Interaction With Alien Cultures Part 26

File: UFO301

History and Operations -- Operation Trojan Horse

The amusing little mystery of flying saucers slowly evolves into a complicated series of coincidences and paradoxes as we plunge deeper and deeper into the data, excluding nothing, and considering everything as objectively as possible.

Our skies have been filled with "Trojan Horses" throughout history, and like the original Trojan Horse, they SEEM to conceal hostile intent.

Several facts are now apparent:

o The objects have always chosen to operate in a clandestine manner, furtively choosing the hours of darkness for their enigmatic activities over thinly- populated areas, where the possibility of being detected is slight.

o The hostility factor is further supported by the fact that the objects chose, most often, to appear in forms which we can readily accept and explain to our own satisfaction -- ranging from dirigibles to meteors and conventional-appearing airplanes.

o The objects of unusual configuration, undoubtedly constituting a deceptive minority of all the paraphysical objects flitting about in our atmosphere.

In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were. They are a part of something else. John A. Keel called that something else "Operation Trojan Horse."

When one really digs into UFO literature, it readily becomes clear that the ultraterrestrials deliberately conveyed whatever impression that would meet the available frame of reference for that time.

Until 1848, the religious frame of reference was constantly used by the phenomenon. As man's technology improved many of our old beliefs were discarded and the "phenomenon" was obliged to update its manifestations and establish new frames of reference. No more objects were seen in 1947 than had been seen in 1847. We were simply seeing them in a new way. A new game was being played with us.

A new game has emerged: the artifact or hardware game. The phenomenon has always obliged us by planting false evidence all over the landscape.

UFO cultists trapped themselves into a hopeless situation almost from the outset. The apparent purpose of most of the landings seems to have been to advance belief in the frame of reference, not to provide absolute proof that the frame of reference is authentic.

Continued in part 27

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