January 28, 2009

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Obama's sister, Maya said,

"There was always a joke
between my mom and
Barack that he would be
the first black president."


Now the joke's on us.







Dialog, Iranian Style Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, wants Obama to apologize for 60 years of "crimes."

The hard-line leader, who held Americans hostage for 444 days, also called on Washington to withdraw its troops from across the world as a proof of Obama's commitment to change.

"You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years," Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that was broadcast by state television.

"Those who speak of change must apologize to the Iranian people and try to repair their past bad acts and the crimes they committed against Iran."

As to the troops, he said he expected two kinds of "deep and fundamental" change.

"Meet people, talk to them with respect and put an end to the expansionist policies.  If you talk about change it must put an end to the US military presence in the world, withdraw your troops and take them back inside your borders."

Ahmadinejad said the advocates of change must "stop supporting the Zionists, outlaws and criminals".

There is nothing to be gained from talking with this maniac.  When these guys meet, "with no preconditions," this guy is going to eat the naive Obama's lunch.
The Strategy of Manufactured Crisis America waits with bated breath while Washington struggles to bring the U.S. economy back from the brink of disaster.  But many of those same politicians caused the crisis, and if left to their own devices will do so again.

Despite the mass media news blackout, a series of books, talk radio and the blogosphere have managed to expose Barack Obama's connections to his radical mentors -- Weather Underground bombers William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and others.  David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks.org have also contributed a wealth of information and have noted Obama's radical connections since the beginning.

Yet, no one to my knowledge has yet connected all the dots between Barack Obama and the Radical Left.  When seen together, the influences on Obama's life comprise a who's who of the radical leftist movement, and it becomes painfully apparent that not only is Obama a willing participant in that movement, he has spent most of his adult life deeply immersed in it.

But even this doesn't fully describe the extreme nature of this candidate.  He can be tied directly to a malevolent overarching strategy that has motivated many, if not all, of the most destructive radical leftist organizations in the United States since the 1960s.

This'll curl your toes -- The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
An Example Obama began reversing the climate policies of the Bush administration on Monday, clearing the way for new rules to force automakers to produce more fuel-efficient and less polluting cars.

The president told the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider immediately a request by California to impose its own strict limits on vehicle carbon dioxide emissions, blamed for contributing to global warming.

Obama's directive, which is likely to result in a formal change in the coming months, could prompt as many as 18 states to follow California's lead by putting into effect tailpipe emissions standards that are tougher than federal mandates.

The president also directed the Department of Transportation to set boost fuel efficiency standards for automobiles by March 30 for model year 2011, giving manufacturers 18 months to prepare.

The rules are part of a 2007 law that calls for automakers' fleets to reach an average 35 miles per gallon by 2020.

When the automakers go bankrupt from Obama's meddling, he can nationalize them, just like the banks have just been nationalized as a result of the mortgage meltdown -- and guess WHO planted the seeds of that disaster?

Creeping socialism my patootie! -- this is a tsunami of socialism.
The Making of a Fuehrer I must confess I was not impressed by Sen. Barack Obama from the first time I saw him.  At first I was excited to see a black candidate.  He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident -- a wholesome presidential package.  It is so instinctive for most people to want to see blacks succeed.  It is as if all humanity is carrying a collective guilt for what the ancestors of blacks endured.

However, despite my initial interest in him, I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling.  His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words.

It is surreal to see the level of hysteria in his admirers.  This phenomenon is unprecedented in American politics.  Women scream and swoon during his speeches.  They yell and shout to Obama, "I love you."  Never did George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt. Martin Luther King Jr. or Ronald Reagan arouse so much raw emotion.  Despite their achievements, none of them was raised to the rank of Messiah.  The Illinois senator has no history of service to the country.  He has done nothing outstanding except giving promises of change and hyping his audience with hope.  It’s only his words, not his achievements that is causing this much uproar.

When cheering for someone turns into adulation, something is wrong.

Much more . . .
A Successful Failure I find it highly amusing that some of Obama's antics are having the opposite effect of what he intended.

For example, even though Obama is anti-Gun, he seems to be the best gun salesman out there.

And when he told House Republican leaders to not listen to Rush Limbaugh, the result was more attention being paid to Rush.

Even the Democrat party is failing... they launched an online petition to tell Rush what we think of his "attacks" on Obama, and judging from the responses to their blog posting, their attack is backfiring!

Seeing at how well Obama is doing in this respect, maybe we could get him to criticize Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin?

By the way, Barry would do well to remember these words by Teddy Roosevelt:

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.  Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else.  But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."
The Obama
This is cool.  PolitiFact has compiled about 500 promises that Obama made during the campaign and is tracking their progress on our ObamaMeter.  They rate their status as No Action, In the Works or Stalled.  Once they find an action is completed, they rate them Promise Kept, Compromise or Promise Broken.
$5.2 Billion For ACORN Obama's stimulus package would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.

Most of the money is secreted away under an item in the now $836 billion package titled "Neighborhood Stabilization Programs."

Ordinarily, neighborhood stabilization funds are distributed to local governments, but revised language in the stimulus bill would make the funds available directly to non-profit entities such as ACORN, the low-income housing organization whose pro-Democrat voter-registration activities have been blasted by Republicans.  ACORN is cited by some for tipping the scales in the Democrats' favor in November.

According to Fox news, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., could appear to be a "payoff" for community groups’ partisan political activities in the last election cycle.

Ya think?
1st Amendment Poof! The White House is promising new reviews of the "obligations" to the government by broadcasters who "occupy the nation's spectrum" just as the president has targeted conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh for a public attack, raising concerns over the possible restoration of the "Fairness Doctrine," a policy that failed as unneeded and unconstitutional two decades ago.

Paul Ibrahim of NorthStarWriters.com cited Obama's warning to congressional Republicans that "you can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done" in suggesting the president has become the "driving force" behind a new "systematic" plan to "intimidate and demonize Obama's opponents."

That such a campaign was launched only days after Obama's inauguration is "tremendously perturbing," he wrote.

"Welcome to the politics of hope 'n' change.  Obama's startling attempt to hang Limbaugh's scalp on the wall is a warning that the new ruler does not want unity -- he demands it,"

On Obama's agenda, according to his White House website, is the goal to "encourage diversity in media ownership."

Obama elaborates on the site that his aim is to "encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum."

The plan apparently aligns with longstanding Democratic suggestions to resurrect the "Fairness Doctrine."

"Diversity in media ownership -- oh, boy!

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