"The USS Liberty: Dissenting History VS Official History" is a thoroughly researched, fully documented account of the efforts of the USS Liberty crew to tell their story to the world in the face of a lethargic press, a cowardly Congress, a series of timid administrations, and a pro-Israel public relations apparatus that has managed for 28 years to prevent any prolonged public discussion of this issue. "The USS Liberty" was written as a doctoral level thesis in partial fulfillment of the qualifications for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History at New York University by John Borne. Dr. Borne was granted his Ph.D. in 1993 based upon this work. He has taught history in New York State as an adjunct professor at various colleges and universities. Dr. Borne's study examines the examines the basic assertion by survivors that the attack was deliberate and balances this against the official statements by the US and Israeli governments. He reviews the crew's 28-year effort to tell its story to the American public, the frustrating failures, and in the end the remarkable degree of success the survivors have had with almost no resources in overcoming the lethargy at home and the determined resistance from abroad. "The USS Liberty" should be studied by journalism students and government decision-makers everywhere. It could well serve as the subject for journalism school seminars. It should be on the shelf of every radio, television, government and newspaper executive. It is a powerful study of a small group of men working together to overcome the resistance to their story by entrenched and powerful forces. In the end, the men succeed only partially. But the degree of success is astounding and admiral. This is must reading for anyone from either side of the issue who hopes to understand what the USS Liberty is all about. Get address and ordering information directly from the author by sending email to JoBorne@aol.com.