Alien Bases In The UK And USA

File: UFO244

Hello to all of you who have sent me a reply. due to the large number of bulls that I have received it will take me some time to reply to them all.

Well here we go! I am going to reveal in my next bull where there are suspected alien's bases in the United States, and England. I will tell you how the U.S. government made an agreement with an alien race in an area known as "area 51 or dreamland" one particular base exists under an Indian burial ground at Dulce, New Mexico.

I will be explaining what happened when the U.S. government allowed them to stay. Also I will be telling you of the 10.000 cattle mutilations that have occurred around the U.S. and particularly around the suspected alien bases.

I have a 360 page document known as the "matrix" this has come from a person who works in the top secret government ufo investigation unit known as Rudloe Manor which is situated in Wiltshire. There are only 70 copies of this in the World. The M.O.D. denied that this place even exist but I know better! Stay tuned to this bulletin for info you just can"t get on tv/news media. I promise you I have only just touched the tip of the iceberg so far.

To all of you who have replied to me please give me time to reply I have about 25 messages to reply to. This information needs to be circulated as far as possible to inform the public as to what is going on!


**** THE U.F.O. BBS - ****