April 23, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Absolute Proof That The Left Is Insane The Drudge Report Headline for April 23rd, 2009

Prosecuting Patriots With the ugly sanctimony of those who never had to make hard decisions, the American left demands show trials of those who kept us safe after 9/11, says Col. Ralph Peters.  Wrapping themselves in repugnant self-righteousness, the MoveOn.org set wants political prosecutions.  Should Obama acquiesce, he won't be furthering the rule of law, but dismantling it.

Show trials have long been popular with leftists.  Those who don't conform to each jot of doctrine become "enemies of the people."  From Stalin down to Putin, and from Mao to Castro, vengeance disguised as law has been a mega-hit.

Those on the left don't want justice.  If they did, they'd be protesting the murderous torture prevalent in Iran, the Gaza Strip, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia.  Instead, our leftists want us to show the leaders of those terror states more respect.

The left is out for revenge.  It always is.  Hatred of those who think differently is the left's unifying principle.  Leftists don't need God, but they see devils everywhere.

When President-for-Life Hugo Chavez called President George W. Bush "el Diablo," our leftists agreed.  Hatred of the last administration grew so irrational that any terrorist, no matter how monstrous, became no more than a victim of Bush-Cheney.

Now the left wants an Inquisition for heretics who failed to share its worldview.  Men and women who, in their capacity as public servants, wrestled with difficult legal issues in the course of our battle with terrorists are now to be tried and shamed because the left disagreed with their legal opinions and actions.  No matter that most Americans wouldn't view the methods of our interrogators as torture when applied to hardened terrorists (despite the media's ceaseless effort to convince us otherwise).  No matter that foreign leaders championed by the left use vastly more brutal techniques.

No matter that interrogators differ on the utility of "harsh" methods or that the information gleaned indisputably saved American lives.  No matter that our system of government functioned as it was designed to.

The left just didn't like the results the system produced.  Law has nothing to do with this cry for vengeance.  This is purely about political differences.  During the Bush administration, leftists warned repeatedly that actions they didn't like put our country on a "slippery slope."  Well, once we initiate show trials of government officials who did their best to protect us, we'll have skipped the slippery slope and leapt to the bottom.

If Obama agrees to any form of show trial, he and his own team will live to regret it.  His party won't always be in power, and he'll have set a hideous, un-American precedent.

If the Obama administration fails to keep us safe and our citizens are attacked at home or abroad, shall we then prosecute those who dismantled our safeguards and gutted our intelligence effort?

As countless leftists learned in the course of the 20th century, today's witness for the prosecution is tomorrow's enemy of the people.

The rule of law is paramount.  When we pervert the law for political ends, we attack our deepest foundations.  Where would such show trials stop?  Will we try Supreme Court justices for issuing legal opinions with which a future administration disagrees?

There are plenty of genuine crimes worth prosecuting in Washington, DC.  Corruption abounds.  Not a few members of Congress -- from both parties -- should be in jail.  But corruption isn't taken seriously.  Politics are.

If the left gets its People's Court to destroy the lives of patriots who did their human, imperfect best to defend us (and who succeeded in that effort for seven years), it will do more damage to the United States than all the dictators our president longs to embrace could do together.

The left has nothing against torture.  It just wants to choose the victims.
Presidential Poison The Wall Street Journal says to mark down the date.  Tuesday, April 21, 2009, is the moment that any chance of a new era of bipartisan respect in Washington ended.  By inviting the prosecution of Bush officials for their anti-terror legal advice, President Obama has injected a poison into our politics that he and the country will live to regret.

Policy disputes, often bitter, are the stuff of democratic politics.  Elections settle those battles, at least for a time, and Mr. Obama's victory in November has given him the right to change policies on interrogations, Guantanamo, or anything on which he can muster enough support.  But at least until now, the U.S. political system has avoided the spectacle of a new Administration prosecuting its predecessor for policy disagreements.  This is what happens in Argentina, Malaysia or Peru, countries where the law is treated merely as an extension of political power.

If this analogy seems excessive, consider how Mr. Obama has framed the issue.  He has absolved CIA operatives of any legal jeopardy, no doubt because his intelligence advisers told him how damaging that would be to CIA morale when Mr. Obama needs the agency to protect the country.  But he has pointedly invited investigations against Republican legal advisers who offered their best advice at the request of CIA officials.

"Your intelligence indicates that there is currently a level of 'chatter' equal to that which preceded the September 11 attacks," wrote Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee, in his August 1, 2002 memo.  "In light of the information you believe [detainee Abu] Zubaydah has and the high level of threat you believe now exists, you wish to move the interrogations into what you have described as an 'increased pressure phase.'"

So the CIA requests a legal review at a moment of heightened danger, the Justice Department obliges with an exceedingly detailed analysis of the law and interrogation practices -- and, seven years later, Mr. Obama says only the legal advisers who are no longer in government should be investigated.  The political convenience of this distinction for Mr. Obama betrays its basic injustice.  And by the way, everyone agrees that senior officials, including President Bush, approved these interrogations.  Is this President going to put his predecessor in the dock too?

Mr. Obama seemed to understand the peril of such an exercise when he said, before his inauguration, that he wanted to "look forward" and beyond the anti-terror debates of the Bush years.  As recently as Sunday, Rahm Emanuel said no prosecutions were contemplated and now is not a time for "anger and retribution."  Two days later the President disavowed his own chief of staff.  Yet nothing had changed except that Mr. Obama's decision last week to release the interrogation memos unleashed a revenge lust on the political left that he refuses to resist.

Just as with the AIG bonuses, he is trying to co-opt his left-wing base by playing to it -- only to encourage it more.  Within hours of Mr. Obama's Tuesday comments, Senator Carl Levin piled on with his own accusatory Intelligence Committee report.  The demands for a "special counsel" at Justice and a Congressional show trial are louder than ever, and both Europe's left and the U.N. are signaling their desire to file their own charges against former U.S. officials.

Those officials won't be the only ones who suffer if all of this goes forward.  Congress will face questions about what the Members knew and when, especially Nancy Pelosi when she was on the House Intelligence Committee in 2002.  The Speaker now says she remembers hearing about waterboarding, though not that it would actually be used.  Does anyone believe that?  Porter Goss, her GOP counterpart at the time, says he knew exactly what he was hearing and that, if anything, Ms. Pelosi worried the CIA wasn't doing enough to stop another attack.  By all means, put her under oath.

Mr. Obama may think he can soar above all of this, but he'll soon learn otherwise.  The Beltway's political energy will focus more on the spectacle of revenge, and less on his agenda.  The CIA will have its reputation smeared, and its agents second-guessing themselves.  And if there is another terror attack against Americans, Mr. Obama will have set himself up for the argument that his campaign against the Bush policies is partly to blame.

Above all, the exercise will only embitter Republicans, including the moderates and national-security hawks Mr. Obama may need in the next four years.  As patriotic officials who acted in good faith are indicted, smeared, impeached from judgeships or stripped of their academic tenure, the partisan anger and backlash will grow.  And speaking of which, when will the GOP Members of Congress begin to denounce this partisan scapegoating?  Senior Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Richard Lugar, John McCain, Orrin Hatch, Pat Roberts and Arlen Specter have hardly been profiles in courage.

Mr. Obama is more popular than his policies, due in part to his personal charm and his seeming goodwill.  By indulging his party's desire to criminalize policy advice, he has unleashed furies that will haunt his Presidency.
Obama Doesn't Recognize Terrorism Threat Former Vice President Dick Cheney says that Obama no longer believes that America is threatened by terrorists and is making dangerous mistakes in lowering U.S. defenses.

"The threat is there.  It's very real and it's continuing," Cheney said.  "And what the Obama people are doing, in effect, is saying, well, we don't need those tough policies that we had.

"That says either they didn't work, which we know is not the case -- they did work, they kept us safe for seven years -- or that now somehow the threat's gone away.  There's no longer a threat out there, we don't have to be as tough and aggressive as the Bush administration was."

It’s that post-9/11 mindset that most concerns him, Cheney said.

"Barack Obama and his administration are no longer going to ask their guys tough questions when they are captured.  Now, maybe they won't behead our people when they capture them.  I mean, it's just -- it says something about a mindset that I worry about very much," Cheney said.

"And I think there's a problem out there nationally in the sense that we are 7.5 years, almost 8 years now, away from 9/11, and a lot of people would like to forget it and believe that the threat is gone, it's diminished, it's disappeared.

"Unfortunately, that's not the case, and one of the worst things we could do is start to act now as though the attack of 9/11 is a thing of the past and will never be repeated.  That's just not true."

Continue reading here . . .
2,974 Reasons
ObamaCare Will Bankrupt America A growing chorus of experts is warning that Obama's plan to add 47 million people -- a number that includes illegal aliens -- to the health-insurance rolls may kill hopes for a sustained economic recovery.

Obama’s healthcare plan would follow the $700 billion TARP bailout, the $787 billion stimulus, and a $410 billion, earmark-laden budget appropriation -- at a time when the U.S. budget deficit already exceeds $11 trillion.

Such staggering deficits are leading economists to question whether enough investment capital would be left over once the expected economic recovery takes hold.  Any economic recovery could stall or be seriously limited, economists say.

Critics say the Democrats’ healthcare proposals are far from fiscally responsible, however.

"What it will mostly do is bloat -- once again -- spending and borrowing," Doug Bandow, a Cato Institute Senior Fellow, tells Newsmax.

Bandow says spending hundreds of billions more on healthcare will hurt job creation during a period of already high unemployment.  He adds that government economists have already warned the economic stimulus package will eventually reduce Gross Domestic Product by crowding out private investment.  A massive healthcare bill will only make matters worse.

Bandow is not alone in his concerns.

In its January report on the budget outlook, the Congressional Budget Office warned that even without the Obama health plan, the double whammy of high deficits and rising health-care costs could throttle the recovery.

"High deficits in the near term may be inevitable in the face of the financial crisis and severe economic weakness," stated the CBO report.  "However, once the nation gets past this downturn, it will still face significant fiscal challenges posed by rising healthcare costs and the aging of the population.

"Continued large deficits and the resulting increases in federal debt over time would probably constrain long-term economic growth by reducing national savings and investment, which in turn would cause productivity and wage growth to gradually slow," the CBO concluded.

The greatest single threat to budget stability over the long run, according to the CBO: The sharp rise in Medicare and Medicaid.  Such spending, the CBO reported, must be controlled "for the fiscal situation to be sustainable in future decades."

Continue reading here . . .
More Than $1 Million Paid To Top Law Firm Obama may be using campaign funds to stomp out eligibility lawsuits brought by Americans, as his campaign has paid more than $1 million to his top lawyer since the election.

According to Federal Election Commission records, Obama For America paid $688,316.42 to international law firm Perkins Coie between January and March 2009.

The campaign also compensated Perkins Coie for legal services between Oct. 16, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2008 -- to the tune of $378,375.52.

Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie -- top lawyer for Obama, Obama's presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and Obama's Organizing for America -- is the same Washington, D.C., lawyer defending Obama in lawsuits challenging his eligibility to be president.

As WorldNewsDaily.com reported earlier, Bauer sent a letter to plaintiff Gregory Hollister, a retired Air Force colonel, of Hollister v. Soetoro, threatening sanctions if he doesn't withdraw his appeal of the eligibility case that earlier was tossed by a district judge because the issue already had been "twittered."

Bauer's warning was dated April 3rd and delivered via letter to the plaintiff's attorney, John D. Hemenway.  It is not the first such warning issued.  Lawyers trying to kill a similar California lawsuit filed on behalf of Ambassador Alan Keyes also said they would seek sanctions against the plaintiff's attorneys in that case unless they left the issue of the president's eligibility alone.

"For the reasons stated in Judge Robertson's ruling, the suit is frivolous and should not be pursued," Bauer's letter warned.  "Should you decline to withdraw this frivolous appeal, please be informed that we intend to pursue sanctions, including costs, expenses and attorneys' fees, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 38 and D.C. Circuit Rule 38."

Bauer also represented Obama and the DNC in Philip Berg's eligibility lawsuit and various other legal challenges. He and the White House have not responded to WND's request for comment.

Perkins Coie serves high-profile clients such as Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks.  In 2006, the firm also represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's alleged bodyguard and driver.

The FEC allows elected officials to use campaign funds to pay legal fees only if the action/investigations arise as a result of their tenure in office or campaigns, according to Politico.

These illegal disbursements are for just ONE of Obama's law firms.  What is Obama hiding that is worth more than a million dollars?

When I get a chance, I'll go through this list to see what other surprises are in here --
DISBURSEMENTS BY PAYEE -- OBAMA FOR AMERICA -- FEC Committee ID #: C00431445 -- Report type: April Quarterly -- Filed 04/15/2009
Charlie Daniels On The Seeds of Dictatorship I'm going to shock some of you people, others I will probably anger and some of you will be amused at what I'm going to say in this column, but I don't care if I'm the last man standing I would be less than honest and candid if I didn't say it.

People if we don't get real this country is going to slip right out from under us, or rather be pulled right out from under us by a President bent on socialism and a power mad Democratic Congressional leadership.

The new Treasury Secretary can't even keep up with his income taxes and he is asking for powers that nobody but kings and people like Hugo Chavez have.  He wants to be able to take over American companies that aren't toeing the Obama line.  That is a downright abomination to the Constitution.

Nancy Pelosi changes the procedures of the House of Representatives so the Democratic majority can rush legislation thorough.  Is this what the Congress is supposed to be about?  Ms. Pelosi and Harry Reid, her counterpart in the Senate, are a clear and present danger to the republic.

Can't you see what's happening, America?  They're going to try to force you to join unions, screw up your healthcare, invade every facet of your life, and you can believe it now or you can believe it later…they will raise your taxes, a lot.

And yet even with raising taxes they're not going to be able to raise enough to service the debt they're making.  The only way out is to inflate the currency and folks when that begins in earnest, Katie bar the door.

The American dollar, once the standard for the planet Earth will become like green wallpaper and the price of goods and services will rise exponentially.

Do you think this can't happen, America?  Well the sorry truth is that it is happening; in fact it's accelerating on a daily basis as a socialist President and a panicked Congress flounder around with no idea except to throw more money at it.  After all, it's only paper, they can always print some more.

Things are moving so fast now; things once thought unthinkable are becoming commonplace as Obama, Pelosi, Reid and company consolidate their power over America.

This may sound far-fetched, but Hugo Chavez was democratically elected, and then started sowing the seeds of socialism in Venezuela.  He was recently successful in eliminating term limits for the presidency, and is now essentially President for Life, as long as the people keep voting him in.  There's an old quote by a British historian named Lord Acton, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I don't like the role of alarmist, I love this country and always believed in it, always thought that we could work out of any problem.  I've seen wars, recessions and national tragedy and the thought never entered my mind that America wouldn't pull out of the problem, but America is in a tailspin and if somebody doesn't grab the controls soon it's going to crash.

And do you know what happens then?  Total government control.  It's called dictatorship.  What do you think?

Pray for our troops -- God Bless America -- Charlie Daniels

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