May 11, 2009

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Don't Blame Obama Bush Did It White House Budget Director Peter Orszag said that the high U.S. budget deficits are being driven by an economic crisis that Obama inherited.

This guy is hysterical.  He takes credit for stuff he never did and assigns blame to others for stuff he did.

I suppose, being the Obamamessiah, his narcissism allows him to believe he is above fault.

The deficit is directly related to the fact that Obama is the most profligate man ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Postscript:  Obama is on TV (again), lying about health care expenses being responsible for half of America's bankruptcies -- he's gonna get whiplash from reading from those teleprompters -- he looks like he's watching a tennis match -- or windshield wipers.

Gotta go now, and change the station.  Maybe a test pattern is on somewhere.

Update:  The Congressional Budget Office has some revised numbers on the budget deficit, if by revised we mean completely different than first reported.  The deficit projection has increased 50% since January.  The new projected deficit is four times the 2008 deficit, which was a record high for its time.
Obama's Address To The Muslim World The grand mufti of Egypt has invited Obama to address Muslims around the globe from one of the most important mosques in the Islamic world.

The invitation to speak from Egypt's Al Azhar mosque follows an announcement over this past weekend that Obama will travel to Egypt next month to deliver his promised address to the Muslim world.

According to Al-Masri Al-Yawm, a state-run Egyptian newspaper, Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa and other scholars from Egypt's Al Azhar University invited Obama to use the mosque as venue for the president's upcoming visit, explaining it would promote a culture of dialogue between Islam and the West.

Al AZhar University is the most respected Sunni Islamic learning center in the world and is the second oldest degree-granting school in the world.  Clerics at the university's attendant mosque decide Islamic Sharia law matters for Sunni Muslims internationally.

The university opened studies in 975 AD.  It was founded by the Fatimid dynasty of Egypt, which is descended from the daughter of the Islamic figure Muhammad.

It is highly unusual for a non-Muslim to speak at the mosque.  An Egyptian official, contacted by WND, could not think of any non-Muslim world leader who had received an invitation to do so.

Obama had pledged he would deliver an address to the Muslim world within his first few months in office.  His first interview as president was with Al Arabiya, the pan-Arab television network.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbels said on Saturday the city where Obama will deliver the address has not been selected.

Gibbels said Obama decided upon Egypt because the country "in many ways represents the heart of the Arab world."  He said the issues of democracy and human rights "are things that are on the president's mind, and we'll have a chance to discuss those in more depth on the trip."

"This isn't a speech to leaders," Gibbels said.  "This is a speech to many, many people and a continuing effort by this president and this White House to demonstrate how we can work together to ensure the safety and security and the future well-being, through hope and opportunity, of the children of this country and of the Muslim world."

If you wonder why I compare White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (Gibbels) to Joseph Goebbels, jus re-read that last paragraph.

Our safety and security, and the future well-being of the children of this country, should be based on hope?  That's insane!

And, this is an interesting statement --
It is highly unusual for a non-Muslim to speak at the mosque.  An Egyptian official...could not think of any non-Muslim world leader who had received an invitation to do so.

We all know that Obama isn't a Muslim, don't we.  After all, he said so.

Cheney: Obama Endangers The Nation Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday continued his verbal attack against Obama, saying that the country is more vulnerable to a potential terrorist attack since the Obama administration took power.

Mr. Cheney said that administration's dismantling of many of the policies and protections instituted by President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks -- including the planned closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba and halting controversial prisoner interrogation techniques -- have made the country more vulnerable to future attacks.

"That's my belief," Mr. Cheney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."  "I think to the extent that those [Bush-era] policies were responsible for saving lives, that the administration is now trying to cancel those policies … means in the future we're not going to have the same safeguards we've had for the last eight years."

The former vice president defended controversial interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, saying that it had been an effective tool in extracting useful information from suspected terrorists such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is accused of helping carry out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks Washington and New York.
Foreign Torture Probe Threatens United States Obama's passivity before the threatened foreign prosecution of Bush administration officials achieves by inaction what he fears doing directly.

This may be smart politics in the Democratic Party, but it risks grave long-term damage to America.  Ironically, it could also come back to bite future Obama administration alumni, including the president, for their current policies in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Obama has taken ambiguous (and flatly contradictory) positions on whether to prosecute Bush administration advisers and decision-makers involved in "harsh interrogation techniques."

Although he immunized intelligence operatives who conducted the interrogations, morale at the CIA is at record lows.  Obama has played to the crowd politically, but the principles underlying his policies are opaque and subject to change.  This hardly constitutes leadership.

Despite uncertainties here, developments overseas proceed apace.  Spanish Magistrate Baltasar Garzon recently opened a formal probe of six Bush administration lawyers for their roles in advising on interrogation techniques.  Garzon did so over the objections of Spain's attorney general.  Under Spain's inquisitorial judicial system, Garzon is essentially unaccountable, whatever the views of the elected government.

Asked repeatedly about Garzon's investigation, the State Department has said only that it is a matter for the Spanish judicial system.  Attorney General Eric Holder recently went further, implying that the Obama administration could cooperate:  "Obviously, we would look at any request that would come from a court in any country and see how and whether we should comply with it."

This is deeply troubling.

Continue reading John Bolton's comments here . . .
Was Air Farce One Pic Photoshopped A sharp-eyed reader of the Texas Darling blog has submitted a series of photographs that she believes provides evidence that the Air Farce One photograph released by the White House has been Photoshopped.

Take a look at her evidence and decide for yourself.

The photo released by the White House was unusually dark.  I had to "fix" it by brightening the image shown here.

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