April 4, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Obama Begins Turnover of USA Sovereignty Moving as quickly as he can to gut the USA and then divide its body parts amongst like-minded globalists, the USA’s Supreme Leader used the G-20 conference to begin his turnover of USA sovereignty to said internationalists and start the move toward a one-world government.  Obama has signed off on international legislation -- the Financial Stability Board -- that would regulate ALL firms, including those within the USA and places them under the responsibility of an international governmental agency.

On FNC’s Greta Van Susteren’s program, author and columnist Dick Morris noted "literally from April 2nd of this year, that is, today, it’s a whole new world of financial regulation in which, essentially, ALL of the U.S. regulatory bodies and ALL U.S. companies are put under international regulation, international supervision.  It really amounts to a global economic government."

Called the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the pending international body’s legislation -- which will of course override the US Constitution -- states: "We agree to a framework of internationally agreed upon high standards.  We will set up a financial stability board with a strengthened mandate to extend regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments and markets" -- including hedge funds, all -- anything that they decide is important to the system -- to endorse and implement tough new principles on paying compensation and to support sustainable compensation schemes and the corporate social responsibility of ALL firms."  The international community will now be able to determine the salaries and compensation of us all.

During this same conference, Obama officially announced the reduction in US nuclear weaponry, so that Iran will be more amenable to sitting down to talk with the US.  In other words, he’s again announced to the world that the USA is no longer a threat to anyone -- let alone terrorists.  Never before in our soon to be short-lived history has the United States of America had this sort of a leader who has now announced -- in no uncertain terms -- that it is his plan and duty to dismantle and destroy the country he represents.  He, his administration members and his Congress (with extraordinary assistance from most notably Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd and their friends) have devastated the US economy, are in the process of eliminating the First and Second Amendments -- and the entire US Constitution -- have ended free enterprise, established his national youth indoctrination -- if not police -- force (via the GIVE Act) and have begun the process of taking over virtually all private companies.

In not yet 100 days, Obama and Company have almost destroyed this country.  Under this constant and increasing onslaught and devastation from within -- by our "leaders" -- can the USA stand much longer?  Seriously, can it?
Should Obama Control the Internet Senators John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) think so.  On Wednesday they introduced a bill to establish the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor -- an arm of the executive branch that would have vast power to monitor and control Internet traffic to protect against threats to critical cyber infrastructure.  That broad power is rattling some civil libertarians.

The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (.pdf) gives the president the ability to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any "critical" information network "in the interest of national security."  The bill does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency.  That definition would be left to Obama.

The bill does not only add to the power of the president.  It also grants the Secretary of Commerce "access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access."  This means he or she can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws.

The wide powers outlined in the Rockefeller-Snowe legislation has at least one Internet advocacy group worried.  "The cybersecurity threat is real," says Leslie Harris, head of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), "but such a drastic federal intervention in private communications technology and networks could harm both security and privacy."

The bill could undermine the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), says CDT senior counsel Greg Nojeim.  That law, enacted in the mid '80s, requires law enforcement seek a warrant before tapping in to data transmissions between computers.

"It's an incredibly broad authority," Nojeim says, pointing out that existing privacy laws "could fall to this authority."

Jennifer Granick, civil liberties director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, says that granting such power to the Commerce secretary could actually cause networks to be less safe.  When one person can access all information on a network, "it makes it more vulnerable to intruders," Granick says.  "You've basically established a path for the bad guys to skip down."

The bill's scope, she says, is "contrary to what the Constitution promises us."  That's because of the impact it could have on Internet users' privacy rights: If the Commerce Department uncovers evidence of illegal activity when accessing "critical" networks, that information could be used against a potential defendant, even if the department never had the intent to find incriminating evidence, and this might violate the Constitutional protection against searches without cause.

"Once information is accessed, it can be used for whatever purpose, no matter the original reason for accessing something," Granick says.  "Who's interested in this [bill]?  Law enforcement and people in the security industry who want to ensure more government dollars go to them."
Obama Disses America Addressing a crowd of some 2,000 mainly students from France and Germany, Obama said: "In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world.

"Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

After buttering up the Europeans, Obama made an impassioned plea to America’s allies to send more troops to Afghanistan, warning that failure to do so would leave Europe vulnerable to more terrorist atrocities.

But though he continued to razzle-dazzle the Europeans on his debut international tour, at his own country's expense, the Continent’s leaders turned their backs on him.

I'd like to point out to Obama that the last time Europe played a leading role in the world was in the 19th century.  All Europeans did in the 20th century was wage war on each other until America ended their self-destructive behavior -- twice.

American money rebuilt Europe after World War II and American arms kept the Russian bear from their throats.

In the 21st century, Europe hasn't done squat.

Europe has abrogated its responsibilities and left the policing of the world to the United States for sixty years, then condemned America for doing so.

It's unfortunate that Obama's understanding of world history is based on Jeremiah Wright's sermons.

Tax Day Tea Party Count Nearing 2,000 The American Family Association has announced its count is nearing 1,600 -- for Tax Day alone (map here).

The AFA, planned to coordinate 1,000 Taxed Enough Already, or TEA, parties to be held at 12 p.m. on April 15 in front of city halls across the nation, but the group is pleasantly surprised as is stands to double that goal before Tax Day is here.

"Our goal was to have a TEA party in 1,500 cities.  We are nearly 100 cities above our goal and still growing," said Donald E. Wildmon, AFA chairman.

The AFA sponsored TEA parties are in addition to hundreds of parties planned by other groups.  Taxpayers are also organizing tea parties for Independence Day and various Saturdays so people with conflicting work schedules may attend.

Wildmon said the protests are essential because the government's reckless spending is burdening America with insurmountable debt.

While many mainstream media outlets have provided little to no coverage of the nation's numerous tea parties so far, DePrimo said the growing movement is proof that Americans no longer need them to launch a widespread revolution.

"I think the media does whatever the media choose to do," he said.  "We're all aware that the media have a liberal bias.  I suppose if it's big enough, they will report on it.  If they think it really may spur some change in Washington that the media elites don't want, they may ignore the story altogether."

De Primo continued, "The good news is that with the Internet, Facebook, texting and with all the ways we can communicate today, we don't necessarily need the mainstream media anymore.  The message can get out without them."

Pajamas TV is now covering the Tea Parties.  Join the PJTV citizen reporter corps and help with coverage.  PJTV will have crews out, but with 300-500 tea parties scheduled, no media organization will be able to cover them all.  So cover them yourselves, and let PJTV help get the word out!  They tell me that about 200 have signed up, but more is always better!

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