March 10, 2009

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From $1 trillion in debt
to $4 trillion in debt
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I Have More Than Enough To Do


Obama has now blamed his socialist policies on the former president, Bush.

The background: a reporter asked Obama today if he was a socialist.  Obama initially gave a flip answer but after thinking about it, later called reporters back from the Oval Office.

"It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely serious about that socialist question," Obama said.

Then Obama said, in effect, don’t blame me.  Blame Bush.

"It wasn’t under me that we started buying a bunch of shares of banks.  It wasn’t on my watch.  And it wasn’t on my watch that we passed a massive new entitlement -– the prescription drug plan -- without a source of funding…. We’ve actually been operating in a way that has been entirely consistent with free-market principles and that some of the same folks who are throwing the word 'socialist' around can’t say the same."

And at 1:40, Obama makes this unbelievable statement -- "You know, I have more than enough to do without having to worry about the financial system."

Who Vet Obama? Even though the main stream media ignores the Obama birth controversy it still rages on the internet in articles and blogs. Is it extraneous nonsense, conspiracy claptrap and internet hype?  Not by a long shot -- here's a snippet from

Because of the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the cases put before them after conferencing them the speculation about Obama's missing documents including his signed birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the mystery grows, the intrigue is compelling and the arguments have become the most volatile on the web.

In the absence of judicial intervention all the questioners and petitioners have only one avenue of recourse and that is to keep plugging away.  With new cases arising and old cases still pending the latest thrust is to approach legislators with the question.

Often overlooked is the simple wisdom used in the logic of both the main stream media and the naysayers in general.  In fact the very premise the naysayers are basing their argument on should be turned on them to be most effective.

It was not the Supreme Court that vetted Obama, not the state courts, not the election commissions, not the attorneys general, not the legislature, not the DNC and not the Hawaii Office of Vital Statistics. 

Just exactly who vet Obama?  You guessed it -- a few carefully placed bloggers!

And how did they do it?

By sticking some questionable digital images on the Internet -- and they misrepresented what the images were -- still refers to Obama's Certification of Live Birth as a "birth certificate" -- it's not, and knows it.

Obama's bloggers released his questionable digital documents using the World-Wide Web, and anyone who questions their questionable version of things gets labeled a "Birther" and relegated to the "fringe."

Well, KMA!

A million dollars worth of legal is suspicious as hell -- teams of lawyers in a dozen states -- lawyers for colleges huddling with Obama's lawyers-- and the DNC has their lawyers in there too.

And for what -- to hide Obama's birth, travel and college records from the public.

Hiding one's most basic information is suspicious as hell and only makes me wonder, what could possibly be on -- or missing from -- that birth certificate, and those college records, that makes this a fight worth fighting?

Aren't you curious?
The Movement On the web page, "The Movement" it says that Obama has...

...been organizing the cadre of his personal, civilian national security force -- his "shadow army" -- at fifteen fully-staffed and populated indoctrination centers since 1992.

Public Allies, modeled after Alinsky's "people’s organizations," is operating under the watchful eye of Michelle Obama and it has a ton of money -- more than $75 million per year -- and an impressive list of donors.  Naturally, it also receives grants from federal, state and municipal sources.  Its mission has been, and is, to produce "community organizers" -- baby Obamas -- and its process is replicable and repeatable -- continually producing more apparatchiks in "the community," where these people are perceived of as leaders.  They answer to only one person -- Obama.

These community organizers have constituencies that can be mobilized, at the touch of a button, into political actions -- mobs in the streets -- to influence public opinion and the political process -- real visual stuff that Obama's water-carriers in the media will broadcast 24/7.

In addition to these shock troops, Obama has a reserve of 13 million-plus in his personal database that he is actively expanding.  This pool of Internet-savvy people can be used to promote or attack any issue.  Obama can direct tens of thousands of emotional emails, phone calls and letters on any target.

Now, Breitbart reports in, "Obama musters campaign army for economic fight," that Obama is out to do just that -- to muster his powerful people's army, calling on his millions of supporters to write letters, make phone calls and send emails to lobby on behalf of his budget and economic plan.

The appeal to back the president was made in an email and video sent out by "Organizing for America," the organization which morphed out of Obama's campaign machinery to push his agenda when he entered the White House.

In the video, Mitch Stewart, the director of "Organizing for America," urged the president's supporters to take part in the "Organizing for America Pledge Project."

"By pledging and building support you will be taking the first steps towards establishing a nationwide grassroots network, neighborhood by neighborhood, standing side by side with President Obama as we bring about our agenda for change."

David Plouffe says that "Organizing for America" is not aimed at twisting the arms of members of Congress but meant to keep activists engaged on issues such as health care, energy and the economy.  When Obama's people control health care, energy and the economy, they pretty much have you by the shorts.

Good little Maoists swim with the fishes.  Change is implemented bottom-up.  Alinsky says so

If need be, you can expect to see the demonstrations, led by Obama's trained and ready-to-go community organizers --and ACORN will have its part to play.

Their "actions" will be all over TV, dramatically described by "independent journalists" like David Gregory and Chris Matthews.
China Challenges Obama "Mark my words.  It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama." -- Vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden, Oct. 19, 2008.

"Analysts say this could be a test of the new administration, and the Chinese will be focusing less on words than on what American ships actually do at sea." -- Chris Lawrence, CNN Pentagon correspondent, March 9, 2009

Joe Biden made it with months to spare.  An international power has challenged Obama.  It came yesterday at the hand of China.  As CNN’s Lawrence described it on today’s Situation Room:

"Sunday in the South China Sea, five Chinese boats aggressively blocked the American ship Impeccable [an unarmed submarine-intelligence gatherer].  One closed to within 25 feet and ordered the Navy ship to leave.  When the Impeccable asked for a safe path out of the area, two boats cut it off and forced an emergency stop.  And the Navy says Chinese sailors dropped pieces of wood in the Impeccable’s path."

Added Lawrence: "The Pentagon calls it 'one of the most aggressive actions we’ve seen in some time.'"

Asked about the incident at today’s press conference, WH press secretary Robert Gibbs responded: "we’re going to continue to operate in those international waters, and we expect the Chinese to observe international law around it."

CNN aired a clip from a Heritage Foundation expert:

"If we back off on the right of navigation, if we give in to bullying, the Chinese will interpret that as a real signal of weakness."

China has thrown down a wooden gauntlet.  The world will be watching how Obama handles it . . .
300,000 Jobs to Illegals An estimated 300,000 construction jobs paid for by the stimulus plan will go to illegal workers after leading Democrats removed a provision requiring verification of citizenship.

The House version of the $787 billion stimulus bill required verification of the legal residency of anyone put to work by its spending.  But that provision was removed from the bill before members of Congress met to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the bill.

Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), tells Newsmax the verification provision was deleted by Democratic leaders even before the bill reached the conference committee, where differences between House and Senate legislation are normally ironed out.

"When it got to conference, the top people -- not just the conference members, but the top people: Reid, Pelosi, and Obama -- chose to kill the provision and not include it," Camarota says. "This was a purposeful decision."

The provision would have required that workers’ names to be vetted through the Internet-based E-Verify system.  E-Verify, a joint project of the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration, gives employers a quick means of verifying employee eligibility.

"E-Verify is our most effective tool for preventing illegal immigrants from getting jobs, and they chose not to use it," says Camarota.

The estimate of 300,000 construction jobs is based on U.S. Census and other studies showing that approximately 15 percent of U.S. construction workers are illegal immigrants.

"In general construction jobs are reasonably good paying jobs for working class people, and we’re talking about perhaps 300,000 of them going to people who aren’t supposed to be even in the country,"

Camarota says. "And this is money coming from taxpayers.  The whole point of the stimulus is to put Americans back to work. And by not including E-Verify, it’s a terrible slap in the face to U.S. construction workers, who are currently experiencing a 10 percent, sometimes even 15 percent unemployment rate."
Operation Rushbo Last week, Politico reported that the White House had quarterbacked "Operation Rushbo" as a means of demonizing Republicans, exactly the kind of political character assassination Barack Obama had campaigned against for the past two years.  Today, the International Herald-Tribune and the New York Times confirm this, albeit inadvertently, in a profile of Obama’s closest political adviser. 

David Axelrod gave the order to launch the attack machine.

The recent back-and-forth with Rush Limbaugh, for example, was explicitly authorized by Axelrod, who told aides that it was not a moment to sit quietly after Limbaugh said he hoped that Obama would "fail."

The White House has ginned up an attack machine to pillory Rush Limbaugh, but meanwhile dozens of high-level appointments have yet to be made at Treasury.  They’re too overwhelmed to figure out correct protocol for Gordon Brown’s visit (and too busy to offer decent gifts), but they have the time to coordinate attacks on a radio-show host.

That’s an interesting set of priorities.

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