May 4, 2009

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Not In My Backyard House Democrats just refused to pay for President Barack Obama's plan to relocate prisoners from the Guantanamo detention facility where enemy combatants are being held.

Obama has signed an executive order to close the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by early next year, but the Pentagon has yet to come up with a plan on where to put the 240 or so prisoners.  Between 50-100 are likely to be sent to the United States.

No lawmaker wants the accused terrorists in their backyard.
Obama's CIFTA Lie CIFTA is the proposed Organization of American States treaty on firearms trafficking, known by its Spanish initials as CIFTA.  Obama is working to get the CIFTA treaty through the Senate.  This push is a result of his recent trip to Mexico and and his claimed attempt to halt to flow of guns into Mexico.

The problem is that Obama is using faulty statistics to push this treaty and infringe upon the right of the American People to keep and bear arms.

Obama says that 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico from drug cartels come from the United States.  This isn't true.  The fact is, nobody really knows.  Yes, lots of guns seized in Mexico come from the United States.  No question.  But that's indicative of a whole other sort of problem.  The fact that drug runners can get guns doesn't mean that America should end-run the Second Amendment.  That's just poor logic.

Another point is Obama's faulty logic -- that 33 nations in the Western Hemisphere have signed on to this treaty, so it must be good.  This is an incorrect conclusion -- those nations do not have a Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Beyond that, since when did the United States of America follow the examples of Venezuela, Chile, Nicaragua, and yes, Mexico?  It is the United States that should be setting the example here -- not the other way around.  This is just an encore performance from Obama's "Hate America Tour, 2009."

Obama has no clue how to help Mexico but sees an opportunity to help his agenda.  It is obvious that Obama's teams at the Justice Department and the State Department are exploiting the violence in Mexico to justify more restrictions on gun ownership by Americans.  Obama's hostility to the Second Amendment has been clear for years.  This may be yet another example of Rahm Emanuel's maxim: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

In an article written by Rep. Tom Tancredo on April 30th, Tancredo asks the question, "Why the Lies About Guns Going to Mexico? "

The Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Auturo Sarukhan, appeared on a CBS news program recently and repeated a lie we have heard for many months about the violence in Mexico.  The ambassador says Americans are to blame for the violence wrecked on his country by the Mexican drug cartels because "most of the guns confiscated by Mexican police can be traced back to the United States.  That is not true, but the way that claim has been accepted by American politicians and the mainstream media raises suspicions about a hidden agenda.

ATFE's Fake Number:

We can almost forgive the Mexican ambassador for being confused when the United States agency responsible for enforcing our gun laws, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE), has made so many contradictory statements on the matter.  ATFE Assistant Director William Hoover told Congress last year that 90% of the weapons seized in Mexico crime scenes can be traced to gun sales in the US.

The problem is that 90% number isn't true.  Yet, that hasn't kept it from being picked up and used by members of Congress, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and, of course, Mexican officials like Ambassador Sarukhan who are eager to blame the US for Mexico's problems.

Real Weapons Source:

The 90% number reported by Hoover came from a small group of weapons turned over to the U.S. for tracing, but they were by no means all of the weapons seized by Mexican authorities.  A spokesman for the ATFE, Matt Allen, has now "clarified" the number and admitted that only 17% of the weapons found at crime scenes in Mexico have been traced to the U.S.  Ironically, while Mexican officials have freely used the 90% number from the ATFE, they have not themselves made such a charge based on their own numbers.  The truth is, they know better.

We can easily understand Mexico's reasons for preferring the 90% number to the more accurate 17%.  Mexico does not want to openly discuss the many other sources of advanced weapons being used by the drug cartels.  Thousands of advanced weapons and tons of military equipment are stolen from its own military and state police.  Weapons are smuggled across its southern borders from Guatemala and by boats landing on its 8,000 miles of coastline, weapons that often originate in Venezuela, Colombia, and Nicaragua, or from purchases in Eastern Europe.  But it is easier for a Mexican politician to blame the U.S. than to explain his own government's failure to police its borders, its ports of entry and its military installations.

Did the Mexican ambassador mention that over 100,000 soldiers have deserted the Mexican army in the past seven years and that many of them took their weapons with them and joined the cartels?

Continue reading here . . .

Update:  Ron Polarik, PhD, observes that whether it's drug cartels, the Army, or the local Politsia, Mexico gets the vast majority of its guns from countries other than the United States.

Care to bet which country supplies the most arms to Latin America?  (HINT: Not the US. Not even close)

Percentage of Supplier Deliveries Value by Region, 2000-2007 -- Source:  U. S. Government


Supplier Asia Asia Near East Near East Latin America Latin America Africa Africa
  2000-2003 2004-2007 2000-2003 2004-2007 2000-2003 2004-2007 2000-2003 2004-2007
United States 33.44% 32.83% 63.46% 62.67% 2.75% 4.00% 0.35% 0.49%
Russia 85.16% 69.19% 10.97% 16.76% 0.65% 10.81% 3.23% 3.24%
France 10.53% 19.51% 85.96% 74.39% 1.75% 4.88% 1.75% 1.22%
United Kingdom 4.00% 6.32% 96.00% 84.21% 0.00% 2.11% 0.00% 7.37%
China 55.17% 56.10% 31.03% 21.95% 0.00% 2.44% 13.79% 19.51%
Germany 64.71% 39.13% 23.53% 13.04% 0.00% 0.00% 11.76% 47.83%
Italy 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 60.00%
All Other European 18.92% 28.26% 58.11% 34.78% 9.46% 26.09% 13.51% 10.87%
All Others 73.03% 61.22% 14.61% 18.37% 4.49% 14.29% 7.87% 6.12%


I received the following information via email and awaiting a source/link:

Since the Constitution says that US treaties are ABOVE the Constitution, Obama can use CIFTA and other treaties to get a bare majority of the Senators to repeal the 2nd Amendment, without going through the arduous process of getting the agreement of 2/3rds of each house of Congress and 3/4ths of the sates; if CIFTA is passed by 51% of the Senate, is the de facto law of the land and presto, our gun rights are GONE.

The Supreme Court has already ruled in a case in California (where a gasoline additive was leaking into the groundwater) that the citizens had no right to sue under the Constitution, because this case involved NAFTA (I don't recall the specific facts, I think it's because the additive was made in Canada).

Obama's Choice For SCOTUS

Leading Supreme Court candidate says courts make policy (00:34)
Courtesy of  Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor, considered a leading contender to replace David Souter on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), speaks on a panel at Duke University Law School in 2005.  She is responding to a question on the pros and cons of different types of judicial clerkships.

I was taken by the approving laughter from Duke's legal community that followed Sotomayor's comment. It's like, yeah, we all know that's how it works -- even if it isn't supposed to.

It's no wonder this bunch was so quick to lynch the Duke Lacrosse team.
Obama's Iran Policy A Fantasy Former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Sunday blasted Obama for setting itself on a collision course with Israel and endangering the Jewish state.

"They are systematically setting up the most decisive confrontation that we've ever seen," referring to news reports about the administration's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"There's almost an eagerness to take on the Israeli government to make a point with the Arab world," Gingrich said, speaking to the Jerusalem Post ahead of his speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual conference.

He called Obama's program of engagement on Iran a "fantasy," and his Middle East policies "very dangerous for Israel."  He summed up Obama's approach as "the clearest adoption of weakness since Jimmy Carter."

Instead, he maintained, the US should be sending the message to Israel that "we are for the survival of Israel" and that "we are not going to tolerate Iran getting nuclear weapons."
A Free And Independent Press

White House reporters stand for Obama, but not for Bush (00:21)
Speaking About The Fourth Estate Andrew W. Smith writes that the Portuguese water dog and Alaskan hillbillies "news stories" apparently leave little time for anything remotely skeptical of Barack Obama -- and they wonder why folks aren’t buying the papers like they used to.

So here is a small selection of Obama news items that the press has  deemed unfit to print:

•  Obama’s first two major bills alone, the "stimulus" and "omnibus," cost nearly twice as much as was spent on Iraq over six years -- $1.2 trillion vs. $650 billion.

•  Obama abandoned his campaign promise of "a net spending cut," his first annual deficit -- not counting bailouts -- being three times the worst deficit under President George W. Bush.

•  Obama’s objective in his first G20 summit -- commitments to spend our way to prosperity with massive stimulus boondoggles across the G20 -- was rejected out of hand.

•  Obama’s objective in his first NATO summit -- commitments to combat troops for Afghanistan from "our European allies," which Obama and his party imagined were ready and willing to fight if only someone "enlightened" like him were running things -- was predictably refused, with some more European non-combat contingents offered as a token.

•  Obama’s Defense Department announced cuts of $1.4 billion to missile defense, the day after North Korea test-fired its long-range, multi-stage ballistic missile.

•  Obama’s economics were criticized by Warren Buffet, whose endorsement had been candidate Obama’s highest economic credential.

•  Obama reversed the free trade Bush policy that had allowed about 100 Mexican tractor-trailers into the United States, which the Mexican government immediately used as an excuse to levy tariffs on 90 American goods amounting to $2.4 billion in U.S. exports.

•  Obama’s "tax cuts for 95 per cent" turned out to mean $13 a week from June to December, to be clawed back to $8 a week in January -- as compared with President Bush’s 2008 tax rebates of $600 to $1,200 plus $300 per child, which were notably scoffed at during the election campaign by Michelle Obama.

•  Obama’s campaign promise of a $3,000-per-employee tax credit for businesses that hired new workers -- repeated ad nauseam for weeks before the election -- was discreetly retired even before inauguration day.

•  Obama abandoned his campaign promise that "lobbyists won’t work in my White House," waiving his no-lobbyist executive order or conveniently re-defining his appointees’ past lobbying work to allow 30 lobbyists into his administration.

•  Obama abandoned his campaign promise to reform earmarks, signing the omnibus bill which contained 8,816 of them.

•  Obama took more money from AIG than any other politician in 2008 -- over $100,000 -- and signed into law the provision guaranteeing the AIG bonuses which later had him in front of the cameras "shaking with outrage" and sicking the pitchfork crowd on law-abiding citizens who had fulfilled their end of a contract and had their payment upheld by Obama’s own legislation.

The people need a Fourth Estate, not another adulator of Barack Obama, not another smearer of Sarah Palin, not another patrician editor to spike news items disagreeable to progressive sensibilities, not another laptop-and-latte journalism-scholar to spit on everything remotely American. 

And they wonder why the news business has come on hard times.

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