Stupid propaganda: Glenn Beck "Manipulating" Gold Price
Stupid Propaganda: Glenn Beck "Manipulating" Gold Price
Written by Admin on December 11, 2009, 11:44PM

Your friendly neighbourhood Jon Stewart has been in the headlines a lot, most recently for "exposing" Glenn Beck as a gold salesman.  The Huffington Post points out that Beck is being paid by Goldline to promote gold, using fear and apocalyptic language to spur up demand.  Indeed, gold is seen as a safe investment in times of economic downturn, as inflation devalues paper currency, whereas gold is physical and limited, so cannot be devalued.  It is a way of beating currency devaluation.

However, to suggest that a cartoonish Fox News presenter is manipulating the gold market is absolutely ridiculous.  Jon Stewart, of course, is a comedian, and the wording on his website is indeed written as parody.  However, Jon Stewart is taken seriously by the youth.  He has been named America's must trustworthy newsman in a Time Magazine poll, and it is likely that the liberal circlejerk will actually believe Beck could manipulate gold.  Indeed, a posting of this story has resulted in scores of serious comments.  The Digg-type people are the ones being brainwashed by the left-wing media, just like the conservative, non-Internet, religious-type people are brainwashed by the right-wing media.

To get an idea of how ridiculous this is, first watch this video containing highlights from Glenn Beck's comical joke of a show.  This is the man known for calling Obama a racist with deep-seated hatred for white people and later refusing to explain his comments in an interview with CBS.  In other words, he makes shock jock comments to get attention, but refuses to backup his claims.  Indeed, Beck is known for running bait-and-switch operations, appearing on Fox & Friends to announce his investigation into FEMA camps, only to back out at the last second, claiming there is no evidence.

Then, there is the market of gold itelf.  This is a long-term graph of gold over the years:

The price was skyrocketing long before Glenn Beck and his gold sponsorship.

Thus, Jon Stewart is not trustworthy, in my opinion.  The youth is being brainwashed.  His jokes aren't even funny, either ;)