Title JPG - 25k


Master File List: JPG - 5k
[ Jan.22.97 ]

Grab the Master File List for descriptions of the files you'll find in the archives. Make sure you have the current version to keep up-to-date. As a quick note, the file tables now have an information icon that will open up an InfoCell for file descriptions and mics information. None of them are mapped at the moment, so don't saying they are unlinked etc. I'm working on each file now that I have the layout up and running. The Master File List will be updated as files are added or removed...it has the descriptions of each program...as well as the archive it's located in...if you have anything to add or any questions or comments, blast an email my way. Remember, these files are for educational purposes only, and you become responsible for your use of them once they leave this site...other than that, have at it. Refer to the disclaimer for more details on the yadda blah blah...take it easy people.

Silicon Toad


Select JPG - 8k

Archive 1 JPG - 3k Archive 2 JPG - 3k Archive 3 JPG - 3k

.ooO Archive 1 | Archive 2 | Archive 3 Ooo.


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Latest Revision: 01.Apr.1997

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