March 20, 2009

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Intimidation Freeper RaceBannon  just heard from Freeper Flightline, a personal friend and mutual acquaintance of Walt Fitzpatrick.  Walt, an Annapolis graduate (1975), just got a visit from 3 to 4 Police Cruisers and one unmarked Government car from Knoxville, Tennessee.  Walt was informed that his most recent column, which he filed as a criminal complaint in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Knoxville, Tennessee, was being responded to as a criminal complaint against Walter himself; that the complaint he filed was ignored and was the basis for the complaint against himself.

The criminal Complaint against Walt specifically stated that Walter's complaint was considered a threat against the President of the United States.

Walter was interviewed by these officers in his yard and house and openly stated his belief of his criminal complaint along with his own personal documentation to defend his complaint and why he believed it to be true.

Walter was not arrested and the officers who visited his home responded by telling him the apparent threat against Obama was unfounded and they left the premises without incident.

Walter was not arrested, no search of his home was done and the officers were professional.

So much for the 1st Amendment.  I read the guy's blog.  I wouldn't have written it, but he certainly didn't threaten anybody.

These folks never got a visit from the Secret Service, and if you don't think there's a double standard, Google "kill Bush."

I guess "free expression" only applies to Democrats, illegal aliens, ACORN and the folks at the Daily Kos.

H. R. 1388 The biting winds of change are blowing through ObamaNation.  The same "volunteerism" that kept America running since the days of its founding, wiped out with the stroke of a pen, will no longer be volunteerism.  It becomes forced labor and like the practice of another era, presses American citizens of all ages and creeds, unknowingly into military service.

On paper, H.R. 1388 is the "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act"; the more innocuous sounding "The Give Act", for short.  But "The Give Act" is not part of Obama’s distant future for unsuspecting American citizens, because it hit the House floor on March 18th.

Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is sponsoring the bill with 25 co-sponsors, Democrats down to the last one.  Ayes and Nays 321-105, with 70 Republicans voting "Aye.".

The Give Act puts the finishing touches to Public Allies New Leadership for New Times, modeled after Saul Alinsky’s "Peoples Organizations" and operating under Michelle Obama with an alleged operating budget of more than $75-million a year.  According to a Fact Sheet About Public Allies, "President Obama was a member of the founding advisory board of the non-profit organization.  Michelle Obama was the founding Executive Director of Public Allies Chicago from Spring, 1993 until Fall 1996 (italics CFP’s).  She served on Public Allies national board of directors from 1997 until 2002.  Obama was no longer on the board when Michelle was hired.

Like most things Alinsky, H.R. 1388 sounds noble in stating why wide-sweeping change is necessary.  "The Give Act" aims to "leverage investments to increase State, local, business and philanthropic resources to address national and local challenges."

Comprehensive in its power, H.R. 1388 goes straight to the heart of volunteerism in America, impacting everything from the lemonade stands of neighborhood children, to the residents of senior citizens homes.

"American volunteers" from across the spectrum, once pressed into service of the Civilian Community Corps, in the fullness of time, shall be called the "National Civilian Community Corps."

You might want to run, but you can’t hide from H.R. 1388.

Whether you are young or old, or firmly believe that volunteering means you are offering your time to the good of community work, you will be pressed into Obama’s National Civilian Community Corps.

The National Civilian Community Corps is year-round and will impose itself on children away at summer camp.  Even private schools will not be immune from its membership.
Down through the generations, wearing a uniform has always appealed to the sincere at heart.

According to H.R. 1388, "the Director determines appropriate "uniforms."

Membership is mandatory!

Update:  Check out this amendment to the bill:

H.AMDT.49 to H.R.1388 cancels out -- "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
We Had Best Wake The Hell Up Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans, here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road political assessment.  It is hard to believe how fast a month flies by but it seems that we have been under the Obama administration for years; perhaps it is the everyday speeches.

I hate speeches.

I pride myself in being a person of calm demeanor, unless of course you are Attorney General Eric Holder and you call my America a "nation of cowards."  So as I begin this month’s article I find myself on the verge of total rage which is great for writing.

In these first 60 days of the Obama administration I am beginning to have concern over issues of national security.  There have been some very disturbing trends which I will share in this month’s column.

It first started right after the coronation; I mean inauguration, with the first phone call going to Mahmoud Abbas.  Last time I checked the leader of the displaced Arab nomad group in the West Bank called Fatah was not a National leader, or ally.  Considering all the other key allies who have stood by the United States, why was this gentleman first for a new President to call?

Next came the series of executive orders which commanded we shut down Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) detention facility, stop any harsh treatment of terrorists, and ceased any ongoing military trials against those being held.  Now just recently we have heard from the infamous GITMO 5 who have claimed they take utmost pride in what they have accomplished to include the atrocities of 9-11.

We know that some 60 released detainees went right back to the battlefield to include several who are now leaders in Yemen and Afghanistan.  Some would say this recidivism rate is low, however, not when you are the US man or woman in uniform overseas fighting.

As of 13 March we have been instructed by this administration that we can no longer call these fellas "enemy combatants."  Hmm, lets see, how about we call them "Friendly Frustrated Freedom Fighters?"  I am certain we should consult Dr. Phil for a proper means to address these cheeky fellows without damaging their self-esteem.

New Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently stated in an interview that she found using the term terrorism nuanced.  She preferred using the term "man created disasters."  Well, Secretary Napolitano, if there is another "man created disaster," perpetrated by "Friendly Frustrated Freedom Fighter,s" Americans will not take that too kindly.

Does an IED fall into the category of a "man created disaster"?

Soon after the series of executive orders focusing on GITMO the President gave his first TV interview, with Al Arabiya.  During that interview he remarked about a return to better relations with the Muslim world, like 30 years ago.  Perhaps the President did not realize that in Iran they have been celebrating the 30 year anniversary of the Islamic revolution.

I remember that being a very sad and embarrassing episode in American history, can you say Embassy hostages?

At a time when we are having serious economic issues the American taxpayers are now sending $900 Million to the Gaza Strip for rebuilding.  The "political entity" controlling Gaza is called Hamas, and they are a "Friendly Frustrated Freedom Fighter" organization.  I can certainly bet that the only thing being rebuilt will be tunnels from Egypt into Gaza.

Along with that piece of change, is, by executive order, $20.3 Million going to resettle pro-Hamas Palestinians to the USA…..did anyone ask the American people about this?

First planned foreign country visit?  Turkey, where "Friendly Frustrated Freedom Fighter" ideology is taking root (I call it radical Islamic ideology, but don’t tell anyone, I could be arrested for hate speech).

So far the President’s only visit to a US military installation was to Camp Lejeune NC, home of the US Marine II Expeditionary Force, a place where I spent three great years.  The purpose was to announce his plan for withdrawal from Iraq.

Could you imagine Alexander the Great telling his Macedonians, "well guys, that whole bit about conquering the world, I was just kidding, let’s go home".  Warriors want to be inspired.

President Obama and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have both referred to our ICE agents as terrorizing Hispanics and being un-American.  That should really inspire them to protect us against illegal immigrants.

Ok, you are asking so what?  Well, this is the so what, President Obama has decided that our wounded warriors and others with service related injuries will have to use private insurance.  AFLAC does not send our men and women into harm’s way to defend our way of life, the Constitution mandates the government do so.

The so what is that why are we placating and appeasing the enemy while abandoning those who stay on the wall protecting our America?  That has me fuming and truly concerned about the loyalties of this President.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; our President Barack Hussein Obama has Wednesday evening parties in the White House.

How did we get to this point?

Ride Hard, Ride Safe, AW

Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West (US Army, Retired), 17 March 2009 -- on today's Atlas Shrugs.
Will You Take The Pledge? The Pledge: "I support President Obama's bold approach for renewing America's economy.  I will ask friends, family, and neighbors to pledge their support for this plan" -- (video)

They have taken a pledge of loyalty to Obama, and they say they are coming your way tomorrow for yours.  Organizing for America (OFA), the Obama-for-President campaign morphed into Obama-for-Maximum-Leader army, will hit the streets on Saturday for their "Pledge Project Canvass," knocking on doors and accosting folks in parking lots and sidewalks to ask them to sign a pledge to support Obama's policies for health care, energy and education reform.

Organizing for America is variously described in the media as [President Obama's] "own version of a lobbying firm", "a parallel organization to the Democratic National Committee" and "an independent force to lobby for Obama's goals" (Houston Chronicle); "an independent group" (Dayton Daily News); Obama's "citizen army," and a way of building public opinion" (The Bergen County Record); "a grass-roots lobbying group," (Roll Call), "Obama 2.0" (Newark Star-Ledger), "a joint partnership," (DNC press release), and as a "political bully," (AP).

Whatever OFA is, David Plouffe at least thinks ''[t]his has obviously never been undertaken before.  So it's going to be a little trial and error.''

It seems as though OFA's organizers are ignorant of the lessons of history and of the sinister ambitions of leaders who created their own private organizations, loyal only to them -- or not.

More . . .
Obsessed With Infamy Baroccoliobamination says: "You can never be too rich, too thin, or go too far too fast."  Our current President seems to subscribe to the latter.  Being the first African American to be elected to the White House doesn’t appear to be good enough for Barack Obama.  He's got to be ultra infamous, and that means going far -- fast.

While many Presidents have laid out what they have believed to be "bold" policy plans for the future, it's typically a broad theme or two that echoes their campaign promises and is accepted as somewhat attainable.  But Obama is making it his mission to address every issue this country faces by sounding the alarm of urgency to get his way.  From greenhouse gas to healthcare to government contracts, he's made them all priorities.  But are his initiatives really about us, or about his own obsession with infamy?

Obama says "this country can't afford to wait on healthcare."  More like, this country can't AFFORD universal healthcare.  However, if Obama were to completely socialize medicine he'd surely earn his place in the history books while simultaneously thumbing his nose at the Clintons.  If he can shove his cap and trade program through he'd be hailed an environmental savior, out greening even Al Gore.  He's gone after executive pay, proposed a budget that seeks to grow government, cripple investment, and impose a host of punitive wealth transfer programs turning us into Europe.

Many economists are editorializing that what he’s preaching isn’t even possible due to our country’s limited financial bandwidth. But Obama doesn’t seem to care.  He is charging ahead and planning to charge all of his proposals on the country’s already maxed out credit card.  Most puzzlingly, he is devoid of a plan to address the most pressing problem facing the nation: a credit crisis.

Is Obama’s pathological narcissism and pursuit for unparalleled notoriety driving our nation into the ground?

Many politicians are egomaniacs from Nixon to Clinton.  Samuel Vaknin, Ph.D., and a known expert on pathology and narcissism writes:

"David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler; They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life.  They gave them hope!  They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom.  When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late."

The personalized emblems, the presumptuous presidential seals before he won office, the cultish iconography, the desire to silence any kind of dissent among his detractors, all of these things point to a man who seems to be obsessively driven by his own self interest.

With each policy push and passing day that Wall Street suffers, we are seeing that with Obama, reality and fantasy are intertwined.  Let’s hope the country wakes up in time, before his quest for greatness sacrifices the nation's best interests.
My Liberal Friends Were Right I have to admit it.  My liberal friends were right.

They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's Hope would deteriorate, and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the Bush administration.

They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and sure enough tens of thousands of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan.

They told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 8.8% and the new stimulus packages implemented recently have sent the stock market lower than at any time since the 1980's.

They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of bribery and tax fraud.

Well, I ignored my Democrat friends in November and voted for McCain, and they were right.... all of their predictions have come true.

Thanks Porky . . .
The White House Garden Michelle Obama is scheduled to break ground today on a new garden near the fountain on the South Lawn that will supply the White House kitchen.

She will be joined by students from Bancroft Elementary School in the District of Columbia.  The children will stay involved with the project, including planting the fruits, vegetables and herbs in the coming weeks and harvesting the crops later in the year.

Mrs. Obama spent time earlier this week at an exhibit on rooftop gardening.

"We're going to get a big one in our back yard, the South Lawn," she promised the volunteers.

Such a White House garden has been a dream of noted California chef Alice Waters, considered a leader in the movement to encourage consumption of locally grown, organic food.  She has been appealing for change through the taste buds since the 1960s.

She organized a series of fundraising dinners in Washington before President Barack Obama's inauguration in January that served foods purchased from local producers at an area farmer's market to show how it can be done.

Reached Thursday at her Berkeley, Calif., restaurant, Chez Panisse, Waters said she was thrilled by the news.

"It just tells you that this country cares about people's good health and about the care of the land," she said.  "To have this sort of 'victory' garden, this message goes out that everyone can grow a garden and have free food."

Victory gardens were vegetable gardens planted during the world wars with encouragement from the government to make sure there was enough food for civilians and the troops. Waters says her family had such a garden.

I'll bet you a million dollars that after the "ground braking" photo op, Michelle never goes near the dirty thing -- but she'll eat the veggies grown by the children's labor -- and here I thought child labor was illegal.

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