February 02, 2009

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"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"

Barack Hussein Obama








Delusional 1 a:Implies an inability to distinguish between what is real and what only seems to be real, often as the result of a disordered state of mind.

2 a: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated b: a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

Obama says his decision to close the Guantanamo prison "will make us safer" and ensure that the government is upholding legal guarantees under the U.S. justice system.
In an interview aired Monday on NBC's "Today" show, Obama says his decision to close the military prison at the U.S. naval base in Cuba was driven by his attempts to balance "what's going to keep the American people safe" and constitutionally guaranteed rights for those imprisoned.

Obama says he is confident the international community will cooperate in accepting some of the militants currently being held at Guantanamo.

Somebody ought to remind this idiot that terrorists, captured on the battlefield or in the commission of a terrorist act, have no constitutionally guaranteed rights -- hell, they don't even have any rights under Article 4 of the Geneva Conventions.  That the United States extends them these rights is a tragic blunder.

Can you imagine Franklin Roosevelt bestowing constitutional rights on the Waffen-SS, or Lyndon Johnson providing civilian lawyers for the Viet Cong?
For the last seven years, the Left has screeched hysterically over the CIA practice of rendition, in which agents turn detainees over to authorities in their home country for interrogation.  Never mind that the practice started in the Clinton administration, and never mind that the other options were Guantanamo Bay, release, or two caps in the back of the head; they pilloried Bush over renditions as if he’d thought them up himself.  Hollywood even made a movie about how awful the process is.

Obama exploited that outrage when he promised Hope and ChangeTM, and the Left squealed with delight over the Brave New Obama World in national security.  Now they’ll have to squeal again as Obama has had a sudden revelation.  Now that HE occupies the Oval Office, renditions are more necessary than ever.
PowerLine blog asks if Obama an insensitive lout who serves $100 per pound steaks to his elite guests and turns up the heat in the White House high enough to grow orchids while a million of his countrymen are without power and dozens are freezing to death?  If not, why not?

Solely because that is not the story the media want to tell.  Many on the web -- but no one in the mainstream media -- have commented on the fact that Obama has not even pretended to do anything about the massive ice storm that has disabled much of Kentucky and neighboring states.  It took days for FEMA to swing into action.  Why is that not a scandal?  Days went by before Kentucky's governor called out the National Guard.  Why did no one blame Obama for failing to call out the Guard sooner?  Probably because he lacks the constitutional power to do so; but the Constitution hasn't changed since 2005.

The Anchoress has an excellent roundup.  Glenn Reynolds has been on the story too.  One of Glenn's readers writes:

What Katrina taught the media was that they could hurt Bush by lying.  What 2008 taught them was that they could help Obama by not reporting at all.  What will 2009 teach them?  I shudder to think.

A basic reality of our time is that our mass media are monolithic, and what they choose to report (or not report) depends on what fits the narrative they are pushing on the public.  If our reporters and editors wanted to portray Obama as clueless and out of touch with ordinary Americans, he has given them ample opportunity to do so.  But because they are Democrats and he is a Democrat, they have no desire to tell that story.  So "let them eat steak" is not a theme you'll be seeing on the evening news.
Obama will have a face-to-face meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart and fellow socialist Hugo Chavez in April in Port of Spain, Trinidad.  The two leaders will be among three dozen heads of government and state at the three day Summit of the Americas.

This information was confirmed by Summit Secretariat Communications Coordinator, Felipe Noguera.

Chavez has been at loggerheads for months with former US President George W Bush accusing him of being a warmonger.  Two months ago he expelled the US Ambassador to Venezuela.  Since Obama took office on January 20, however, Chavez has toned down his anti-US rhetoric, even saying he has great expectations of the new US President.

Noguera confirmed also that two cruise ships had already been booked to provide floating hotel space to accommodate visitors for the Summit.
H. R. 645 Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., the former federal judge who was impeached and convicted by a Democratic Congress for lying to beat a bribery rap,  has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.

The proposed bill, which has received little mainstream media attention, appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents.

The bill also appears to expand the president's emergency power, that would give the president the authority to declare an emergency and take over the direction of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments without consulting Congress.

DHS has awarded a $385 million contract to Houston-based KBR, Halliburton's former engineering and construction subsidiary, to build temporary detention centers on an "as-needed" basis in national emergency situations.

H.R. 645 has been referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and to the Committee on Armed Services.
Lobbyists and Tax Cheats During his campaign, Obama promised that lobbyists would not be welcome in his new Washington, his Washington of change and hope.

Now that he occupies the office?

Several high profile Obama appointees have had major tax issues.  One of these is Timothy Geithner, Obama’s new Secretary of Treasury.  But, late last week, it also came to light that Obama’s choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, Tom Dsaschle, seemed to have conveniently forgotten to claim a free car and driver as income on his taxes and had somehow made this tax faux pas for years.

Now, Nancy Killefer, who failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help, has withdrawn her candidacy to be the first Chief Performance Officer for the federal government.  Although Killefer and her husband, an economics professor had a teenage son and daughter, she had to have two nannies and a personal assistant to run her life.

What frosts my butt is when these "public servants" finally owe up to their tax evasion, they only end up paying the tax.  The usurious penalties and interest, that the rest of have to pay, are forgiven.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, took his name out of consideration when his confirmation appeared headed toward complications because of a grand jury investigation over how state contracts were issued to political donors.

Eric Holder, Attorney General nominee, was registered to lobby until 2004 on behalf of clients including Global Crossing, a bankrupt telecommunications firm.

Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture nominee, was registered to lobby as recently as last year on behalf of the National Education Association.

William Lynn, Deputy Defense Secretary nominee, was registered to lobby as recently as last year for defense contractor Raytheon, where he was a top executive.

William Corr, Deputy Health and Human services secretary nominee, was registered to lobby until last year for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, a non-profit that pushes to limit tobacco use.

David Hayes, Deputy Interior Secretary nominee, was registered to lobby until 2006 for clients, including the regional utility San Diego Gas & Electric.

Mark Patterson, Chief of Staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, was registered to lobby as recently as last year for financial giant Goldman Sachs.

Ron Klain, Chief of Staff to Vice President Joe Biden, was registered to lobby until 2005 for clients, including the Coalition for Asbestos Resolution, U.S. Airways, Airborne Express and drug-maker ImClone.

Mona Sutphen, Deputy White House Chief of Staff, was registered to lobby for clients, including Angliss International in 2003.

Melody Barnes, Domestic Policy Council Director, lobbied in 2003 and 2004 for liberal advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the American Constitution Society and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Cecilia Munoz, White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, was a lobbyist as recently as last year for the National Council of La Raza, a racist group.

Patrick Gaspard, White House Political Affairs Director, was a lobbyist for the Service Employees International Union.  This one, of course, repays a debt.

Michael Strautmanis, Chief of Staff to the President’s Assistant for Intergovernmental Relations, lobbied for the American Association of Justice from 2001 until 2005.

Even MSNBC is on his case. (video)

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