June 20, 2009

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"Islam has always been a part of America’s story"

Barack Hussein Obama




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Another Major Blow on Gitmo PatriotRoom.com reports that closing Gitmo in January became one step closer to legally impossible today.

Already this week, the House showed its defiance of Obama's goal of shutting down the facility by approving a $100 billion war-spending bill that stipulates that it will not allow the use of federal money to close Guantanamo in the final months of this budget year.  That bill is expected to be passed by the Senate soon.

The bill before the House Thursday prohibits the release of detainees into the United States during the 2010 budget year.  It would allow the transfer to the United States of detainees for prosecution or detention only after Congress has had two months to read a White House report on how it plans to shut the detention facility and disperse the inmates.

The House bill also requires the Obama administration to notify lawmakers of any plans to transfer detainees to other countries.

But the chamber also rejected an amendment by Rep. Jerry Lewis, a Republican, that strengthened the prohibition by stopping in its tracks funding for any government activity related to closing the facility.

The amendment first went down on a 216-212 vote.  After Republicans demanded a recount, it was defeated again, 213-212.

If the bill passes the Senate, Obama could veto it, which would maim him politically, or he can sign it.  If it doesn't reach his desk for another few weeks, he will still have to craft a still-elusive reason for shutting the place down, and then Congress gets 60 days to review it.  Any plan that specifically lists locations in the United States for relocation of the terrorists will run into a blowtorch of opposition by those states' congressional delegations.

Looks more likely that Obama will have to renege on yet another campaign promise, and keep Gitmo open.  The sound you hear the day he capitulates on that issue will be the sound of liberal heads exploding.
50 Or More Gitmo Trials Possible Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday there may be 50 or more trials of Guantanamo Bay detainees as the Obama administration works to shut the detention center by early next year.  Holder discussed the plan before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where the senior Republican called him "too soft" on terrorism while a second GOP lawmaker said he was on the right track in handling detainees.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., criticized Holder for the release of Bush administration memos that authorized harsh interrogation techniques. Sessions said the memos gave important information to America's enemies.

Holder told senators protecting Americans from terrorists is his top priority.

Under questioning from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Holder outlined efforts to close Guantanamo.  Last week, the administration shipped 10 detainees from Guantanamo, leaving 229 still there. Obama has ordered the center closed by January.

Graham said he expected about one-quarter or fewer of the inmates to be brought to civilian or military trial.  Holder said he thought that figure was "about right."

Continue reading here . . .
National Sovereignty And Obama In Part I of this article series, I suggested that one pinnacle of the Obama strategy -- whoever is behind him -- is to destroy the national sovereignty of the United States.  There are two parts to this effort:

•  In part his strategy involves the dissing, shaming, and blaming of America while he is abroad; and

•  In part he must also destroy our national pride and individual, community, and state sovereignty at home.

On the international stage, Obama has already completed three "America Sucks" tours.

It is fairly evident that Obama disdains this country, and that his actions betray a chilling willingness to drop and not defend our borders, to weaken our military, to align with dictators, and to betray our allies including Britain, France, Germany, and Israel.  What an insult to all who have fought and died for this country: to morally equate the bombing of Dresden with the holocaust, to disinvite the Queen of England from Normandy (who actually experienced WWII), or to glibly describe America as "one of the largest Muslim nations in the world."

He's kissed and bowed to our enemies.

This behavior is intended to enrage us here at home, but its clear intention abroad brings comments from Pravda like,

"America’s decent into Marxism is happening with breath-taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people….".

But it fits perfectly with the overall effort to eliminate national borders, standing national armies, and national identity.

On the home front, Obama is applying whatever tactics he can to destabilize individuals, communities, businesses, and states.

Continue reading here . . .
Scientists Pan Obama Climate Report This is a small sampling of first reactions to Obama's new global warming report:

Meteorologist Joe D"Aleo, the first Director of Meteorology at The Weather Channel and former chairman of the American Meteorological Society"s (AMS) Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting says, "This is not a work of science but an embarrassing episode for the authors and NOAA."

Roger Pielke Jr., professor of environmental studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder, says the report "misrepresents the science" and "ignores the relevant work in peer-reviewed literature."

Geophysicist Dr. David Deming, associate professor of arts and sciences at the University of Oklahoma who has published numerous peer-reviewed research articles, says, "I become more skeptical every year. I am now beginning to conclude that global warming simply does not exist."

Despite the scientific evidence that the globe has been cooling over the last 10+ years, Obama chose to publish his first "science" report void of any recent, real-world climate science.  Instead, his administration hired a public reltions firm to embellish the past scaremongering generated exclusively from virtual climate computer models.  Unfortunately for real science and America, he has sided with the pseudo science of "virtual lies" and hysterical climate claims in order to get his badly needed revenue-generation engine, "Cap & Trade," passed in Congress.

Continue reading here . . .
"Obamaganda" Is Everywhere


FitsNews says:  We had to go to Target the other day with Mrs. Sic and dammit if a bunch of Barack Obama propaganda wasn’t staring us in the face at every turn … in practically every aisle.

Seriously, there were Barack Obama DVD’s, Barack Obama books, Barack Obama commemorative coins, pins and plates and -- get this -- two Barack Obama children’s books.

No really … one of them was called "Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope."

In fact, for every age group there was at least one book or video devoted to "The One."

Seriously, in the "youth books" aisle Obama was right next to Star Wars.  Star Wars!


Hitlerian, in fact.

Hell, we half expected to see Barack Obama’s smiling mug staring back at us on the lawn furniture cushions we bought, or the backside of Mrs. Sic’s unmentionables.

Our only consolation?

"The One" must not be selling as hot as he was a few weeks ago because most of the "Obamaganda" we saw was on markdown.

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