Adding A New User

This describes how to add a new user to several types of Plan 9 installations:

NOTE: after creating the new user you must log in as the new user and run:


see newuser(8) for details.


Check the fossilcons(8) man page for the users command. Execute it at the fossil console, login and run /sys/lib/newuser as the new user (see newuser(8)).

Here's a small script that installs a new user on a Plan 9 fossil file server, call it 'adduser'. It will give you the commands to add the new user, which you can send back to an rc session as the host owner (or the user who can write to the fossil console):

	switch( $#*) {
		case 1
		case *
				echo 'usage: '^$0^' username'
				exit usage
 	echo 'echo uname '^$newuser $newuser^' >> /srv/fscons'
	echo 'echo fsys main >> /srv/fscons'
	echo 'echo create /active/mail/box/'^$newuser $newuser^' upas d775 >> /srv/fscons'
	echo 'echo create /active/cron/'^$newuser $newuser $newuser^' d775 >> /srv/fscons'


To create a new user, you can run

disk/kfscmd 'newuser tor'

it will automatically perform the following tasks


to /adm/users

disk/kfscmd 'create /usr/tor tor tor 775 d'

The following two commands have to be executed manually

disk/kfscmd 'create /mail/box/tor tor upas 775 d'
disk/kfscmd 'create /mail/box/tor/mbox tor upas 622 al'

creating tor's home directory and mail box. Now you'll want to halt the disks and reboot to log in as tor; the first thing to do then is to set up a profile and start the window system by running (as described at the top of this page):



If you're running Ken's FS you should know how to add a new user. Anyways:


Last modified Thu Mar 31 18:16:24 EST 2005