April 19, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Obama Defends Himself But Not His Country


After Nicaraguan Marxist President Daniel Ortega attacked America for 50 minutes in his speech today, Barack Obama smiled and shook his hand.

In his 17-minute address to the Summit of the Americas, Obama departed from his prepared remarks to address Ortega.

"To move forward, we cannot let ourselves be prisoners of past disagreements.  I'm grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old.  Too often, an opportunity to build a fresh partnership of the Americas has been undermined by stale debates.  We've all heard these arguments before."

Actually, the president misspoke on the sequence of events in Cuba.  The invasion of CIA-trained rebels at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba occurred in April 1961.  Obama was born August 4, 1961.
We Suck '09 Tour Once again, we have Obama embarking on the "We Suck '09" tour, kicked off in Europe, where he felt the need to apologize for the last administration’s efforts to defend America’s interests on the international stage.  Obama likes to call this "smart power" and tells us we’ll get more by appearing humble than by pursuing our interests in the normal fashion.  So far, the rest of the world has applauded Obama’s performance -- and gone on to reject our requests for economic cooperation, combat troops for Afghanistan, partnership with Russia against Iran, and North Korean continuation of the six-party nuclear disarmament talks without launching long-range missiles over Japan.

Buy the T-shirt for the tour, folks, but don’t be too unhappy if they run out.  It looks like we’ll have a "We Suck" tour in 2010, 2011, and 2012, too.
America's November Revolution In our recent election, many Americans voted for a Savior, not a president.

Americans were enamored with the idea of making history in this election, and in that sense we have gotten what we wanted.  Unfortunately, Barack Obama is the wrong man, and this is definitely the wrong time.

In fact, the timing couldn't be worse.  We have in recent years vastly expanded the powers and autonomy of the Executive Branch, removing checks and balances along the way.  Owing in part to well-intentioned conservative attempts to more effectively fight Islamic terrorism, the machinery of US dictatorship is already in place.  Security measures like The Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, recent revisions of the Posse Commitatus Act, and National Presidential Directive 51 have all served to strengthen our national security in the short term, but with long-term threats to our individual liberties and great risk of abuse in the wrong hands.  Now we have handed this power over to the most unabashedly leftist radical ever to hold Presidential office.

America is now seeing the results of its own revolution, a peaceful November Revolution unlike Russia's of almost a century ago, responding to multiple staged crises with pleas for our new leader to save us from ourselves.  Our leader is ready and willing, and we have given Obama the keys to the kingdom.  Many of us warned of the dangers of expanding presidential powers, arguing that what might work under a trustworthy administration might be dangerous in the hands of an unscrupulous one.  But even we could not have imagined the speed with which our most dire warnings might come true.  Had Obama's ascendency been foreseen, we'd have won that argument hands-down.  He's the poster-child for the worst case scenario.

Barack Obama has shown remarkable skill in manipulating domestic events and creating artificial crises to enhance his own power.  And what he plans to do with that power, evidenced by his own words and actions, is alarming.

Continue reading here . . .
Corrupting the 2010 Census Earlier this year, Obama announced that he was relieving the U.S. Commerce Department of its responsibility for conducting the census and moving that responsibility into the White House under the control of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, one of the most corrupt Chicago machine politicians of all time.  However, that decision proved so unpopular that Obama was forced to reconsider.  Instead, he has nominated Univ. of Michigan professor Robert Groves as director of the census.  Groves is a fervent advocate of statistical sampling, a technique that uses "educated guesses" to determine population instead of actually counting heads.  It is a technique that is easily manipulated and which often results in the over-counting of Democratic constituencies.

But, undeterred by suggestions of political manipulation, the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party have pushed ahead with plans to open the 2010 census to massive corruption.  For example, news headlines across the country have announced that the Democrats’ principal vote fraud auxiliary, ACORN, will "partner" with the federal government to conduct the 2010 census.

Click here to see what sort of shenanigans we find when Democrats team up with the likes of ACORN to assist with voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives?

ACORN is a 350,000-member Democratic Party auxiliary that the Obama Administration is "partnering" with to count the U.S. population in the 2010 national census.  And lest anyone assume that the relationship is either new or coincidental, it should be noted that, during the 2008 campaign, Obama paid ACORN $832,598 to register new voters, payments for "advance work" that the campaign fraudulently reported to the Federal Election Commission as being made to a group called Citizen Services, Inc.  The board of directors of ACORN and the board of directors of Citizen Services are one and the same.

During his years in Chicago as a practicing lawyer, ACORN was one of Obama’s principal clients.  More recently, several ACORN executives in New Orleans were investigated for covering up a $1 million embezzlement.  They were represented by lawyers from Michelle Obama's old Chicago law firm.

Speaking for the Obama Administration, Census Bureau spokesman Scott Levenson has said, "The Census (Bureau) is a non-political agency and we’re dedicated to an accurate account (sic)...  We have a lot of quality controls in place to keep any kind of systemic error or fraudulent behavior to affect (sic) the counts (wink, wink)."

During calendar year 2009 the Census Bureau will be preparing for the 2010 census... locating and identifying every residence in every city, town, village, and rural area in the nation... and in 2010, census enumerators will be visiting every household, gathering data from individuals who fail to voluntarily complete and return the census forms that will be mailed to each household.

Given ACORN’s record of political corruption in support of the Democratic Party and its candidates, one wonders how many vacant lots, piles of rubbish, and burned-out buildings will appear on Census Bureau data bases as occupied residences, and how many fictitious people will suddenly materialize in Census Bureau tallies as residing in those places.  One also wonders how many families will mysteriously grow from three members to six or eight, with the names and ages of the "ghost" members being supplied by the ACORN enumerator.

If some states gain an additional congressional seat, or if some Republican-leaning suburbs are swallowed up by heavily Democratic urban congressional districts in the 2011 congressional redistricting, we’ll know why it happened and we’ll know who is responsible.  We’ll know that Barack Obama and his ACORN "community organizers" have been successful in corrupting the heretofore incorruptible census system.

In an April 7, 2009 report published by the Department of Homeland Security, the Obama Administration has now branded all those who believe in the sanctity of human life, those who believe that marriage should be preserved as the union of one man and one woman, those who have served their country in the armed forces, those who support the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, those who oppose opening our borders to illegal immigration, and those who oppose government policies that would bury our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt... as racists and potential domestic terrorists.  What we should all be asking ourselves is this: "Would such an administration also take overt steps to bring political benefits to itself and to the Democratic Party by corrupting the 2010 national census?  The answer is yes.  We cannot assume that any action... legal or illegal, ethical or unethical, moral or immoral, violent or non-violent... is beyond the will and the capacity of Barack Obama, ACORN, and the Democratic Party.
Obama's Hackers Why should Obama and his administration have their own computer hacking army?

Why you say?  Because knowledge is power!

DefendUSx can tell you right here and now that the primary goal of the Obama administration, is to consolidate all US networks into one single network, modeled after the Chinese network. We can already start to see this under the guise of the "Cyber Security" bill, that the administration is trying to hurry through Congress.  The most pressing evidence, though, of this to date, is in the Porkulus I Bill which gives the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) nearly unprecedented authority over all Internet communications, and traps the States into providing and consolidating their networks into this single network. DefendUSx knows this, because she actually read that part of the bill.

What is the advantage to having one network as opposed to a Heterogeneous network (many different networks that communicate to each other through Subnets)?  There is no advantage to you or me, just those who want to control and inspect all the data going in and out of that single network.  It is next to impossible to get this kind of control with Heterogeneous networks.  To the end-user of the network, everything appears and functions the same.

The danger of this?  Mass censorship (as if it isn't bad enough already starting with the Mainstream Media), but also getting access to anything and everything that you have private on your computers. Nothing would be private.

There is more to this though.  Google, who is tightly coupled with the Obama administration for data collection, censorship (as during the Campaign), and analysis, hope to have everyone on "dummy terminals" connected to the Internet where all your data is stored on Google's servers.  Your operating system (web-based operating system provided by Google) would connect right to Google's servers and everything would be stored there.

Google's CEO has meant with Obama personally off and on since the year 2000 to discuss these "partnership" plans, along with George Soros, who has his son high-up on Google's management staff for Youtube.

©  Copyright  Beckwith  2009
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