File: UFO57

"If you've ever been aboard an airplane and then gone aboard a submarine, I know there's probably some of you in this room who have visited a submarine at one time or another, you can readily see just without even any of the technicalities involved how difficult such a thing would be to do. Where would it be built, that size? It was absolutely incredible. It changed my life because then all the stories that I'd heard all my life I knew were true, and I began seeing the world in a different light."

"It wasn't long after that I was trained by Naval security in intelligence. I was sent to Viet Nam. I was assigned as a patrol boat captain, first in DaNang harbor, given a crew, given a multi-million dollar patrol boat. My job was to gather intelligence from the people who lived around the harbor and the fishermen who transited the harbor, and maintain the safety and security of the harbor and the shipping. After about 5-months I was sent up North to the DMZ, to a place called Qua Vieaf [sp], on the Tacan [sp] river. Our base camp was at the river mouth. We were only 3-miles South of the North Vietnamese border and our job was to patrol the Tacan river from the river mouth to Dang Ha [sp], and then up the Quang Tree [sp] cutoff to Quang Tree city, again to get to know the people on the bank, gather intelligence, and to patrol every night and maintain the safety and security of the river and the river traffic."

"It was while there that I discovered that there was a tremendous amount of UFO and alien activity in Viet Nam. It was always reported in official messages as `enemy helicopters.' Now any of you who know anything about the Viet Nam war know that the North Vietnamese did not have any helicopters, especially after our first couple of air raids into North Viet Nam. Even if they had they would not have been so foolish as to bring them over the DMZ because that would have insured their demise. Our troops were fired on occasionally by these `enemy helicopters,' enemy troops were fired on occasionally by these `enemy helicopters,' and occasionally people would disappear. And on one instance that I know for sure at least one entire village disappeared one night due to alien activity. The reason they used the term `enemy helicopters' in messages and dispatches was that in Viet Nam you could be overrun at any time, no matter where you where. They did not bring crypto encoding equipment into Viet Nam, I'm talking about the machinery. What we did is we had crypto tables, and once we every 24-hours those codes would be no good. So that's what we used. We also, because of the inability to use crypto transmitting equipment, had to devise code words such as `enemy helicopters.'"

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