June 17, 2009

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Birther Movement Persists Kooks, Nuts & Murderers

Over and over, these Obots repeat the lie that Obama has released his birth certificate  (08:40)
Obama Presidential Eligibility
Despite the mainstream news media's silence regarding this matter, an increasing number of Americans are concerned that Barack Obama might not be eligible, under the Constitution, to serve as President.

According to the U.S. Constitution, an individual born after 1787 cannot legally or legitimately serve as U.S. President unless he or she is a "natural born citizen" of the United States.

Among members of Congress and the mainstream news media, the consensus of opinion is that anyone born in the United States is a "natural born citizen."  However, when we researched this issue a bit more carefully, we found that the consensus opinion is not consistent with American history.

In Minor v. Happersett (1874), the Supreme Court said that, if you were born in the United States and both of your parents were U.S. citizens at the time of your birth, you are, without doubt, a natural born citizen.  In the same case, the Supreme Court also said that, if you were born in the United States and one of your parents was not a U.S. citizen when you were born, your natural born citizenship is in doubt.  So far, the Supreme Court has not resolved this doubt because, until now, there has never been any need to do so.

With only two exceptions, every American President, who was born after 1787, was born in the United States, to parents who were both U.S. citizens.  The two exceptions were Chester Arthur and Barack Obama.  When Chester Arthur ran for office, the public did not know about his eligibility problem.  Only recently did historians learn that, when Arthur was born, his father was not a U.S. citizen.  The 2008 election was the first time in history that the United States knowingly elected a President who was born after 1787 and whose parents were not both U.S. citizens.

Barack Obama publicly admits that his father was not a U.S. citizen.  According to Minor v. Happersett, there is unresolved doubt as to whether the child of a non-citizen parent is a natural born citizen.  This doubt is not based on the imaginings of some tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists on the lunatic fringe of society.  This doubt comes from what the Supreme Court has actually said, as well as a variety of other historical and legal sources which are presented and discussed here.

This Primer introduces and explains the Obama Eligibility Controversy, in question-and-answer format, for a non-technical general audience.  We've double-checked the facts presented here, and we've cited the sources of each fact.

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Obama Suit Scheduled For Thursday From Phil Berg's blog:

This is a news item that concerns our Supreme Court's fourth chance to address the Obama birth certificate issue.  I wrote most of you in January, at a prior turning point. Because you are a concerned citizen, you have to know about this, and I hope you'll share it with your friends and family and pastor.  This is not a request for donation.

I have filed a supplementary brief in the Supreme Court of the United States in Case No. 08-9797 objecting to the failure of Barack Obama to file an answer, and requesting that the Supreme Court enable newer evidence in the Obama birth issue.  The Supreme Court has set this case for a conference on June 18th.

I filed the appeal on April 6, 2009, asking reversal of denial of my petition for injunction filed in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, in December of 2008.  That petition requested a delay of the tally by the Pennsylvania electoral college, because the ballots of the Pennsylvania electors had been unlawfully finalized despite the Secretary of the Commonwealth's erroneous and fraudulent certifying of the ballot to all County officials, without any examination, nor investigation, of the eligibility and qualification of Barack Obama for the office of President of the United States.

Why are all the cases in this issue filed by concerned citizens, rather than organizations?  To my belief, many firms believe it to be futile, and most of the others have been warned against it -- see the article following this letter.  The fact that only citizens have sued does not mean that a Court, at some time or other, could decide to address this issue.

In my suit I am demanding that the Secretary of the Commonwealth perform his duty, as was required, by requiring Obama to prove that he is a natural born citizen.  I claim that the Secretary had ample time to demand proofs from Obama in December, before the vote was certified and delivered to the Electoral College.

I also am objecting that the Pennsylvania election law makes the Office of the President of the United States exempt from the requirement that candidates file an affidavit swearing that they are eligible for office.  I've asked the Justices to declare that this 2006 amendment is arbitrary and unconstitutional.  (Anyone so inclined -- please check your state's election law for this type of amendment and email me any findings).

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Obama's Dissimulation The claim made by Obama that 46 million "Americans" lack health insurance is false because that number includes almost 10 million people who are not "Americans" but in fact citizens of foreign countries who happen to be present in the United States ILLEGALLY, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The claim was made repeatedly in a report published by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) on June 2 and again in an op-ed published the same day by Christina Romer, the chair of CEA.

The claim that there are 46 million uninsured "Americans" has also been used by members of Congress and news organizations.

At a townhall meeting in Green Bay, Wis., last Thursday, President Obama twice referred to "46 million" people who lack health insurance, although in neither case did he describe those "46 million" as "Americans" -- in one instance referring to them as "46 million people who don't have health insurance" and in another instance as "46 million uninsured."

On June 2, the White House released "The Economic Case for Health Care Reform," a report by the president's Council of Economic Advisers.  In making the case for Obama's health-care reform plan, this report repeatedly asserted that there are 46 million uninsured "Americans."

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Obama wants you to give up your insurance plan so he can insure criminals.  He wants those 10,00,000 voters too  -- Democratic Party control forever.

That's the reason that Rep. José Serrano [D NY] filed, in the current session of the U. S. Congresss, H.J.Res. 5.

Serrano's resolution is a Constitutional amendment to remove the limit on the number of terms one may serve as President.  It effectively would repeal the 22nd Amendment, which was approved by Congress in 1947 and ratified by the states in 1951.  Several Democratic Party members of Congress have introduced similar legislation.

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