April 26, 2009

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Obama once dressed as
a Somali elder.  Now he has
to kill Somali pirates.








Obama To Release 2,000 Alleged Abuse Photos Obama is to release up to 2,000 photographs of alleged abuse at American prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan in a move which will reignite the scandal surrounding Abu Ghraib prison in 2004.

The decision to make public the images sought in a legal action by the American Civil Liberties Union comes amid a political firestorm over alleged torture of detainees under President George W. Bush.

Some of the photographs, which will be released before May 28, are said to show American service personnel humiliating prisoners, according to officials.

Amrit Singh, an ACLU lawyer, said that "these photographs provide visual proof that prisoner abuse by US personnel was not aberrational but widespread, reaching far beyond the walls of Abu Ghraib".

Obama's decision could undercut his struggle to persuade Congress not to institute a "truth commission" to investigate alleged prisoner abuse and force former Bush administration officials to testify and account for their actions and advice.

Momentum for a major public inquiry was dramatically increased when Obama released four memos last week written by three officials from Bush's Justice Department.

Running to 126 pages, they contained the legal rationale for the CIA's methods of extracting information from al-Qaeda suspects used between 2002 and 2005.

Obama may not be a Manchurian Candidate or Meccan Candidate, as some contend, but he sure is acting like one.
Obama Approval Relatively Low On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, conservative panelist Jim Pinkerton pointed out that, contrary to the impression given by the mainstream media, Obama’s approval rating, as measured by Gallup, is relatively low compared to his recent predecessors for the 100-day mark, and is even below where President George W. Bush was after his first 100 days.  Pinkerton observed: "Judith Klnghoffer, writing for the History News Network, made the point that Obama actually ranks seventh of the last nine presidents in Gallup poll opinion ratings.  So seventh out of nine isn't so good."

Judith Klinghoffer’s article, "Obama’s Polls Trail Those of W.; Gallup Covers it Up," notes that Bush’s approval rating taken by Gallup stood at 62 percent after his first 100 days, while Obama’s currently stands at 56 percent.

A few minutes later, moderator John Scott returned to the subject:

JON SCOTT: And in the first term, George Bush had a 60 percent approval rating after his first 100 days-

PINKERTON: And Bush 41 as well, who I worked for way back when.  And Laura Bush has a higher rating than Michelle Obama.

SCOTT: Is that going to get mentioned in the press?

PINKERTON: You just wouldn't know it from reading the mainstream media.
ACORN Joins With Union Political activists who masquerade as non-partisan community organizers have joined with organized labor to pressure elected officials into supporting left wing causes, according to a top analyst with the Capital Research Center (CRC).

Matthew Vadum, a senior editor and analyst with CRC has determined that the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) is best described as a "multi-headed hydra" with over 400,000 member families positioned in 110 cities fiercely opposed to the capitalist system.

"ACORN claims to be non-partisan but there are mountains of evidence that show it is flagrantly partisan," Vadum said.  "It celebrates the most left-wing politicians and endorses Democratic Party candidates.  Whenever ACORN is called out for activity that might violate their tax status, the standard operating procedure is to deny responsibility and to place the blame on rogue actors.  Their network is deliberately set up to avoid scrutiny and to create confusion."

While the organization’s complicated structure makes is difficult to determine how many affiliates and subsidiaries are tied in with ACORN’s vast apparatus, its connection with organized labor, especially the Service Employees International Union, is well-established, Vadum observed.

In 2008 SEIU spent over $42 million on independent expenditures and communications, more than any other group aside from the Republican and Democratic National Committees, according to OpenSecrets.org.  SEIU’s political action committee (PAC) also contributed about $2.3 million to candidates in the 2007-2008 cycle, with 94 percent of its donations going to Democrats.

"ACORN is designed to keep the left in power and to exert pressure on the Democratic party to remain as far left as possible," Vadum said.  "Right now President Obama and the congressional Democrats are getting a lot of grief over card check as it loses support."

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