Unexplained Cases From Blue Book Part 26

File: UFO167

Aug. 11, 1954; Yoron Jima, near Okinawa. 8:55 p.m. Witness: P.L. Percharde, electrical engineer and assistant manager of Moeller Shipwrecker Co., of Okinawa. A line of blue lights, underneath. a blue circle with a black center. Flew over ship and climbed, illuminating and agitating the clouds.

Aug. 15, 1954; San Marcos, Texas. 10:20 p.m. Witnesses: USAF Maj. W.J. Davis, Capt. R.D. Sauers, flying a C-47 transport plane. One dark blue oblong object paced the C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it. Five minute sighting.

Aug. 24, 1954; Egilstadir, Iceland. 8:30 p.m. Witness: one unnamed farmer. A cylinder, 2-2.5' long, 4-5' in diameter, made a loud whizzing sound, flew straight and level fast, then slow, then fell into sandbar.

Aug. 26, 1954; Danville, Virginia. 6:15 a.m. Witness: Rev. W.L. Shelton. Two domed ellipses, 20' long, 8' thick, 10' at ends; glowing silver or orange. Hovered, then climbed side-by- side while getting brighter. Observed for 2 minutes.

Aug. 27, 1954; Dorchester, Massachusetts. 1 p.m. Witness: E.A. Srazdes. Seven large, white, teardrop-shaped objects turned blue. Flew in line formation and increased speed during the 2 minute sighting.

Aug. 29, 1954; Prince Christian, Greenland. 11:05 a.m. Witnesses: lst Officer H.G. Gardner, engineer J.V.D. Whitisy, flying Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four dark, lens-shaped objects veered north and changed position in formation during the 10 minute sighting.

Sept. 4, 1954; Butler, Missouri. 3 a.m. Witness: J. Faltemeier, CAA communications specialist. Twenty-thirty lights, as if on a string, flew straight and level for 1.5 minutes.

Sept. 5, 1954; Butler, Missouri. 12:23 a.m. Witness: J. Faltemeier, CAA communications specialist. One silver or white object with a slightly swept-back leading edge and a following exhaust, flew straight and level, then veered southwest to south after 30 seconds.

Sept. 18, 1954; Kimpo Air Base, Japan. 5:55 a.m. Witnesses: two control tower operators, a weather forecaster and a weather observer. One round object, like polished aluminum, flew straight and level for 11-13 minutes.

Sept. 21, 1954; Barstow, California. 1 a.m. Witnesses: two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police, one highway patrolman. One red-orange ball giving off sparks, and a smaller light, made a zigzag descent and then hovered. Total of 20 minutes.

Sept. 21, 1954; Santa Maria, Azores Islands. 9:45 p.m. Witness: airport guard. One 10'x5' light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object with a clear glass or plastic nose having a door, and with poles or aerials on the nose. Humming or whining, it hovered, landed vertically, 50' away. A blond man, 5' 10" tall appeared, spoke in a strange language, patted the guard on the shoulder, got in the object, hooked up his harness, pushed a button, took off with the object's nose pointed up, then levelled off and climbed vertically. Sighting lasted 2-3 minutes.

Sept. 22, 1954; Marshfield, Missouri. 9 a.m. Witnesses: private pilot J.N. Williams, E.J. Ash. A thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object revolved, then tumbled down behind some trees. Marks were found in the dirt. Sighting lasted 15 minutes.

Sept. 23, 1954; Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 9:45 a.m. Witness: Dave Owenby. Two bright silver, wheel-shaped objects flew from north to south in trail for 2 minutes.

Oct. 13, 1954; Nouasseur, French Morocco. 10:05 a.m. Witness: weather observer, following a balloon with his theodolite. One round, flat, silver object flew straight and level for 30 seconds.

End of part 26

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