Interaction With Alien Cultures Part 22

File: UFO297

(p181) U.S. Senate lied to by Pentagon in 1968 during Senate hearings on UFOs.

(p200) In an anonymous letter to a Denver paper on April 8, 1983, it was told that the mutilations are being done by a secret government group called Delta. Animal parts are used to test effects of germ warfare and poison (cyanide and dioxin) they are testing on civilians in America. Testing is associated with black helicopters. Helicopters are also used to ferry heroin and cocaine. Delta bases said to be all underground on Indian Reservations. HQ for operations and where a lot of choppers are based in 28 miles east of Albuquerque on I-40, then 14 miles north on a dirt road into the Laguna Indian Reservation. Comment: Disinformation attempt?

(p204, UPI story, February 2, 1984) Dr. James Womack at Texas A&M University announced his discovery that humans share "perfect match" chromosomes with cattle. The perfect match is with portions of the 21st chromosome pair, a strand known to carry characteristics of Mongolism or Down's Syndrome, associated with mental retardation. Dr. Womack says, "We must have more in common than previously believed."

(p205, 1984 letter) A recent arrival on the nutritional scene is protomorphogens, or glandulars -- ground up glands of cattle. If one takes these for a year you get "hooked" on them. Your own glands stop producing hormones.

Many EBEs have no alimentary canals and no glands.

In some cancer clinics, these glandulars are used to treat cancer victims, and so are glands from human fetuses.

(p206) What is happening with the mutilations would make sense in human terms if the location on which the cattle grazed was important, or the parts taken could be used geobiologically (which they aren't).

(p208) UFOs are: Extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, interdimensional, and time travelers.

(p208) Some UFOs behave as if the UFO itself was a living organism. Comment: Refer to Trevor James Constable's book "Sky Creatures," for a discussion of biological aeroforms, of "Flying Saucers at Etibi-Raa," by Wendell Stevens for a discussion of just that subject.

(p208) Entities with cyborg-like traits, having both mechanical and biological features, turn up quite frequently in reports.

(p208) It is odd that among the viruses there are some that look like UFOs, like T. Bacteriophage. Do some UFO have the ability to operate in the micro-dimension of viruses? Comment: In the discipline of Yoga is noted the ability to become large or small.

(p209) Anyone with more access to even one more dimension than we have access to could evade our most carefully planned investigations indefinitely.

(p210) Modern brain capacity: 1300cc

Cro-magnon man: 1400cc

Baskop man (megroid [sic] race): 1800cc

The last two appeared quite suddenly.

(p210) Theory of Max H. Flindt attributes paradoxically rapid development of the human brain to interbreeding between primitive humanity and ETs.

According to Flindt, schizophrenia is caused by subconscious racial memory of the ET branch of the family tree, longing for home. Considerable differences between glandular and nervous systems between primitive humans and ETs would provide a basis for traumatic tension associated with regressed memory.

(p210) Our civilization has forgotten the existence of other intelligent beings in the universe.

(p211) The idea that Homo Sapiens is unique is becoming no longer tenable.

Continued in part 23

**** THE U.F.O. BBS - ****