Unexplained Cases From Blue Book Part 14

File: UFO155

July 5, 1952; Norman, Oklahoma. 7:58 p.m. Witness: Oklahoma State Patrolman Hamilton in State Patrol airplane. Three dark discs hovered and then flew away, silhouetted against a dark cloud. 15 seconds.

July 6-12, 1952; Elizabeth, New Jersey. 11:00 p.m. Witness: Charles Muhr. Four pictures taken of some indistinct light which was admittedly not seen visually, but which appeared on the negatives.

July 9, 1952; Colorado Springs, Colorado. 12:45 p.m. Witness: USAF pilot Maj. C. K. Griffin. One object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous white, moved slowly and erratically for 12 minutes.

July 9, 1952; Kutztown, Pennsylvania. 6:30 p.m. Witness: farmer John Mittl. One aluminum, oval-shaped object changed direction and attitude, finally tipping on end and departing after 20 seconds. Case file includes three vague photographs.

July 9, 1952; Rapid City AFB, South Dakota. 3:35 p.m. Witnesses: S/Sgt. D.P. Foster and three other persons. Three times, a single white, disc-shaped object sped by, straight and level, in 5 seconds.

July 12, 1952; Annapolis, Maryland. 3:30 p.m. Witness: insurance company president William Washburn. Four large, elliptical-shaped objects were seen to fly very fast, stop, turn 90* and fly away in 7-8 seconds. .

July 12, 1952; Kirksville, Missouri. 9 p.m. Witnesses: many radar controllers who were military officers. Several big blips tracked on radar at 1,500 kts. (1,700 m.p.h.). There was no visual sighting.

July 14, 1952; Norfolk, Virginia. 8:12 p.m. Witnesses: Pan American Airways First Officer William Nash, Second Officer William Fortenberry. Eight large, round, glowing red objects maneuvered below their airliner, in formation.

July 15, 1952; West Palm Beach, Florida. 10:10 p.m. Witnesses: J. Antoneff and two other persons. One discus-shaped object, grayish, except when hovering, when it appeared muddy. Hovered over Palm Beach International Airport, then followed an SA-l6 twin-engined amphibian and flew away after 40-60 seconds.

July 16, 1952; Beverly, Massachusetts. 9:35 a.m. Witness: U.S. Coast Guard photographer Shell Alpert. Four roughly elliptical blobs of light in formation photographed through window of photo lab.

July 17, 1952; White Plains, New York. 3:10 p.m. Witness: Mrs. Florence Daley. Two round objects, bluish-white with brighter rims, flew in formation, making a sound like bombers, only softer. Note: Later, the witness stated she heard many feminine voices coming from the objects.

July 17, 1952; Lockbourne, Ohio. 11 a.m. Witness: Air National Guard employees. One light like a big star was seen for 3 hours, but disappeared when an aircraft approached. Also seen the night of July 20, 22 and 23.

July 18, 1952; Lockbourne, Ohio. 9:10 p.m. Witnesses: T/Sgt. Mahone, A/3c Jennings. One amber-colored, elliptical-shaped object with a small flame at the rear, periodically increased in brightness. It moved very fast for l 1/2 minutes, giving off a resonant beat sound.

July 18, 1952; Miami, Florida. 11 a.m. Witnesses: E. R. Raymer and daughter. One opaque, silvery bubble flew very fast at a right-angle to the wind direction for 10 seconds.

July 18, 1952; Patrick AFB, Florida. 9:45 p.m. Witnesses: three USAF officers and four enlisted men. Over an hour period, a series of hovering and maneuvering red-orange lights were observed moving in a variety of directions.

July 19, 1952; Williston, North Dakota. 2:55 a.m. Witness: one experienced civilian pilot. One elliptical-shaped object with a light fringe, travelled down fast, made a 360* and then a 180* turn in 5 minutes.

July 19, 1952; Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. 11:35 p.m. Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. C.J. powley and wife. Two star-like lights maneuvered, hovered and sped for 5-7 minutes.

End of part 14

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