nomination, or he does win it, and loses in the presidential race against John McCain?  Is black America going to throw their hands up and say, 'Man, you know, I thought we were getting somewhere in this country, but this is just a bunch of racial bigots in this country and they still hate blacks and, I mean, if Barack Obama can't get elected, then we're never gonna have anybody that's a black that's gonna be elected president.'  And will there be riots in the streets?  I think the answer to that is yes and yes."

And these comments, all the way from India:

"If Obama is not elected, it would destroy America because this time the blacks think that America has the best possible candidate that it has got the opportunity to elect as its president."

"If Obama is not elected, the blacks would feel being cheated and would rightfully think that a great candidate has not been chosen just because of his skin colour and would be antagonised permanently."

Evidently "white guilt" isn't sufficient -- the campaign that promises to "heal America" isn't above using subliminal threats and intimidation to do it.
Chicago Sun-Times: Now Greeley Says It's Racist Not to Vote Obama.

Apparently, the Chicago media have decided that the meme for the 2008 general election is going to be that anyone who doesn't vote for Barack Obama is a racist because this is the second editorial (that I've seen, anyway) in Chicago stating such a theory.  Last week the Daily Herald voiced the assumption and this week it's the Sun-Times with the volatile Andrew Greeley taking up the cause of ridding the world of racism one Obama vote at a time.
Preferences Ward Connerly, writing in the Wall Street Journal, observes, "Obama Is No 'Post-Racial' Candidate."

With all my heart -- and for the betterment of my country -- I desperately wanted to believe that Sen. Barack Obama was not one of the same tired voices who peddle arguments about "institutional racism."

I have heard him say that America is not about "black and white."  I was inspired when his supporters chanted at his rally on the night of his victory in South Carolina that "race doesn't matter."  I thought his March 18th speech about race had the potential to become a defining moment in our endless struggle to confront and conquer this issue.  I was encouraged by his perceptive acknowledgment that affirmative action breeds resentment and hostility.  As millions of whites cast their votes for him in predominantly white states, I held out hope that, perhaps, he truly was a transformative leader.

But a June 10th article in USA Today by DeWayne Wickham dashed my hopes for Mr. Obama.

Mr. Wickham, who had interviewed the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, wrote that "Obama believes America can keep its promise to women and blacks without dashing the hopes of working-class whites.  He doesn't think opportunity guarantees made to one group must come at the expense of another."  Then he went on to quote Obama campaign spokeswoman Candice Toliver, who said that "Senator Obama believes in a country in which opportunity is available to all Americans, regardless of race, gender or economic status.  That's why he opposes these ballot initiatives, which would roll back opportunity for millions of Americans and cripple efforts to break down historic barriers to the progress of qualified women and minorities."

Translation: Mr. Obama supports race preferences.
All in! Obama plays the race card.

Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said on Friday he expects Republicans to highlight the fact that he is black as part of an effort to make voters afraid of him.

"They're going to try to make you afraid of me.  He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name.  And did I mention he's black?"

All true, of course -- but he's the one talking about it, not the Republicans.

He said he was also set for Republicans to say "he's got a feisty wife," in trying to attack his wife Michelle.

Feisty isn't the word I'd use.

Considering the fact that Obama wrote, in his first book, "I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites," -- The Republicans ought to scare the Obamalytes by telling them that Obama is secretly white.
Boo! Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear.

"It is going to be very difficult for Republicans to run on their stewardship of the economy or their outstanding foreign policy," Obama told a fundraiser in Jacksonville, Florida. "We know what kind of campaign they're going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid.

"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"

He said he was also set for Republicans to say "he's got a feisty wife," in trying to attack his wife Michelle.

"We know the strategy because they've already shown their cards. Ultimately I think the American people recognize that old stuff hasn't moved us forward. That old stuff just divides us," he said.

Who keeps bringing up race?  Why Obama and all his friendly reverends.  I thought he was supposed to be the racial healer.  He's just another Al Sharpton and Jess Jackson -- just a little more eloquent -- but the content is the same.
I'm A
File under -- "There's no standard like a double standard."

A Japanese cell phone company has pulled one of its television ads that used a monkey that appears to portray Sen. Barack Obama. (video at link)

The commercial opens with a crowd rallying behind a well-dressed monkey speaking from a podium.  The supporters are cheering and waving signs that say "Change."  In the ad, the monkey was encouraging users to change providers.

The company behind the ad, eMobile Ltd., insists it had no idea of any racial undertones and says the ad was just a nod at Obama’s worldwide popularity.

Eric Gan, president of eMobile, points out that their company’s mascot is a monkey -- an animal revered in Japan -- and has been used in previous ads.

"When we saw the idea for the first time, it was 'Hey, you're copying the idea from the presidential election in the U.S."  Yes, but, you know, that's how you make a presentation.  How you make an impact.  We thought it quite was interesting," he said.

Leftwing bloggers and Obamalytes immediately voiced their disapproval of the ad and accused the company of being racist.

But, the same people that are shocked by this racist image, believe this is a hoot:

Google returns 491,000 Results for a search on "George W. Bush" chimp -- not a single, mistaken instance, but 491,000 purposeful instances -- the left has no problem with that, however -- that's OK!

Just like the attacks on John McCain, The Washington Posts attack on conservative bloggers, the "leave my wife alone" stuff, and the ever-ready race card, Obama, and his campaign, are all about intimidation.

White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need (00:33)

Uniter The Orwellian doublespeak that Obama spews in portraying himself as "a uniter" and someone who "will bring this country together" is the polar opposite of everything this man has said and done and would be laughable if it were not so deadly serious.

Read more here . . .
Obama says John McCain and his Republican allies will try to scare them by saying Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

McCain and his campaign have studiously avoided race and certainly didn't make the "dollar bill" crack.


But, Obama brings race into the conversation every time he opens his mouth.  Whether directly or indirectly, he's always talking about race -- and he gets to attack McCain for free while doing it.

Obama's "little joke" was a variation on the line he used in Berlin: "I know that I don’t look like the other Americans who’ve previously spoken in this great city."

And, it's not the first time.  Remember, last month when Obama tarred the McCain Campaign with this smear: "We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run.  They’re going to try to make you afraid."

"They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.  He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.  And did I mention he’s black?"

Everything is about race with Obama -- all the time -- 24/7/365 -- the race card has become a permanent part of Obama's hand, a wild card to be played whenever the spirit, or the circumstances, so moves him.

After denying the obvious for two days, Obama's chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama "doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

Obama campaign officials, lacking any example of McCain ever pointing directly or indirectly at Obama’s race as an issue in the campaign, have backpedaled rapidly away from any suggestion that their Republican opponent is using the very tactics Obama suggested on Wednesday.

Campaign manager David Plouffe was pressed hard during a conference call on Thursday for examples and could not point to any.  An inquiry to the Obama campaign later in the day produced no immediate response and later no answer to a direct question asking for evidence to buttress Obama’s suggestion that McCain would try to scare people into not voting for Obama because he’s black.

In other words, the Obama campaign, including the candidate himself, has engaged in smear tactics.

Reparations  Speaking to a gathering of minority journalists in Chicago, Obama said, "I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged."

"I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it's Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

Exactly what Obama is advocating here cannot be determined, but it seems to be something of an endorsement of the idea of "reparations for slavery," which is usually taken to mean cash payments. In this view, the following deeds are insufficient to balance the ledger between America and the descendants of slaves: the Civil War, the ratification of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, Brown v. Board of Education, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the continuing practice of racial preferences.

When Obama walked on stage at the McCormick Center, many journalists in the audience leapt to their feet and applauded enthusiastically after being told not to do so.  During a two-minute break halfway through the event, which was broadcast live on CNN, journalists ran to the stage to snap photos of Obama.

Obama, who acknowledged that he needed a nap, stood up to say farewell to the audience of journalists, many of whom gave him another standing ovation.

This is the first direct quote I've seen where Obama clearly endorses reparations -- "When it comes to...reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."  -- he is saying the most important thing for the government to do is offer reparations.

And, there he goes complaining about being tired again.  On July 31st, 2008, a Google, using  -- Obama tired fatigue -- returned 238,000 items.  Many others have noticed that Obama, despite his comparative youth, often complains of being tired or fatigued.
Barack Obama says Washington shouldn't just offer apologies for slavery, but also "deeds."  Don't worry, he says, he's not talking about direct reparations.  Relieved?  Don't be.

Obama knows that if he pushes too hard on reparations, he might scare off white voters.  So he couches race-specific welfare as "universal" social programs that appeal to broad-based political coalitions -- "even if they disproportionately help minorities," he confides in his book, "Audacity of Hope."

Obama has a name for his scheme: "universal strategies."

"An emphasis on universal, as opposed to race-specific, programs isn't just good policy," he wrote.  "It's also good politics."

Maybe so.  But not all his plans for reparations are roundabout.  His book and Web site outline a separate plan calling for essentially a government bailout of the inner cities.  Among other things, he proposes:

• Doling out faith-based grants "targeting ex-offenders."

• Subsidizing supermarket chains that relocate to the inner city to deliver "fresh produce" to blacks, helping wean them off unhealthy fast food.

• Imposing "goals and timetables for minority hiring" on large corporations whose work forces are deemed too white.

• Continuing to fund the Community Development Block Grant program, Head Start and HUD public housing subsidies.

• Funding Small Business Administration loans for minority businesses who train ex-felons, including gangbangers, for the "green jobs" of the future, such as installing extra insulation in homes.

• Doubling the funding for federal after-school programs such as midnight basketball.

• Subsidizing job training, day care, transportation for inner-city poor, as well as doubling the funding of the federal Jobs Access and Reverse Commute program.

• Expanding the eligibility of the earned income tax credit to include more poor, and indexing it to inflation.

• Adopting entire inner-city neighborhoods as wards of the federal government.

• Spending billions on new inner-city employment programs, including prison-to-work programs.

This is just a down payment on the "economic justice" Obama has promised the NAACP -- financed by "tax laws that restore some balance to the distribution of the nation's wealth," he says in his book.

"The problems of inner-city poverty arise from our failure to face up to an often tragic past," Obama said.

Now it's payback time.
Again? Obama whines and plays the race card again.

"I know that I’m not your typical presidential candidate," Obama told executives and employees of the Schott glass company Friday afternoon, "and I just want to be honest with you.  I know that."

"And I know that the temptation is to say, 'You know what?  The guy hasn’t been there that long in Washington.'  You know, 'he’s got funny name.'  You know, 'we’re not sure about him.'" Obama continued.  "And that’s what the Republicans, when they say, 'This isn’t about issues.  It’s about personalities.'  What they’re really saying is, 'We’re going to try to scare people about Barack.  So we’re going to say that you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals or he’s not patriotic.'

I'm curious to know when this guy is going to start acting like a man?  For the last 8 years, the left has savaged George Bush, but Bush bore those attacks like a man -- he just ignored them and took care of business.

Obama needs to go back to teaching.  I bet he's good at that.
Asked to explain this totally weird comparison -- 20 years of hearing his pastor’s racist rants vs. his grandmother’s one-time confession -- Obama replied that his grandmother was a "typical white person."

Conclusion: Obama defends the indefensible, embraces those who say the indefensible, and trashes the people who love him.

Why?  Because the indefensible crowd speaks for him!  It is not in Obama’s nature to be aggressive and confrontational, insulting or hurtful, vicious or adversarial.  But all of these traits are clearly in his heart and soul and psyche!  Why else would he defend them?

Obama is a typical passive-aggressive personality who pretends to be a nice guy by using fuzzy language and a let’s-all-get-together mantra to seduce his acolytes, but who relies on his surrogates -- wifey, minister, terrorist endorsements, et al -- to express his real agenda, i.e., getting back!  But getting back at whom?

My theory is that Obama wants to "get back" at all those evil capitalists and racist entities that robbed his Marxist mother, father, and stepfather of the respect he thought they deserved.  According to the writer Spengler in a riveting L.A. Times article, both his wife and mother "reveal his secret: he hates America."
Monday afternoon, Ohio state representatives, Bob Hagan of Youngstown and Tom Letson of Warren, met with reporters.


They argue many voters who call themselves "Democrats" or "Independents", but won't vote for Obama, have only one excuse, with Letson saying, "I would say that a lot of it is they're not going to vote for 'the black guy'."

Hagan called the issue "unpatriotic," adding those not willing to vote for Obama need "to face that fact.  That that's not acceptable in America."

Both men say they will work to convince those "swing voters" to change their minds between now and election day.

The logic of Obama Democrats -- if you don't vote for Obama you're unpatriotic.

It is as evil to vote FOR someone because of their race as it is to vote AGAINST someone because of their race.

This Is A
Carlos thought he’d be long gone by now.  The young, college-educated New Yorker has been an illegal immigrant most his life.  By last winter, a future with few options beyond washing dishes or working a factory assembly line had become too much for the gifted 24-year old to bear.  Returning to his native Guatemala, he says, was not an option: "I have nothing there.  I cannot go and adapt to that culture."

Staying also gave him the chance to be part of the presidential election, which he considers the most important event of his life.  "If I was in Australia right now," he says, "I’d feel like I’d left in the middle of the battle."

For Carlos, that battle -- the election -- was personal.  Some of his relatives, like many other Latinos he knows, did not want to vote for a black man.  A natural community organizer, Carlos worked with dozens of other young illegal immigrants, hatching a plan to shift support in the Latino community towards Obama.

"I wasn’t able to vote in this election," Carlos says.  "But I know for sure that 27 of my relatives went to vote, and that made it bigger than any vote I could have cast on my own."

Obama’s election has given Carlos hope for a multi-cultural nation that has a place for immigrants like him.

"Suddenly I am the norm," Carlos says.  "I’m no longer the brown person living in the white country.  Now the world knows this is a brown country."

There's more . . .
Obama was a key player behind the mortgage crisis.
Sources point to Obama as a possible starting point to the domino affect that lead to the housing crises we are now facing.  Check the provided links and judge for yourself.

In a 1995 case known as Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank, Obama and his fellow attorneys charged that Citibank was making too few loans to black applicants and won the case.  As one commentator noted in May 2008, legal "successes" such as this were probably responsible for the sub-prime mortgage crisis of 2007 AND 2008.  That is, banks were not loaning to blacks whose credit was poor. When the law forced them to lend money anyway, the inevitable collapse occurred."

Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon we're talking about real money

Obama was a key player in the lawsuit that started the government on a course of forcing lenders to give more loans to those who had poor credit.  Lending companies were forced to come up with imaginative ways of fulfilling the quotas that were required.  Sub-prime lending was born as a result.  The mortgage crises was forecast by many who were able to look beyond the quota.
A Black Seat Democratic U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush of Chicago said today during Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s press conference that one of the reasons former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris, an advocate of reparations, should be appointed to fill President-elect Barack Obama’s U. S. Senate seat, is because Burris is black.

Rush went on to say that it was a matter of national importance that an African-American replace Obama in the Senate.

"Let me just remind you that there presently is no African-American in the Senate...this is just not a state of Illinois matter," he said. "I would ask you to not hang or lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer.  Roland Burris is worthy."
So Much For
Thank God for and congratulations to Barak Obama.  America has gone to the extreme to prove that racism does not exist and that everything is racially equal and Blacks have no more reason to complain, speak of slavery, or cry discrimination.  However, their desperate attempt to make themselves and the world believe this is true, will never work.

The mere suggestion of current headlines, articles, and newscasters that everything is alright is embarrassing because no one in their right mind is stupid enough to believe that.  We have NOT reached the promise land, King's dream has NOT been fulfilled, and everything is NOT ok.

The original purpose of Afromerica was to expose the racism that plaques this country and how it hinders Black growth in every area of social life including, economics, education, politics, health, justice, domestically, culturally and even psychologically.  Over the past 6 years our plan has revealed that racism is alive and well and will continue, even if there is a Black president.

Obama was not elected because he is Black, he was elected because people were tired of the good ole' boy network that has ruled America for centuries.  All during the campaign, many wondered if white America would vote for a Black man even in these desperate times, and now we know, they will.  That is a good thing and says that the majority of whites in America do not have a real problem with race.

We must recognize however, that there were just as many whites who did not vote for Obama as those that did.  So what does that say about that faction of whites who did not?  It says either they did not understand what was at stake or out of sheer spite and race pride they were more willing to risk the county's future than vote for a Black man.
Rapper, Young Jeezy proves, once and for all, that Obama's election is truly a positive moment for race relations. In this video, he he says, "I know you all are thanking a lot of people right now, the people of Barack Obama campaign. Just everybody who did everything, on the street getting votes and all that and sh*t. I wanna thank two people, I wanna thank the mother f**ker overseas that threw two shoes at George Bush and I wanna thank-and listen, listen-and I wanna thank the mother f**kers who helped dem move their sh*t up out of the White House. Keep it moving bitch because my president is mother f**king black, nigga!

The racist Rev. Joseph Lowery claims that White people have yet to do the right thing (he's waiting for the White Man to "embrace what is right").  Apparently those of us with White skin are all wrongdoers, in his worldview.  And in Obama's too, since he invited him and since his camp likely vetted this BS beforehand.

Tavis Smiley told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the inauguration of Obama as President is "only the down payment" on what America owes Black people.

Writing about the stimulus on his blog, the diminutive Robert Reich argues for government sponsored racism -- "But if there aren't enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields.  And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most -- women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed -- will be shut out." (video)
By Another
Obama is close to creating an Office of Urban Policy to allocate funds to urban areas for a range of initiatives, including job training and the creation of new jobs.

Obama's urban renewal plan -- from neighborhoods to downtown corridors -- calls for creating more opportunities for minority businesses, establishing more affordable public transportation, raising the minimum wage, ending tax breaks for businesses that send jobs overseas, providing additional funding for community policing and ending racial profiling.
H.R. 40 H.R. 40 is a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives to create a commission to study reparation proposals for African-Americans.

The bill is to acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.

It should be no surprise, that its sponsor is Rep. John Conyers, Democrat from Michigan -- and he has an ally in the White House.

In this transcript of a 2001 radio interview, Obama advocates redistribution as reparations for slavery and other injustices towards "previously dispossessed peoples."

He said, "the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.  And to that extent as radical as people tried to characterize the Warren court, it wasn’t that radical."

"It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties.  It says what the states can’t do to you, it says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.  And that hasn’t shifted."

"One of the, I think tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that."

In ObamaWorld, a terrorist attack is a "man caused disaster" and reparations are called a "stimulus package."
No Better
African-Americans really like Obama, but more and more feel that race relations have not gotten better since he took office, a new national poll found.

Ninety-six percent of African-Americans approve of how Obama is handling his presidency, according to a CNN/Essence Magazine/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Thursday.

During the 2008 election, 38 percent of blacks surveyed thought racial discrimination was a serious problem. In the new survey, 55 percent of blacks surveyed believed it was a serious problem, which is about the same level as it was in 2000.

The poll was conducted May 16-18, in telephone interviews with 505 African-Americans and 501 whites.

Grass is green.  The sky is blue.

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