March 23, 2009

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From $1 trillion in debt
to $4 trillion in debt
in six weeks








Punch Drunk? Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, which could touch off "an even more destructive recession and potentially depression."

His remarks came in a"60 Minutes" interview in which he was pressed by Steve Kroft for laughing and chuckling several times while discussing the perilous state of the world’s economy.

"You're sitting here.  And you're -- you are laughing.  You are laughing about some of these problems.  Are people going to look at this and say, 'I mean, he's sitting there just making jokes about money' -- How do you deal with -- I mean: explain. . ." Kroft asked at one point.

"Are you punch-drunk?" Kroft asked.

"No, no.  There's gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day," Obama said, with a laugh.

Watch the entire interview here.  On the long version, Obama refers to terrorists as "those folks?"

Note:  There are web reports that You Tube keeps taking this down every single time someone puts it up, so if you get a 404, come back later.  I'll find another copy.
Obama Budget Will Bankrupt U. S. Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, says Obama's massive budget proposal will bankrupt the country.

The senator said Obama's spending plan in the midst of a prolonged recession would leave the next generation with a country too expensive to live in.
Rangel's Refreshing Honesty

Rangel Says Obama Budget is About "Changing Our Way of Living in this Country" (00:35)

Powerlessness I feel utterly powerless to do anything about the fellow in the Oval Office who combines infantile leftism and adolescent grandiosity in roughly equal measures.  It seems to me that every day he is responsible for assaults on the freedom and well being of the American people.  I can't keep up and I can't stand to pay attention.

His aim seems to be to reduce us to government dependents.  His inattention to rehabilitation of the financial system in lieu of vastly expanding the size and scope of the government is a dead giveaway, as is his lack of concern over the vast destruction of wealth his policies are working (and will continue to work).

Perhaps most depressing to me is the manifestation of his adolescent grandiosity in his stewardship of foreign policy and national security.  He doesn't understand that the government of Iran is intent on acquiring nuclear weapons it can put to evil purposes. He thinks he can sweet-talk them out of achieving this objective.

He doesn't understand that the government of Iran is a tyranny that oppresses the Iranian people.  He thus addresses the mad mullahs as though they represent the people of Iran.

Contrast the new year's messages to the Iranian people promulgated by James Kirchick (the 25-year-old assistant editor of the New Republic) and of Shimon Peres (the 85-year-old president of Israel) with Obama's palaver.  By contrast, the president of the United States is disgracing us.

Get a clue, man!  The mullahs who rule Iran with an iron fist hate you and everything you represent.  They hate you in part because they view you as an apostate.  They hate you in part because you represent the United States.  They hate you in part because you represent the American people.  They don't hate us because President Bush didn't talk nice to them!

Make no mistake.  The mullahs love the weakness and stupidity that President Obama transmits at ear-shattering levels in his message to them (and in his earlier Al Arabiya interview).  They rebuff his advances because they know he will only treat their rebuffs as reasons to pursue them with renewed ardor.

Obama believes his cluelessness represents a higher wisdom.

There's more from Scott at PowerLine blog.
Completely Irrational According to a report on a Dari-language website, a Taliban spokesman has described Obama’s proposal for peace talks with moderate Taliban as irrational.
Justice Department to San Francisco Police:  Shut Up! Allegations that Obama's pal Bill Ayers was involved in the murder of a San Francisco policeman appear to be running into something of a gag order from at the Department of Justice.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Justice Department and the San Francisco Police Department have contacted the San Francisco Police Officers Association and told them not to talk about the Ayers case.

Boy, that was fast!

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